
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

20 funny memes about crazy girlfriends | Thumbnail includes a picture of Beyonce at a funeral and a picture of two female characters from Arthur talking on the phone 'When he doesn't reply so u host a funeral for him cuz he must be dead sis log into your Instagram & see what he posting because he blocked me..'

20 Funniest Crazy GF Memes To Start Your Week Off With An Evil Laugh (January 16, 2023)

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Every First Date Thought & Reaction You’ve Ever Had in Memes

boyfriend keeps giving his girlfriend water as a prank, but finds out that 'watering' your girlfriend is the key to a healthy relationship

'I've never seen her happier': Boyfriend Cracks the "Girlfriend Code" By Bringing Her a Comical Amount of Water Throughout the Day

red flag, marriage, married life, trust issues, trust, wife, husband, best friends, hubby, drama, unpopular opinion, relationships, dating, toxic

Suspicious Wife Thinks It's Weird for Her Hubby to Have a Female Best Friend, Claiming It's a Red Flag

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Sassy Relationship Memes for Emotionally Unavailable Singles Who Are Definitely Not Taking Part in Cuffing Season

15 memes about passionate love and lust | Thumbnail includes a picture of a Bratz doll with messed up hair and a picture of a fish from Spongebob getting play-choked '"Oh nothing happened, we just watched a movie" him: "this what you wanted?" me: "YeeEeEEeesSssSsss!"'

Spicy Love Memes For The Passionate Couples That Like To Get Risqué During Netflix & Chill

11 screenshots from a Reddit post with horrible first date stories | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of text and a pink box with yellow highlighted text on it 'When I was living in Thailand, I lived in a small town O, at the w ai to go ou and in dude! '5 minutes into the date he tells me he likes to sh*t under the stars' pp ian ostel. ab a He wa beer, and literally 5 minutes into the date he'

First Date Horror Stories That Did Not See The Light Of Date Two

‘What’s Your Biggest Ick?’ : Funniest Immediate Romantic Turns Offs That Made People Nope Right Out of the First Date

‘What’s Your Biggest Ick?’ : Funniest Immediate Romantic Turns Offs That Made People Nope Right Out of the First Date

21 funny memes about women that always do the cooking and the cleaning in the marriage | Thumbnail includes a red square with white text on it and a picture of a woman rolling her eyes and a man standing behind her 'If at first don't succeed try doing way wife told When you look in the cabinets and find everything rearranged'

21 Relatable Wifey Memes For The Wives That Do The Cooking & The Cleaning & Always Know Where The Keys Are Hiding

20 wholesome relationship memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Jerry from Tom and Jerry stretching his back and a picture of Sponge bob holding Squidward's butt while he climbs up a boat 'My boyfriend waking up with back pain from carrying the weight of having a beautiful girlfriend like me me supporting my boyfriend reach his goals'

20 Wholesome Relationship Memes To Send To Your Boyfriend As A Reminder That He Did, In Fact, Score The Girlfriend Jackpot

16 screenshots from a Reddit thread about all the last things people have said to their exes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a hand written note being burned with text on top of it 'by feel I am here for the cat. (that so st-pace. and. Remove the electric bill from my name, I've left the keys to the house. I hope you find what you're looking for. ne being our feelings as I know nully ap Pay your child support. ex's...'

'You were only holding me back': Brutally Honest People Of The Internet Share The Last Words They Said To Their Horrible Exes

relatable memes for witty couples who are funny and love to roast each other

The Funniest Memes From This Week for Witty Couples Who Roast Each Other in the Relationship (January 12, 2023)

Best Relatable Memes Of the Week For The Single Pringles Stuck On Dating Apps (January 12, 2023)

Best Relatable Memes Of the Week For The Single Pringles Stuck On Dating Apps (January 12, 2023)

29 funny marriage memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a woman standing and leaning against a wooden rail. Thumbnail also includes a picture of a man without a shirt sleeping and his wife right next to him 'when ur waiting for him to apologize but he dont know he did something wrong bc u didnt tell him bc he should know When it was supposed to be sexy night but y'all went too hard on endless breadsticks at the Olive Garden'

29 Relatable Marriage Memes To Distract Your Husband With While He's At Work

27 wholesome love memes about marriage and relationships | Thumbnail includes a picture of a bald man in a sweater and a picture of Alex from totally spies being starstruck and in love 'When you finally find someone who is just as antisocial, loves looking at memes, and you can be a fatass with I have never been anyone's type. When he's sensitive & talks about his feelings a lot but also has a dominant side so u get the best of both worlds'

Lucky Love Memes For The Couples Whose Match Was Made In Heaven

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Relatable Romantic Memes for People Who are Constantly Single AF (January 11, 2023)