twitter thread

twitter thread about cheese shop | thumbnail text -Olivia Smith @OliveFSmith The woman in the cheese shop told me she had a cheese from 2019 that she suspects is so delicious because 'it didn't know about any of this' 9:21 PM · Dec 13, 2021 · Twitter Web App

Twitter Thread Reveals Aged Cheeses From 2019 Taste Better As They Are Relics From Happier Times

twitter thread about similaraties we have with orangutans | thumbnail text -  Full Metal Jackalope @FullJackalope Replying to @MynachMelyn and @Chinchillazllla I saw a thing online once from someone who'd been breastfeeding on a seat next to an orangutan enclosure and was feeling really stressed, then an orangutan with a baby came and sat and fed their baby right next to them. Like 'oh hi we both have babies let's hang out'. 12:18 AM · Dec 13, 2021 · Twitter Web App

Orangutans: They're Just Like Us (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about children's party | thumbnnail text -Aishaläiile @Aisha94 My plans for today were drinking a few glasses of wine and having lots of sex. Unfortunately things didn't go to plan and l'm at a child's party. Help me. 6:10 PM · Dec 11, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Woman Who Planned For Drinking Wine And Getting Laid Somehow Ends Up At Children's Party Instead (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread modern teens | thmbnail text -  Beth @tiedwithaswift Twitter teens be like "how are you 25 and on twitter still" like sweetie do you think this isn't your future too?? 11:45 AM · Dec 10, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

People Poke Fun At Teens Who Bash People They Deem To Be Too Old For Social Media

twitter thread about christmas | thumbnail text - Danny Groner @DannyGroner Replying to @rachsyme I appreciated that I saw someone post on LinkedIn this morning, "H

People Discuss The December Phenomenon Of Clocking Out At Work Till Next Year (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread | thumbnail text - Pali Kaur @wittypunjaban Replying to @abbygov Being a Playa teaches you not to let one person control your self worth. 7:52 AM · Dec 7, 2021 · Twitter for Android

Women Reveal The Benefits Of Playing the Field (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread | thumbnail text - Joo @JoosyJew Replying to @tractorgirly The clothes are actually in the right place. It's the basket that's in the wrong place. 1:34 PM · Dec 7, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Men Explain Why They Leave Their Clothes At The Side Of The Laundry Basket Instead Of Inside It (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread | thumbnail text -  Font - Aishalääile @Aisha94 I cannot believe the man who broke my heart had the audacity to ask me if I want a threeway with him and his new girlfriend. Why is my love life a catastrophe. 3:14 PM · Dec 7, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Man Has The Audacity To Break Woman's Heart Then Ask Her To Participate In Threesome With His New Girlfriend

twitter thread windshield wipers | thumbnail text -  damien (dima) @damienkronfeld there's something that really embarrasses me about windshield wipers going at their highest speed. it's like i know u have a job to do but you guys are kind of freaking out 9:19 PM · Dec 5, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

People Reveal Why Windshield Wipers On The Highest Speed Are Anxiety Inducing

people reveal their biggest fears | thumbnail text - prth @paaarth319 dying with regret, geyser exploding mid-shower, and being ambushed by ostriches

People Reveal Their Biggest Fears (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread abot offline BFs | thmbnail text - known gaslighter @AFABRocky ... tbh “offline boyfriends" are overrated. there is an insurmountable cultural, linguistic, and humor gap between people with internet-poisoned brain and people without it. you'll never truly relate to each other, and you'll feel crazy trying to explain your jokes to him. 8:16 PM · Nov 30, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Internet-Obsessed People Debate Whether 'Offline Boyfriends' Are Worth Dating

Hot Girl Summer Tweets That Showcase The Many Different Ways To Experience It| thumbnail text - Chandler de Medici @inceliklihayta7 hot girl summer 7:53 PM · 7/22/21 · Twitter for iPhone 34 Retweets 1 Quote Tweet 1,068 Likes

Hot Girl Summer Tweets That Showcase The Many Different Ways To Experience It

taylor swift and dylan o' brien twitter thread | thumbnail text -  Dylan O'Brien Fan (Taylor's Version) @ILove_You_Dylan ... 8:45 PM - Nov 21, 2021 - Twitter for Android

Twitter Thread Proves That Taylor Swift And Dylan O'Brien Are The Same Person

twitter thread abo wh men shouldn't date career women | thumbnail text - Lovers' Guide ... @guideforlovers She basically replaced your spot with her CAREER. You're not her priority anymore and then she stops even being interested in starting a family with you. Now, everything you ever wanted to have is gone. And you turn into a depressed man. 11:56 PM · Nov 15, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Ridiculous Twitter Thread Spews Nonsense About Why Men Shouldn't Date Career Women

wholesome ways people met the one offline | thumbnail text -Robyn Porteous @RobynPorteous Replying to @_moshimosho Yes! We met running. Well, I was running and he was serving water at the tables every 4km along the route around Cradle. By the third table, I was very aware that this handsome man would be waiting at every table and it certainly made the kilometres between a bit easier e 2:20 PM · Nov 2, 2021 · Twitter Web App

People Reveal Wholesome Ways They Met The One Outside Of Dating Apps and DMs (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about unhinged man who cursed out woman because he didn't want to pay for her on a date | thumbnail text -  it me, dani (and i'm back) @melaninbarbie I asked for a date and this man sends some of the most wild shit I ever seen in my life. Calling me a bitch for what????? Are CIS MEN OK?????

Unhinged Man Curses Out Woman Who Asked Him To Take Her Out On A Date (Twitter Thread)