
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

funniest and most relatable memes for girls who aren't afraid to make the first move and flirt first

Most Relatable Memes of the Week for the Romantically Ambitious Flirts Who Always Make the First Move (January 11, 2023)

20+ Best Complicated Relationship Memes of the Week for the Unstable Crowd (January 11, 2023)

20+ Best Complicated Relationship Memes of the Week for the Unstable Crowd (January 11, 2023)

17 funny memes about marriage | Thumbnail includes a picture of a brown monkey with a big belly and a selfie from a white man 'When she did her hair and makeup and spent $120.89 on lingerie to see me stand at the end of the bed like... Why did you send this I thought you liked me'

Funniest Marriage Memes To Perfectly Describe What 'Happily Ever After' Is Really Like

13 screenshots from a Twitter thread about men that have cats and are more respectful towards women | Thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sleeping on a human's chest and a picture of The Tiger King with a white tiger 'Why do I feel like men who have cats respect women more this is a liar, my ex has a cat and he it's the worst person I have meet in my entire life'

'If he has a cat, he can get it': Women Lean Towards Men With Cats Instead Of Dogs Because Cats Equal Consent & Dogs - Dominance (Twitter Thread)

12 screenshots from a Reddit post about a fiance that cheated on his soon to be wife and broke up with her over the phone | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of the Reddit post along with a pink box and a highlighted quote on it 'Fiancé broke off our engagement via a phone call and not is no to w I cor I wa 'He cheated with the colleague he told me not to worry about' I'm t family has been pulled from under me and I don't understand what's happening.'

'It was with the colleague I was told not to worry about': Phoney Fiancé Breaks Off Engagement With Soon To Be Wife But Not Before Cheating On Her First

‘If You Could Marry a Celebrity, Who Would It Be?’ : Romantic Reddit Thread Revealing Hollywood Fan Favorites

‘If You Could Marry a Celebrity, Who Would It Be?’ : Romantic Reddit Thread Revealing Hollywood Fan Favorites

21 wholesome love memes for power couples | Thumbnail includes a picture of an African American woman crying and a picture of a white woman sitting on a chair giving an interview and her husband waving in the background behind a window 'Coming home to find out your S.O. already has dinner made MY WIFE DOING ANYTHING ME'

21 Heartwarming Hubby Memes For The Wives Whose Husbands Are Their Number One Fans

memes for girlfriends and/or boyfriends whose main love language is to give and get attention

Most Relatable Memes from This Week for Funny Lovers Who Require All of the Attention in the Relationship (January 10, 2023)

22 Cuffing Season Memes: Best Wholesome Relationship Funnies Of The Week (January 10, 2023)

22 Cuffing Season Memes: Best Wholesome Relationship Funnies Of The Week (January 10, 2023)

crazy psycho date night funny memes Memes women dating dating advice - 18924549

15 Superb Memes That Your Inner Crazy Will Appreciate

12 screenshots of funny Tinder conversations | Thumbnail includes two screenshots of two Tinder conversations 'Hey gorgeous how you doin Today 9:37 AM If I said you had to burn all your Alabama gear in order for us to have children who would conquer dynasties and bring liberty and justice for all to all humans until the end of time would you do it Lol funny you should say that cause I just had a house fire about two weeks ago and don't have any bama stuff left so not a issue Hard pass Well mayb'

Tinder Tuesday: Wildest & Wittiest Tinder Conversations Of The Week (January 10, 2023)

19 screenshots of replies from men to the question why they don't go to therapy | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a Reddit text with a highlighted quote on a pink box 'Why don't you go to therapy? WH no it, mu 'My therapist dropped me after I opened up and cried' Paying a stranger $80/hour won't change that.'

'My therapist dropped me after I opened up and cried': 19 Reasons Why Men Don't Go To Therapy According To Men Themselves

18 wholesome memes about marriage | Thumbnail includes a picture of an elderly couple kissing and a picture of a written test 'A 'PERFECT MARRIAGE' IS JUST TWO IMPERFECT PEOPLE WHO REFUSE TO GIVE UP ON EACH OTHER 6. a) Who is your hero? My father b) Why do you consider this person a hero? He is not afraid of anything... c) Is there anything your hero is frightened of? му.. mother'

18 Wholesome Love Memes For Married Couples Whose Love Is So Strong It Can Take On Anything

25 funny memes about crazy girlfriends | Thumbnail includes a picture of a grim reaper in a school hallway and a picture of an African American woman taking a selfie form a lower angle 'How I walk into a man's life getting ready to stress him out with my psychotic ways him: "babe she's just a friend.." me:'

25 Crazy Girlfriend Memes For The Cute But Psycho Girls To Relate To

men new years cute relationships Memes mr-right women dating - 18925061

12 Memes That Highlight The Relationships We All Want To Be In

15 Samantha Jones memes about being single and fabulous | Thumbnail includes a picture of Samantha Jones from Sex and The City raising a glass of red liquid 'Samantha was a New York inspiration. SAMANTHA JONES Public Relations Executive Unmarried Woman'

'We're single and fabulous': 15 Times Samantha Jones Coached Us Through Dating & Inspired Us To Stay Single (Funny Memes)