funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

funny bad amazon movie reviews | thumbnail includes two reviews Text - Amazon Movie Reviews @AmznMovieRevws The Emoji Movie. Reviewed in the United States on February 19, 2020 Format: Prime Video I have an aggressive niece who likes to pick fights at her elementary school, and she even bit one of her classmates last August.

Twitter Account Of Bad Amazon Movie Reviews Is Too Funny

funny tweets about non-americans not understanding American Halloween | thumbnail Text - Quarantined & Spooked @MartinCAlonso Soooo do Americans actually put candles in their pumpkins for Halloween???

Non-Americans Do Not Understand American Halloween - 20 Tweets

funniest women tweets we came across this week | thumbnail Text - Jessie @mommajessiec Sex is cool, but have you ever been running late and the person you're meeting texts they're running late?

Funny Tweets Written By Women

funniest parenting tweets of the week - thumbnail | James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn @XplodingUnicorn 6-year-old: Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Me: This better be important. 6: Do ghosts fart?

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (October 4, 2020)

funniest relationship tweets of the week | Maryfairyboberry @maryfairybobrry Marriage teaches us lots of things. Today my husband learned that the dish towels go in the kitchen

Funniest Relationship Tweets of The Week (October 2, 2020)

funniest women tweets we came across this week | thumbnail Text - Rachel @femaleredhead men be like "hand me the aux cord I'm about to change your life" then play drake

Week's Best 'Women Roasting Men' Tweets (September 30, 2020)

funniest dad tweets of the week - Text - Text - James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn @XplodingUnicorn Me: It's National Daughter Day. 8-year-old: What did you get me? Me: Nothing. It's not a gift-giving holiday. 8: I'll remember that on Father's Day

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (September 29, 2020)

funniest women tweets we came across this week | ABOLISH THE POLICE @dada_issues i was in a sex store today and this girl walked in, looked at me and went "hello, where are the strap ons?" like girl i don't work here but aisle 12

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (September 28, 2020)

funniest parenting tweets of the week - thumbnail | Text - Rhyming Mama @sarabellab123 Just when I thought we had turned a corner on this clusterfuck of a year, my daughter brought a recorder home from school.

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (September 27, 2020)

Funny memes of Robert Pattinson standing in kitchen | text - spooky blm donny @_donnydrama we kicked this dude out of the party 6 times and somehow he keeps getting back in literally no one knows who he is

Robert Pattinson Standing In The Kitchen Memes Makes Great Material

funniest relationship tweets we saw this week - Text - Jude, sexy siren of the south @heyitsJudeD My husband asked me what l'd like for my birthday Is 'a divorce' an appropriate answer? Asking for me.

Funniest Relationship Tweets of The Week (September 25, 2020)

funniest women roasting men tweets of the week - Text - Roxi Horror @roxiqt WOMEN: When I had my IUD inserted, I blacked out from the pain but it wasn't a big deal MEN: Condoms are uncomfy :( If I have to wear one, this is going to be the worst day of my life :(

Week's Best 'Women Roasting Men' Tweets (September 23, 2020)

funniest dad tweets of the week - Text - Dadman Walking @dadmann_walking I can clean my car, vacuum it squeaky clean. Put my kids in. Give them absolutely nothing and there's 52 lbs of crumbs in the seats when they get out. This is how I know children are 98% made up of crumbs.

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (September 22, 2020)

funniest women tweets we came across this week - Text - Rachel @femaleredhead girls be like "happy birthday to the craziest person i know" and it's just sarah

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (September 21, 2020)

funniest parenting tweets of the week - thumbnail | Text - mark @TheCatWhisprer Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me between 2 and 50 times and you're my 5yo getting out of bed at night.

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (September 20, 2020)

funniest relationship tweets of the week - cover pic | Text - Goats? @Gooooats It's unfair of my wife to assume that I'm the one who absentmindedly put the milk away in the cereal cabinet. I mean, I definitely did it, but she shouldn't just assume.

Funniest Relationship Tweets of The Week (September 18, 2020)