
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Woman refuses to give in to husband's demand to take his last name, he gets his family involved, leading to a dispute: ‘If you really loved me, you’d want to take my name’

Woman refuses to give in to husband's demand to take his last name, he gets his family involved, leading to a dispute: ‘If you really loved me, you’d want to take my name’

family family drama Family feud sister aita Reddit reddit thread reddit story pregnant pregnancy pregnancy announcement gender reveal daughter son

Sister demands woman reveal if she's pregnant with a girl after sister gives birth to 6 sons despite wanting a daughter: ‘We [won't] see her for at least the rest of my pregnancy’

Bride and groom disparage friend's 3-year marriage by failing to invite her husband to the wedding, couple guilt-trips her when she declines: "Expecting a guest to travel to a destination wedding without a partner is outrageous."

Bride and groom disparage friend's 3-year marriage by failing to invite her husband to the wedding, couple guilt-trips her when she declines: "Expecting a guest to travel to a destination wedding without a partner is outrageous."

Husband applies to graduate school behind wife's back, pressures her to move back to a city where she felt isolated in the past: "We agreed this particular place was not an option"

Husband applies to graduate school behind wife's back, pressures her to move back to a city where she felt isolated in the past: "We agreed this particular place was not an option"

Overbearing mother demands adult son help with mediocre task despite just getting out of major surgery, his wife puts down boundaries: “Why would you ask for a favor when he’s barely functioning?”

Overbearing mother demands adult son help with mediocre task despite just getting out of major surgery, his wife puts down boundaries: “Why would you ask for a favor when he’s barely functioning?”

13-year-old hates father for showing more love to stepsiblings than him, he lives with aunt instead under the stipulation that he sees a therapist: "Father was hoping the therapist would just tell the kid to basically deal”

13-year-old hates father for showing more love to stepsiblings than him, he lives with aunt instead under the stipulation that he sees a therapist: "Father was hoping the therapist would just tell the kid to basically deal”

"Why do you keep giving me such terrible advice?": Bossy MIL can’t wait to see daughter-in-law fail at parenting, DIL fights back to her snide comments

"Why do you keep giving me such terrible advice?": Bossy MIL can’t wait to see daughter-in-law fail at parenting, DIL fights back to her snide comments

'He’s the guest, not me': Woman and boyfriend demand roommate clear the living room to 'give them space’, roommate insists they have no right

'He’s the guest, not me': Woman and boyfriend demand roommate clear the living room to 'give them space’, roommate insists they have no right

Woman refuses to cover vet bills for boyfriend's dog, calls her heartless for calling out his financial irresponsibility during an emergency: "You'd just let Buster suffer?"

Woman refuses to cover vet bills for boyfriend's dog, calls her heartless for calling out his financial irresponsibility during an emergency: "You'd just let Buster suffer?"

Years of exclusion drive 34-year-old woman to go No Contact with her family after they purposefully leave her out of sister's birth: "They were enjoying that beautiful moment without me"

Years of exclusion drive 34-year-old woman to go No Contact with her family after they purposefully leave her out of sister's birth: "They were enjoying that beautiful moment without me"

“You’re blackmailing my health to win an argument”: Husband refuses to cook anymore after wife makes kitchen impossible to cook in, she feels forced to eat fast food everyday and blames him

“You’re blackmailing my health to win an argument”: Husband refuses to cook anymore after wife makes kitchen impossible to cook in, she feels forced to eat fast food everyday and blames him

“It’s just an innocent little girl getting some jewelry”: 18-year-old daughter gets jealous of younger stepsister when she’s gifted jewelry from passed bio mom, father is disappointed in her behavior

“It’s just an innocent little girl getting some jewelry”: 18-year-old daughter gets jealous of younger stepsister when she’s gifted jewelry from passed bio mom, father is disappointed in her behavior

Man informs wife he doesn't want to be with her during the birth of their child, she considers divorce as a responds: ‘This proves he doesn’t prioritize me’

Man informs wife he doesn't want to be with her during the birth of their child, she considers divorce as a responds: ‘This proves he doesn’t prioritize me’

wedding marriage engagement family drama siblings sister brother bride groom fiancee mother karen

Mother ruins two out of three of her kids' weddings, youngest daughter tells her she will never get married because of it: ‘Your continued interference and disrespect are the reason why.'

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‘Go sit somewhere else if you don’t like it’: 22-year-old college girl claps back at the entitled Karen who shames her for untying her bikini top to tan at the public pool

Entitled bride issues invites two months before wedding, shames brother for not backing out of $30,000 cruise last-minute just to be in attendance: "She knew full well we were going to be away"

Entitled bride issues invites two months before wedding, shames brother for not backing out of $30,000 cruise last-minute just to be in attendance: "She knew full well we were going to be away"