twitter thread

twitter thread about how people got the ick on dates | thumbnail text - MrFantastic824 B.A.B.G. @mrfantastic824 BARD Replying to @NotShood  so now you need to be 6ft, make 6 figures, have a 6 pack, and be able eat your food at 600 degrees? It's hard out here bruh lol. 9:06 PM May 26, 2022. Twitter Web App

People React To Woman Who Got The Ick Because Her Date Had The Audacity To Blow On His Food (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about woman who went on 55 dates in 70 days | thumbnail text -  Genya Coulter @Election Babe Replying michelletandler don't think been on 55 dates my entire life. 5:37 AM May 17, 2022. Twitter iPhone

Twitter Freaks Out Over Woman Who Went On 55 Dates In 70 Days

weird date twitter thread | thumbnail text - Like what you see? Find more hilarious women's memes and crazy stories on our Instagram @Cheezcake_Humor and more videos on our YouTube Channel

Unhinged Man Speaks For All 90 Minutes Of A Date, Woman Only Realizes How Weird He Was After Deep Reflection

twitter thread about getting unmatched after joking about first child's baby name on dating app | thumbnail text - Alex Katayama @vexedalex Replying to @EmilyKaitlinnn wow we have maybe 2-3 legitimate shots at finding our soul mates in this life and this dude's running around like he's got infinite do-overs 7:40 AM · Apr 21, 2022 · Twitter for Android

Man With No Sense Of Humor Unmatches Woman On Dating App After She Jokes About Naming Their First Child 'Megatron'

twitter thread about avoiding pooping in front of boyfriend | thumbnail text - Mimici @MİMICİ_ Replying to @OnlineAlison If there's a Chinese pharmacy near you, ask for anti-mucous powder. Nothing will come out of your body for days. Or slip him laxatives, to even the field/provide cover for your poops. 5:49 AM - Apr 20, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

People Offer Hilarious Advice To Woman Who Doesn't Want To Poop In Front Of Her Boyfriend On Vacation (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about unfiltered dating takes | thumbnail text-  Nutrition coach OlaFatLoss Replying aChildOf2Worlds Most women don't know 's their job keep man committed relationship fails s because didn't do job right. 11:40 PM Apr 8, 2022 Twitter iPhone

People Tweet Their Most 'Cancellable' Dating Takes (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about creepy children | thumbnail text -  Word Salad with Cheez WordSaladWCheez Replying LilahSturges My 3yo would sit and stare at same corner ceiling and say he looking at Hahas. Responding questions, he said Hahas were all black, had no eyes, no face, but big mouth, and sometimes they hang on staircase too, and then stopped asking questions. 7:58 PM Apr 6, 2022 Twitter Android

People Share Their Creepiest Encounters With Children, And Things Get Spooky Real Quick (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about toddlers wildly misbehaving | thumbnail text - @Ke11yDiaz Replying holy_schnitt toddler slapped Ikea and screamed DON'T LIKE because made eye contact with him while he throwing temper tantrum just eating meatballs peacefully and he ran across room straight at His parents were mortified. 9:25 PM Mar 20, 2022 Twitter Android

15 Times Toddlers Were Absolute Terrors For No Reason

twitter thread about man on date who thinks calamari and caviar are the same thing | thumbnail text - rebecca mix on deadline @mixbecca an extremely bad date is happening in this coffee shop and i am... spellbound? this guy is arguing about what calamari is. he's 100% describing caviar. the man next to them is side eyeing them. she keeps trying to politely explain what calamari is. i am going to lose my mind 3:27 AM - Mar 19, 2022 · Twitter Web App

Woman Eavesdrops On Bad Coffee Shop Date In Which Man Is Convinced That Calamari Is Caviar

twitter thread about internet insults | thumbnail text -  Lawrence @SBINF Replying thedigitaldash_ One time this dude told looked like wore fedora and referred women as "m'lady 10:32 PM Mar 13, 2022 Twitter Web App

People Recall Internet Insults They Received That Will Stick With Them For Life (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about socially awkward moments | thumbnail text - Sam @SamDesel Replying to @DoctorPissPants You don't know true embarrassment until you wave at someone who was waving to the person behind you. 4:15 AM - Mar 9, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

Eight Awkward Moments That Are Embarrassing For No Reason (Twitter Thread)

our moods are directly connected to the weather | thumbnail text -  Seo (0 + C+ Y) 서은미 @meowseo Replying to @theferocity Saeed you're a lil plant, you need the nutrients Y IT'S WHAT WE CRAVE 7:02 PM - Mar 7, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

Our Moods Are Scientifically Connected To The Weather, So We've Accepted That We're Simply Large Plants (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about wanting to work from home to avoid the commute | thumbnail text - on house @SeeYouAroundKid Replying roastmalone_ and @radtoria just really miss small talk no one, ever 7:50 PM Mar 7, 2022 Twitter Android

People Roast Employees That Are Happy To Return To The Office For Socializing (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about toxic diet trends | thumbnail text - Packaged goods - Ma'am l'm Catholic Slut @consensualhugs Replying ambernoelle Eating entire box snack well cookies trying feel some kinda satisfaction and finding none. NEW IMPROVED RECIPE! 40% LESS FAT SnackWell's MARSHMALLOW! Devil's Food COOKIE CAKES FREE Sigh tructose corn sy Partalty tydregenated NET WT 6 75 0Z (191| 11:41 PM Mar 1, 2022 Twitter iPhone

Women Reminisce About Toxic Diet Trends They Participated In As Kids Because Their Moms Were Doing It

twitter thread about men who are hilariously passionate about google maps | thumbnail text - Bayek Sowa @SowaTheArrog Replying wife_geist on vacation Cancun looked up see long 'd take drive home reason don't know 4:33 PM Mar 2, 2022 Twitter Web App

Men Unite Over Their Irrational Passion For Checking How Far Places Are On Google Maps (Twitter Thread)

A Euphoria TikTok Account Created an Imaginary Twitter Thread Between Characters and it's Spot On

A Euphoria TikTok Account Created an Imaginary Twitter Thread Between Characters and it's Spot On