
Abby is a wandering soul who is incapable of staying in one place for too long. She splits her time between the US and Israel. Her passions include travel, dance, karaoke, meditation, and cheesy fries. When she's not clacking away at her laptop and talking shit on the internet, you can find her tearing up the dance floor on a night out on the town.

eight men to avoid on valentines day | thumbnail The Wild Child His energetic, youthful personality is what initially draws you in, but slowly but surely, you realize it's a trap. He never wants to grow up, and as a result, he'll never be ready to grow with you. He loves the idea of love, but he loves his bed, binge-drinking, and buddies more.

Eight Guys To Avoid On Valentine's Day

why women absolutely hate the super bowl | thumbnail text - No one notices your super cute football themed outfit. WTF?! You’re a sucker for themed parties. Naturally, you worked really hard on putting your Superbowl ensemble together. But everyone’s too focused on the goddamn TV to be appreciative towards your efforts and genius. Whatevs, they’re obviously low-brow peasants.

Eight Ways Super Bowl Sunday Is Designed To Screw Women Over

Funny tweets about being the drunk aunt | thumbnail tweet -  Carly @i_carlaaay ... Yesterday my Uber driver told me I give him "cool aunt that brings tequila to Christmas and gets everyone drunk" energy, and I think that may go down as the best compliment I've ever received 10:20 PM · Mar 29, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Twitter Reveals Why Being The Drunk Aunt At Family Functions Is The Best Lifestyle

guys you'll encounter at the galactic federation | thumbnail image of Thor Text - Thor: The ladies man As a brawny thunder God, you already know he brings the thunder in bed.  Feeling experimental? Have him whip out his enchanted, erotic hammer to spice things up. And with his super endurance, he’ll keep it  going all night long.

Guys You'll Meet At The Galactic Federation

Advice about surviving video game nights with your boyfriend | thumbnail text - Be the Sh*t-Stirrer of the Game When you don't actually care about winning, you could start sh*t for no reason. Shoot at your own teammates, get involved in fights that you have nothing to do with, and jump off random cliffs. Prime entertainment guaranteed.

How To Survive Fortnite (And Other Video Game Weekends) With Your Boyfriend

the perks of serial dating | thumbnail text - i prefer a man who lives and gives expensive jewelry

Why More Is Better: The Fun Perks Of Dating Several Men At Once

the ten guys all women meet on dating apps | thumbnail image of topless man text - The One Too Hot For A Bio He seems to think his looks alone will easily get you to swipe right. Why waste time on words when his face speaks for itself? You'll be the judge of that.

The Ten Predictable Guys All Women Meet On Dating Apps

Shrek characters ranked according to boyfriend material potential

We Ranked All The Men From Shrek According To Their 'Boyfriend Material' Potential

New satirical ways to chill out | thumbnail text - visualize yourself calm

Brand-New, Innovative Methods To Chill TF Out The Right Way

nightmare family members at all holiday dinners | thumbnail image of woman stressed in kitchen Text - The 'Anxious Wreck' She has meticulously planned a list of conversation starters, icebreakers, and holiday games to ensure that everything runs smoothly. As the conversation gets heated, she heads to her room to pop a Xanax or two.

Nightmare Family Members At Every Holiday Dinner

guys all women meet at music festivals | thumbnail includes picture of man at music festival Text - The Annoyingly Tall Guy Instead of carelessly immersing your entire being into the music, you’re too busy being irritated by his obnoxiously lanky body blocking your entire field of vision. Like, it should be illegal to be this tall. However, you’ll still hook up with him once he notices your tiny presence.

Guys All Women Encounter At Music Festivals

seven things to do with your time instead of waiting for him to text back | thumbnail text - If texting him didn't do the trick, texting his homies sure will. News flash: you're a hot girl, you do hot sh*t, and there are way hotter guys to text.

7 Activities To Partake In Instead Of Waiting For Him To Text Back

My ex ghosted me and stole my dirty laundry | thumbnail text - While I was embarassed that the one thing I had forgotten in his car happened to be dirty laundry considering we had only dated for a month and a half or so, I figured 'no biggie. He'll just hold onto it until I get back.' Little did I know just how long Jeremy intended to hold onto my dirty laundry for.

My Shady Ex Ghosted Me, But Not Before Stealing My Dirty Laundry

guys all women meet on new years eve | thumbnail image of man with Party hat. Text - The Self- Sabotage Single His ex broke up with him right before the New Year, which is the reason why his cat is the only female in his life he can trust at the moment. Like, dude, your loss. Maybe he'll find love in 2022 when he's finally gotten over her.

Guys All Women Encounter On New Years Eve

Dear Karen advice column, the advice column helping you get the privilege you're entitled to | thumbnail Text- Font - Dear Coffee shop connoisseur, I commend you for standing your ground against the manager and his army of employees. After all, you're a paying customer - not to mention a regular - and Dear Karen, My local coffee shop started enforcing mask- wearing. The last time I was there, the manager the customer is always right. Write to your local mayor to told me I had to wear one. Natura

'Karen' Dishes Out Entitled Advice To Woman Who Coughs On Coffee Shop Employees

The types of guys who slide into Women's DMs | thumbnail picture of old man text - The Sugar Daddy He just wants to shower you in money, presents, and everything your heart desires. You're beautiful, and beautiful girls deserve the world. You don't even have to sleep with him. He just wants a harmless feet pic. You laugh at first, but then you reconsider. You could really use the money. All about the hustle. %24

The 9 Guys Who Will Inevitably Try And Slide Into Your DMs At One Point Or Another

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