
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

15 Samantha Jones memes about being single and fabulous | Thumbnail includes a picture of Samantha Jones from Sex and The City raising a glass of red liquid 'Samantha was a New York inspiration. SAMANTHA JONES Public Relations Executive Unmarried Woman'

'We're single and fabulous': 15 Times Samantha Jones Coached Us Through Dating & Inspired Us To Stay Single (Funny Memes)

12 screenshots of funny tweets relating to online dating on Hinge | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from a funny tweet about dating apps on a pink background 'being banned on tinder, bumble, AND hinge for literally no reason whatsoever in the middle of a cold and rainy cuffing season is in fact my villain origin story'

The Hottest Hinge Tweets Of The Week For The Unhinged Crowd (January 9, 2023)

men feels funny memes Memes crushes crush women dating - 18925573

Memes That Explain The Mix of Feels You Have When You Have a Crush

twitter dating memes dating tweets funny memes dating-introverts Memes twitter memes tweets introvert funny tweets introverts dating - 18931205

"I'd Rather Read A Book": Hilarious Memes and Tweets That Accurately Explain What It’s Like Dating an Introvert

21 wholesome relationship memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Spongebob crying and a picture of him carrying a bunch of hearts. Thumbnail also includes a picture of two kids hugging and standing next to wall 'Me spending money on myself: off Vs. Me spending money on my boo: when u the baddest and he's the realest'

21 Wholesome Romantic Relationship Memes For Couples Whose Spark Is Alive & Well

23 funny memes about drama queen girls who always have something to say | Thumbnail includes a picture of an African American woman sitting and looking out in a far and a picture of a cartoon penguin sitting on a chair and crossing its arms to show that he's not happy 'When he hasn't texted in three hours and you're wondering if you can even do this anymore no matter how much time you spend with her this how ya girl be when you bout to leave'

Funniest & Feistiest Dating Memes For Dramatic Girlies That Always Have Something To Complain About (21 Memes)

Best Relatable Memes Of the Week For The Single Pringles Stuck On Dating Apps (January 7, 2023)

Best Relatable Memes Of the Week For The Single Pringles Stuck On Dating Apps (January 7, 2023)

11 screenshots from a Reddit thread about how a girl walked in on her boyfriend cheating on her with his friend and then he threatened her if she were ever to tell anyone 'I just caught my boyfriend making out with his guy best friend I'm currently at a friends house. I've been bombarded with texts from Jacob threatening to leak my n... de photos if I dare tell anyone what happened. My friend already knows but it's not like I was planning to tell everybody?'

"If I'm going down, you're going too': BF Cheats On His GF With His Male Best Friend & Threatens To Expose GF's Private Pics If She Ever Dares To Tells Anyone

24 zodiac sign memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a cartoon princess with red hair and a gold crown sleeping under a pink blanket and a picture of Daisy Duck sleeping in a blue bed 'how aries sleeps after a long day of being dramatic and fighting with everyone how libra sleeps after a long day of flirting and leading people on'

Brutally Honest Zodiac Memes To illustrate What It's Like Dating Each Sign Of The Calendar (24 Memes)

best friend finds out her male best friend is cheating on his sweetheart of a girlfriend and decides to rat him out to his girlfriend, the toxic best friend is now out of her life and she has a new bestie, her ex-bff's girlfriend that he cheated on

'Call me a snitch, I don't care, I'd do it again': Woman Discovers Her Best Friend Is Cheating On His Girlfriend, Makes the Decision to Rat Him Out and Has No Regrets

'Girl, You're My Soulmate!' : Funniest and Most Wholesome Green Flag Experiences in Ladies Rooms

'Here, Have My Clothes' : Funniest and Most Wholesome Green Flag Moments in the Ladies Room

‘Babe, the Balloons Are Gone!’ : Boyfriend Has Most Wholesome Reaction When Clumsy Girlfriend Loses Balloons She Bought as a Surprise for His Birthday

‘Babe, the Balloons Are Gone!’ : Boyfriend Has Most Wholesome Reaction When Clumsy Girlfriend Loses Balloons She Bought as a Surprise for His Birthday

21 funny memes about crushing on someone who doesn't even know you exist | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man sitting in an office and showing two thumbs up and a picture of Kendal Jenner crying 'Over 7 billion people in this world and you think I'm gonna chase someone who doesn't even want me? hahaha That's exactly what I'm gonna do stalking his page and hurting my own feelings.'

21 Most Relatable Crush Memes For The People Crushing On Someone Who Doesn't Even Know They Exist

15 funny love memes about people that are very sensitive and emotional | Thumbnail includes a picture of Agnes from the movie Minions giving puppy dog eyes, thumbnail also includes a picture of Spongebob laughing and Mr. Crab looking annoyed 'My man minding his business: Me: you still like me?? me asking for the thousandth time if he loves me, and he answer me for the thousandth time yes...'

15 Fragile Love Memes For Sensitive Girlies That Need Constant Reassurance

25 funny memes about failed relationships and tragic dating histories | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man giving a presentation while standing near a white board and a picture of a man sitting on a pink couch with a confused look on his face 'Friend: girl what's going on with ? you haven't mentioned him recently Me: In conclusion, I got played *talks to cute person once* me: okay there's no reason to tell my friends and get them all excited it was just a conversation me 5 minutes later:'

25 Tragicomic Situationship Memes To Perfectly Describe Our Catastrophic Dating Life

funniest relationship memes we found this week that are for funny and witty couples who love to roast each other

The Funniest Memes From This Week for Witty Couples Who Roast Each Other in the Relationship (January 5, 2023)