
Abby is a wandering soul who is incapable of staying in one place for too long. She splits her time between the US and Israel. Her passions include travel, dance, karaoke, meditation, and cheesy fries. When she's not clacking away at her laptop and talking shit on the internet, you can find her tearing up the dance floor on a night out on the town.

How to successfully avoid your boyfriend's friends | thumbnail text - If all else fails, make his friends feel hella uncomfortable when you're around. Show up to the sports bar in the wrong team's jersey. Pretend to get so into the game that you block their view. Shove chicken wings and barbecue sauce into your face in such a gross, unladylike way that even the nastiest of his friends will be disgusted. Right after the loudest burp of your life, announce the following: "I gotta take a massive du

How To Successfully Avoid Hanging Out With Your Significant Other's Friends

Guys women encounter at the club | thumbnail text -  Awkward Hoverer A clubbing first-timer (or his friends cancelled on him at the last minute), this guy will hover around your friend group and dance awkwardly forever - until you let him into your circle. If you're feeling generous, adopt him for the night. Cheers to new friends!

Guys All Women Encounter At The Club

guys all women meet at the gym | thumbnail includes picture of topless man taking gym selfie Text -  Somehow, he has a perfectly chiseled bod, which makes no sense, considering he spends more time hanging out around the mirror than actually working out. If he could make out with his reflection, he totally would.

Guys All Women Encounter At The Gym

Guys women meet when backpacking | thumbnail includes picture of shirtless man Text - While you may have come to explore new cultures, the Man Whore is here to explore new women. His sole purpose on his travels is to rack up his hookup count, so the constant movement of backpacking is perfect for his lifestyle. New cities mean new titties.  The Man Whore is a gorgeous specimen, which is why he's so successful at what he does.

Guys All Women Encounter When Backpacking

The hottest nerdy celebs in Hollywood | thumbnail text - Donald Glover Before he became known as iconic rapper Childish Gambino, he was just Donald, an awkward soul trying to maintain a balance between being 'too black' and 'not being black enough.' Through his alternative rap style, hilarious role as Troy on Community, and creation of the comedy-drama TV show Atlanta, it's clear he finally found his place. We stan this man - hard.

The Hottest Nerdy Celebs Hollywood Has To Offer

The sexiest fictional nerds | thumbnail text - Peter Parker (Spider-Man) Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) makes spiders sexy in the superhero franchise. Apart from fighting crime and kissing Mary-Jane upside down, he's also worked as a research scientist and photography journalist in the comics. A superhero with side hustles? We love a man who keeps busy. His spidey senses are tingling and our horny senses are tingling back.

The Sexiest Fictional Nerds For All The Real-Life Geeks Out There

Funny tweets about the struggles of 'adulting' | thumbnail text -  АК Marv ... @Armvellous Adulting isn't working for me so l'm gonna try adultery. 12:14 AM · Mar 15, 2021 · Twitter for Android

Funniest 'Adulting' Tweets of the Week (March 16, 2021)

The hottest politicians around the globe | thumbnail text - Eduardo Leite, AKA, the dashing mayor of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.  Youngest ever to be appointed to the position, this political prince is more than enough  to get me to learn Portugese and move to Brazil immediately. We know we're mere peasants, but please notice us, papi.

The World's Hottest Politicians To Quench Your Thirst This Week

The psycho roommates of Twitter | thumbnail text - My roommate thinks I'm psycho now because I sent her a picture of actual vomit she left in the washer with my clothes and asked her what it was.

Funniest 'Psycho Roommate' Tweets We Saw This Week (March 9, 2020)

Ten women that changed the course of history | thumbnail text - happy women's history month if a man tries to talk to me this month I will be calling the police

Badass Women Who Made History So You Wouldn't Have to

The best feminist TV shows in honor of Women's History Month | thumbnail text - me *slaps my husband in the face* husband: You're rewatching the the handmaid's tale?

Women's History Month TV Binge List For The Lazy Feminists Of The World

Tweet about therapy | thumbnail text -  My therapist just said "You have access to a particular niche of people that I simply do not know about" when I brought up Twitter.

Funniest Therapy Tweets Of The Week (March 3, 2021)

Dear Karen advice column, the advice column helping you get the privilege you're entitled to | thumbnail Text - Dear Karen, Dear Shopping Spree Bee, Employees are generally even more incompetent than the manager. Next time, speak to the manager DSW didn't offer my shoe size for a specific type of sneakers I wanted. I before resorting to a physical complaint. needed them If the manager is also unable to provide you with the shoes immediately, so ordering them online just wouldn't do. I threw othe

'Karen' Dishes Out Entitled Advice To Woman Who Throws Shoe At Store Employee

The seven mainsplainers you'll meet on Twitter | thumbnail text - Dr Eleanor Janega ... @GoingMedieval Ladies and gentlemen once again, I give you my mentions, where men are attempting to explain to a doctor of history that Rome was actually really clean based on, IDK just like the vibes of it. bro u know that time had like public baths and plumbing while in the middle ages they bathed twice a year and threw their shit on the street? 1 like rome definitely had its problems but in terms of cleanl

The Seven Typical Mansplainers You'll Meet On Twitter

Dear Karen advice column, the advice column helping you get the privilege you're entitled to | thumbnail Text- Dear Karen My McDonald’s burger was undercooked, so I asked to speak to the chef and threw his sad excuse for a burger in his face. I’m now banned from the local McDonald’s. Where did I go wrong? - Burger Bae

'Karen' Dishes Out Entitled Advice On Dealing With Incompetent McDonald's Chef

Dear Karen advice column, the advice column helping you get the privilege you're entitled to | thumbnail Text-  Dear Karen.. I sent my friends a list of gifts I expect for my birthday this year, and some of them responded that what I asked for was out of their price range. It's my birthday, for god's sake! What do you Happy birthday to me. suggest I do? - Birthday Queen Dear Birthday Gueen. You deserve so much more than your "friends" are giving you. In fact, it sounds like they're giving 88 you

'Karen' Dishes Out Entitled Advice On How To Handle Cheapskate Friends