twitter thread

funny tweets about feral things people have been doing during quarantine | Text - KDramasNSilents @KDramasNSilents Replying to @drewtoothpaste Ate an entire diced raw cabbage out if a bowl cuz i got tired partway through prep and didn't want to cook anymore. And then I did it again with the cabbage i bought to replace that cabbage.

People Confess 'Most Feral Thing' They Did Over Past Six Months, Funny Twitter Thread

how twitter responded to burger king's sexist joke

The Best Twitter Responses To Burger King's Misogynist Tweet

Twitter thread about how horny guys are easily led to their death in horror movies due to their inability to detect shady situations | thumbnail text - Men horror movies are always like wow sexy lady just emerged woods/bog/cave/lake etc. and wants kiss Nothing suspicious about this!

Funny Twitter Thread Reveals The Stupidity of Horny Guys in Horror Movies

people share their bizarre childhood beliefs | thumbnail Text - Moose Friend @sarahthemoose Replying to @Kristen Arnett My dad told me the appendix was an organ our cavemen ancestors needed to hold rocks to grind up their food I was TWENTY TWO about to go in for emergency surgery, crying "I've never even eaten any rocks" when the ER docs had a good laugh at me 5:08 PM · Dec 20, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone >

People Reveal Weird Childhood Beliefs

people share the ridiculous things they did for losers they were in love with | thumbnail Text - Christmas trees & COVID vaccines @teedotham Replying to @literElly At twenty-and-one-whole-idiot years old, a guy asked me to pretend to be a delivery person and take his ex [who he was trying to win back] flowers and a bear. My ass walked into a lecture hall and she clocked me IMMEDIATELY, then pulled me out in the hall to yell at me [..fair]. 5:37 AM Dec 21, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone

People Reveal Ridiculous Things They Did When They Were 'In Love'

twitter thread of women describing being a woman without using the word woman | thumbnail Text - Sanjana Singh @filmy_singh A whole market thrives on my insecurities about my body O Gayatri @jestme Dec 10 Tell me you're a woman without telling me you're a woman. Show this thread 12:00 PM Dec 11, 2020 Twitter Web App >

Tweets About Being A Woman Without Saying 'Woman'

kids describe their parents jobs in funny twitter thread | thumbnail Text - Household Government @LadyBugAssassin My friend's daughter was asked by her teacher what does her mother do for a living. Miss thing said move papers around and talk on the phone. My friend is a judge. 9 11:03 PM Oct 19, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 14.8K Retweets 678 Quote Tweets 130.5K Likes >

Kids Describing Their Parent's Jobs: Funny Twitter Thread

funny twitter thread about craziest foods people snuck into movie theatres | thumbnail Text - jessica rose marie @Catholic_Rose Replying to @LocalSoundwave Once I sat next to a lady that looked pregnant. Then she pulled half a seran wrapped watermelon out from under her shirt and started eating it with a spoon from her purse. 7:02 AM Dec 4, 2020 - Twitter Web App 65 Retweets 15 Quote Tweets 2.5K Likes

Large Servings Of Food Movie Goers Snuck Into Theatres: Twitter Thread

heartwarming stories of how people met their partners | thumbnail Text - Cheryl Strayed @CherylStrayed 9/24/95: I was broke so I sold my things at a friend's yard sale. A handsome man rode up on a bicycle and bought a pencil sharpener in the shape of an airplane from me. We flirted. He invited me to join him and his friend for dinner that night. I did. His friend is my husband. Jennifer Williams @jreganwilliams Sep 6 I may have asked this before but how did you meet your partner? I

Heartwarming Twitter Thread Of How People Met Their Partners

Debate on Twitter as Tampax creates inclusive campaign for all people who bleed | thumbnail text - Tampax O @Tampax 000 TAMPAX Fact: Not all women have periods. Also a fact: Not all people with periods are women. Let's celebrate the diversity of all people who bleed! V9: @gobeeharris #mythbusting #periodtruths #transisbeautiful 2:31 AM Sep 16, 2020 · Twitter Web App 2.5K Retweets 8K Quote Tweets 13.7K Likes Buffy the misogynist slayer (cervix haver) @Opiumbrella Replying to @Tampax and @gobeehar

Twitter Debate As Tampax Celebrates ‘All People Who Bleed’, In Inclusive Period Campaign

man complains on Twitter that he can't get a date despite having 700lbs. of beef a year | thumbnail Text - Dangerously Beefy @vickers_stephen 000 My housing is paid for. I make a good salary. I get health insurance, 401k, 700 Ibs of beef a year, and I live on a couple hundred acres. I'm a puncher by trade with a bachelors degree. And I swear you women would rather have a loser than a provider. It's sad

Man With 700lbs. Of Beef Can't Get A Date: Funny Twitter Thread

funny infographic showing women's average height in each country | thumbnail - Text - Text - Sabah Ibrahim @reina_sabah As an Indian woman, I can confirm that too much of my time is spent hiding behind a rock praying the terrifying gang of international giant ladies and their Latvian general don't find me

Ridiculous Pictograph Of Average Female Height Per Country: Funny Twitter Thread

people share stories of finding success over the age of 40 | Text - Jan Owen @janjowen Replying to @muranofiction My husband died when I was 48. I finished my bachelors at 50 and started grad school at 51. I graduated at almost 54. Then I started a counseling private practice. So- new degree, new business, new career.

People's Stories Of Finding Success Over The Age Of 40

funny tweets of Michael's store website online chat function with customers

Michaels’ Store Website Has Function To Chat With Other Shoppers: Funny Twitter Thread

stories of people flashing professionals by mistake - cover pic tweet about woman who unnecessarily took off pants and underwear when getting hip tattoo | sarah schauer @sarahschauer having bad flashback time got my hip tattoo and took off my pants and underwear and tattoo artist said absolutely did not need

Woman Unnecessarily Flashed Tattoo Artist, Inspires Others To Reveal Similar Mistakes

twitter thread of people revealing their age without numbers | @ddtorrez28 #RevealYourAgeWithoutNumbers My after school specials were these shows Calliou Arthur Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman | Ashley @CookiesNCyanide #RevealYourAgeWithoutNumbers trying write on one these not smear all over place

People Reveal Their Age Without Numbers - Twitter Thread