
Abby is a wandering soul who is incapable of staying in one place for too long. She splits her time between the US and Israel. Her passions include travel, dance, karaoke, meditation, and cheesy fries. When she's not clacking away at her laptop and talking shit on the internet, you can find her tearing up the dance floor on a night out on the town.

women's weekly funny horoscope January 2021 | thumbnail Text - Weekly NO Nonsense Horoscopes Because astrology is cheaper than therapy | Cancer thought finally found perfect no-strings-attached relationship, but looks like FWB has caught feels Unfortunately far being on same page, so 's time jump ship before this hookup entirely destroys friendship beyond repair.

Mostly Nonsense, But Kind Of Accurate Weekly Horoscopes (February 1 - 7, 2021)

women's weekly funny horoscope January 2021| thumbnail Text - Cancer (June 21 - July 22) You've heard the word "no" so often recently that it's obnoxious at this point. But this is the week you've been waiting for - the week of YES! Expect to hear it everywhere and everywhere - YES to that promotion, YES to those vacation days, and SO MUCH YES in bed.

Mostly Nonsense, But Kind Of Accurate Weekly Horoscopes (January 25 - 31, 2021)

Dear Karen advice column, the advice column helping you get the privilege you're entitled to | thumbnail Text - Dear Casino Patron, Of course, it's not too much to Dear Karen, Security forced me out of a casino because I refused to ask for - as a PAYING customer, you deserved so wear a mask, even after I much more than the explained that masks worsen discourtesy they dealt your my breathing issues, which developed shortly into corona way. Write a strongly-worded letter to the casino owner

'Dear Karen': The New Advice Column Dishing Out Entitlement On A Weekly Basis (January 25, 2021)

women's weekly funny horoscope January 2021 | thumbnail Text - Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) In honor of the last hurrah of your birthday month, rev up your energy engines! In addition to working on many different projects simultaneously, you should be working on many different guys simultaneously too, because according to the stars, the more the merrier.

Mostly Nonsense, But Kind Of Accurate Weekly Horoscopes (January 18 - 24, 2021)

Dear Karen advice column, the advice column helping you get the privilege you're entitled to | thumbnail Text - Dear Karen.. Dear Karen, I took my kids to Applebee's, and the food was atrocious. Because the service was slow and the poor kids were starving, we ended up eating it all. When I finally got the chance to file a complaint with the manager, they I don't understand the question, and won't respond to it still expected us to pay. How should I handle low rate service like this next time? -

'Dear Karen': The New Advice Column Dishing Out Entitlement On A Weekly Basis (January 18, 2021)

women's weekly nonsense horoscope January 2021 | thumbnail Text - Text - Taurus (April 20 - May 20) A super shitty secret is gonna come to light this week in your social circle. Depending on how you handle this newfound truth may determine the dynamics of your friend group forever. No pressure though. XOXO, Gossip Girl.

Mostly Nonsense, But Kind Of Accurate Weekly Horoscopes (January 11 - 17, 2021)

Dear Karen advice column, the advice column helping you get the privilege you're entitled to | thumbnail Text- Dear Mama Bear, Write a passionate letter to the CEO describing your ordeal with the unqualified employee, and detailing your integral role as a mother and a regular paying customer. Remember: 88 the CEO needs YOU for business, not the other way around! - Karen

'Dear Karen': The New Advice Column Dishing Out Entitlement On A Weekly Basis (January 11, 2021)

women's weekly nonsense horoscope | thumbnail Text - Saggítarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21) Your financial situation is the opposite of a good time. As you dive headfirst into your bills, be sure to also dive into a tub of ice-cream. There's nothing a tub of ice- cream can't fix. Trust me, I'm super tight with Ben & Jerry.

Mostly Nonsense, But Kind Of Accurate Weekly Horoscopes (January 3 - 10, 2021)

dear Karen advice column, the advice column helping you get the privilege you're entitled to | thumbnail Text - "Dear Karen.." The advice column helping you get the privilege you're entitled to A CHEEZCAKE FEATURE | When the clerk at TJMaxx wouldn't let me return horrendous. low-quality clothing (I don't know what I was thinking when I bought them in the first place), I asked to speak to the manager, of course. To my dismay, the manager also said I couldn't return the clothes because I missed

'Dear Karen': The New Advice Column Dishing Out Entitlement On A Weekly Basis (January 4, 2021)

women's weekly funny horoscope | thumbnail Text - Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22) You've had your eyes set on a sexy m. someone for months, but my, oh, my, looks like the boy's too shy, ain't gonna kiss the girl. Time to call the shots on your end - when the clock strikes 12, throw yourself into his arms, and let that midnight magic wash over the two of you. Cl

Your Nonsense New Years Horoscopes (December 27 - January 3)

women's weekly funny horoscope | thumbnail Text - Saggítarius (Nov 22 Dec 21) This holiday season, you intend to be the gift. Whatever is on his list, you'll do it. Slutty Santa's Helper? Rudolph the Raunchy Reindeer? Christmas Tree Gone Wild? Ride that sleigh to town, girl!

Your Nonsense Christmas Horoscopes (December 20 - December 27)

women's weekly funny horoscope | thumbnail image of woman pointing Text - Weekly Horoscopes Because astrology is cheaper than therapy | Taurus gonna hook up with couple Benjamins this week. Meaning purse is gonna be BRIMMING with cash.

Your Weekly Nonsense Horoscope (December 13 - December 20)

women's weekly funny horoscope | thumbnail image of woman pointing Text - Weekly Horoscopes Because astrology is cheaper than therapy

Your Weekly Nonsense Horoscope (November 30 - December 6)

women's weekly funny horoscope | thumbnail Text - Taurus Dollar signs are on the horizon this week - but only if you're not shy  about it. Whether its asking for a promotion at work, or your  sugar daddy to increase your weekly allowance, people are feeling  more generous this Thanksgiving weekend.

Written In The Stars: Thanksgiving Weekly Horoscope (November 23 - 29)

weekly women's funny horoscope | thumbnail Aries The sun moves to Jupiter this week, sprinkling some extra boldness and spontaneity into your spirit. Instead of obsessing over Mr. Dashing, Dark, & Handsome, slide into those DMs

Written In The Stars: Your Weekly Horoscope (November 16 - 22)

Weekly women's funny horoscope | thumbnail Go (Scorpio) shorty - it's your birthday month! Even though it's your special tim of the year, you may also encounter assholes who are trying to mess with your birthda vibes. If their sh*tty attitudes persist, stay true, and swiftly tel them to shut the f*ck up | Libra The sun will be blocked by Neptune in Pisces, so prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions. To prevent a complete meltdown, cut down on the crap in your life. Eliminate toxic frenemies

Written In The Stars: Your Weekly Horoscope (November 9 - 15)

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