
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

funniest relationship memes we found this week that are for funny and witty couples who love to roast each other

The Funniest Memes From This Week for Witty Couples Who Roast Each Other in the Relationship (January 5, 2023)

14 screenshots from a wholesome Reddit post about a wife whose pregnancy made her fall in love with her husband | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of the Reddit post and two pink block boxes with a quote 'My pregnancy changed how I feel about my husband I can't seem to get enough of him and I find myself follov uppy, and H home hangL always makes sure to take regular breaks so I can sit on his lap for a few minutes here and there. 'I'm just too obsessed with him now''

'Pregnancy hormones nudging you in the right direction': Woman Tells Wholesome Story Of How Pregnancy Made Her Fall In Love With Her Husband

12 funny memes about girls that love emotionally unstable men | Thumbnail includes a picture of a woman constructer worker and a woman speaking into a microphone '"He's just broken, I think I can fix him." Sis, he's got 8 other women trying to fix him. Don't be part of the construction crew. ME "I Can Fix Him," Says Woman Who Is Worse'

'Calm down, Bob the Builder': Hilarious Memes For The Girls That Think They Can Fix Every Crazy Dude Out There

15 screenshots from a Reddit post about a wife cheating on her husband that puts 0 effort into the relationship and places all responsibilities on her | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from a Reddit post and a pink box with a quote 'This has been their whole relationship not just aft the affair, but prior to it too. So although I abs un get of 'My mom cheated on my dad... and I get why' len. I les ca to ta care of her doesn't do that. I catch myself thinking occasionally "they should really'

'My mom cheated on my dad and I get why': Wife Cheats On Lazy Husband Who Puts 0 Effort Into Relationship, He Forgives Because He Can't Survive Without Her

memes for woman who are not afraid to make the first move and ask out a guy on a date.

Funniest Memes of the Week for the Romantically Ambitious Ladies Always Making the First Move (January 4, 2023)

27 Best Complicated Relationship Memes of the Week for the Unstable Crowd (January 4, 2023)

27 Best Complicated Relationship Memes of the Week for the Unstable Crowd (January 4, 2023)

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2023 Dating Culture is All About Self Love and Giving Up Dating Apps, According to Twitter

24 wholesome memes for girls who have healthy relationships with their partners and their fathers | Thumbnail includes a picture of an orange cat hugging and latching onto a human and a picture of a monkey smiling with messed up hair 'get hug and realize much needed "babe wake up i brought you food" my girl:'

24 Wholesome Dating Memes For The Lucky Girls That Have A Good Relationship With Their Father

12 screenshots from a Reddit post written by a boyfriend whose girlfriend thinks the boyfriend's best girl friend is crossing boundaries | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from a Reddit post 'My girlfriend thinks my girl space friend is crossing boundaries. I (19M) have been in a relationship with my girlfriend (20F) for over 3 years, I've known her for 5. I've known my other friend (20F) for around the same time. My friend, who'll we'll call Greta, and I, talk a lot. Greta sometimes asks for'

'You need to decide who your girlfriend is': Oblivious Boyfriend Thinks He Can Have The Best Of Both Worlds By Juggling A Girlfriend & A Girl Friend

21 funny memes about breaking up | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a text and a picture of a man sitting at a table covered in red flags 'Ex's be like "I gave you everything!" Nah, you gave me a headache, a little debt, severe chest pain and 3 new personalities with a splash of trust issues and a reason to drink. "What's your type?" Me:'

Relatable Break-Up Memes For The Girlies That Saw The Red Flags But Ignored Them Anyway (January 4, 2023)

21 Cuffing Season Memes: Best Wholesome Relationship Funnies Of The Week (January 3, 2023)

21 Cuffing Season Memes: Best Wholesome Relationship Funnies Of The Week (January 3, 2023)

‘I Thought We Were in a Relationship’ : Delusional Dude Gets Next Level Friend Zoned After Wrongly Assuming He Had a Girlfriend for 3 Years

‘I Thought We Were in a Relationship’ : Delusional Dude Gets Next Level Friend Zoned After Wrongly Assuming He Had a Girlfriend for 3 Years

12 screenshots of funny and weird Tinder conversations | Thumbnail includes two screenshots from a Tinder conversation 'Yeah the kids are asleep Today 3:16 AM What are your Tinder goals? Idk friends or more ... humans with similar Interests What a coincidence! Me too. What are you doing this weekend? We can meet up for coffee since a movie is out of the question Idk what's you sign Gemini I You? Today 3:43 AM What's your favorite coffee? I like blended grasshopper mocha with extra chocolate'

Tinder Tuesday: Wildest Tinder Convos Of The Week For A Funny Start To The New Year (January 3, 2023)

13 screenshots from a Twitter thread where women talked about the moment they knew their partner was the one | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from a Reddit thread 'When we had both been homeless and sleeping in a truck together but didnt complain about it because we were together despite everything we had been through. It is one of my favorite memories of us together, our absolute lowest point.'

'No red flags in sight': Women Discuss The Moment They Knew Their Partner Was The One (Heartwarming Thread)

22 funny memes about women being man-eaters | Thumbnail includes a picture of Kylie Jenner smirking and a picture of Kim Kardashian screaming while being caught in a crowd of people '"We used to talk." First of all, I was bored. When all four of your boyfriends are at the same bar.'

Macho Man-Eater Memes for the Ladies That Know No Man Is Irreplaceable (21 Memes)

‘Don't Talk Down To Me!’ : Jealous Boyfriend Confronts His Show Off Girlfriend Who Scolds Him After Safety Rock Climbing Glitch

‘Don't Talk Down To Me!’ : Jealous Boyfriend Confronts His Show Off Girlfriend Who Scolds Him After Safety Rock Climbing Glitch