

Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Mother-in-law Fakes Emergency to Get Son’s Attention, Wife Refuses to Take Her to the Hospital

Mother-in-law Fakes Emergency to Get Son’s Attention, Wife Refuses to Take Her to the Hospital

It’s hard to see family in pain, if they have medical issues, or need you more and more as they get older. Aging parents puts us in difficult positions, and sooner or later, the role between parent and child does a bit of a switch. But it’s another thing entirely if they’re faking it. This brings us to our Reddit piece. The original poster (OP) is a wife who just had a baby. She’s spent every moment with the baby for too long now, and as her friend is in town visiting, it’s h er first opportuni…
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'That's low...': Woman Leaves Husband Over Secret Relationship with Children's Babysitter

'That's low...': Woman Leaves Husband Over Secret Relationship with Children's Babysitter

In a marital relationship, trust is essential. A partnership cannot thrive and ultimately fails when there is no trust between the partners. The story below is an account of a stunned wife. The original poster (OP) and her partner have been together for almost ten years and have two children together. OP has relied on the assistance of her teenage neighbor to watch and take care of her children ever since they were born. The kids and the babysitter were infatuated with one another, and everythi…
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Girlfriend Rejects Boyfriend’s Marriage Proposal So She Can Propose to Him Herself, He Throws the Ring Away in Response

Girlfriend Rejects Boyfriend’s Marriage Proposal So She Can Propose to Him Herself, He Throws the Ring Away in Response

It seems like romantic movies and TV shows can sometimes make people think they live in a rom-com themselves, which is all fun and games until they take it one step too far. Not everyone wants to experience a big, dramatic, romantic gesture. Not only is it completely unnecessary most of the time, but it can actually cause problems between the couple without them meaning to. Take this Reddit story for example – All OP (original poster) wanted to do was make a romantic gesture for her boyfriend a…
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family drama guests bride entitlement groom drama Crazy Brides ceremony reddit story wedding couples entitled bridezilla Reddit reception entitled people - 35853573

'The groomsmen were handed a list of everyone who had a place': After Wedding Ceremony, Couple Surprises Guests by Revealing Only Some are Invited to the Reception

cue the awkwardness
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‘My loyalty is to my daughter’: Woman Kicks Out Stepdaughter's Husband for  Nearly Spoiling Her Daughter’s Marriage Proposal, Escalating Tensions Within the Family

‘My loyalty is to my daughter’: Woman Kicks Out Stepdaughter's Husband for Nearly Spoiling Her Daughter’s Marriage Proposal, Escalating Tensions Within the Family

Your family should always be your top priority. Having said that, how would you respond if your daughter's engagement was so poorly received by your family that they almost stopped it from happening at all? Would you keep quiet or go to any lengths to protect your daughter? The story that follows is an account of a dissatisfied wife. For the second time, the original poster (OP) is a wife. Like her spouse, OP has a daughter from a previous relationship. As a result, following their marriage, th…
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Woman Files For Divorce After Her Husband Refuses to Take Their Child to the Hospital

Woman Files For Divorce After Her Husband Refuses to Take Their Child to the Hospital

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. Marriage is full of ups and downs, and learning someone’s niche idiosyncrasies can be more than exhausting. I get why couples stay together for decades, even if they feel like the person isn’t their soulmate. It’s a handful to get to know someone so intimately, and train each other with all our strange and peculiar hardwired habits. That brings us to the Reddit story. This couple has been married for 2 years already, but the husband has a past…
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‘Give me 16k, or get out of the family’: When Man Says No to Paying For His Brother’s Wedding, the Family Uninvites Him and Tells Him to Never Speak to Them Again

‘Give me 16k, or get out of the family’: When Man Says No to Paying For His Brother’s Wedding, the Family Uninvites Him and Tells Him to Never Speak to Them Again

Family dynamics can be more of a headache than anything. When money’s involved, things get even more complicated. It seems in this Reddit thread that there’s a bit of favoritism going on…why should one brother pay for his other brother’s wedding? When did this become a thing? If the one getting married doesn’t have enough, then he can easily downsize his wedding, and not make it as elaborate as he’s making it. But instead, the family is pushing the brother into a corner. It’s one thing to say t…
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‘See how you like it’: Man Proposes at His Brother’s Wedding, the Brother Retaliates With Pregnancy Reveal at His Wedding

‘See how you like it’: Man Proposes at His Brother’s Wedding, the Brother Retaliates With Pregnancy Reveal at His Wedding

Hey there internet queens and kings. Revenge is a dish best served cold, as they say. Though it may seem like a good idea in the moment, it’s usually never met with good karma or energy. They say the best revenge is to walk away, and live a happy life regardless of someone else. The thing about resentment is that the other person doesn’t feel it. It’s like drinking your own poison, but some people like that kind of stuff. This brings us to the Reddit piece. It’s about two brothers who are only…
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Grandmother Rejects Adopted Grandchild, Parents Cut Contact to Protect Son

Grandmother Rejects Adopted Grandchild, Parents Cut Contact to Protect Son

Your family should always come first, but who gets to decide who counts as family? Are they the people you were born into, or are they the ones who will always be there for you in good times and bad? The story below is an account of a frustrated daughter. The original poster (OP) and her spouse had recently adopted a cute little baby. They told their family and friends about their plans and waited impatiently for the adoption to be finalized. But before they embarked on their new path as parent…
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'You took it too far': Boyfriend Leaves Girlfriend’s Birthday Dinner After He Sees His Ex-wife at the Restaurant, Convincing Girlfriend He Is Not Over His Ex

'You took it too far': Boyfriend Leaves Girlfriend’s Birthday Dinner After He Sees His Ex-wife at the Restaurant, Convincing Girlfriend He Is Not Over His Ex

How can you know that you are 100% over your ex and are ready to start dating again? There is no guidebook to handling breakups, and even if there was, each breakup is unique, and each person handles this emotional experience differently, so there can't be a single solution that works for everybody. With that in mind, I do think that if 10 years after a breakup you are still affected by your ex and what happened between you two, then you should definitely seek help, especially if there is someo…
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Woman's Fiancé Chooses to Take Her Last Name, His Entire Family Retaliates By Trying to Stop the Wedding

Woman's Fiancé Chooses to Take Her Last Name, His Entire Family Retaliates By Trying to Stop the Wedding

What's in a name?
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‘You’re not going on that business trip’: Husband’s Mistress is Suspiciously Hired at His Company and His Boss Wants Them to Go on a Business Trip Together, Sparking Marital Problems

‘You’re not going on that business trip’: Husband’s Mistress is Suspiciously Hired at His Company and His Boss Wants Them to Go on a Business Trip Together, Sparking Marital Problems

Ladies and gentlemen. Cheating, unfortunately, has been around since the beginning of time. As soon as humans got together, they’ve also been betraying each other. It’s a hard truth to swallow if it happens to you, but it’s as old as time, and unfortunately, happens to most people. Some people can miraculously get over this type of betrayal and move on with their partner. It takes immense effort from the partner who made the affair to win back the love and trust of their spouse. For couples who…
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Woman Rejects Cheating Ex-Husbands Attempt to Shift Child Support to His New Family with Lover

Woman Rejects Cheating Ex-Husbands Attempt to Shift Child Support to His New Family with Lover

Parenting causes your priorities to shift. The mother who is frustrated is described in the story below. When the original poster (OP) was eighteen, she married her now ex-husband. The two were ‘happily’ married for more than ten years before the husband emotionally cheated on OP and filed for divorce so that he could start a new life with his lover. OP's ex-husband vehemently opposed her exercising any autonomy in the marriage, hence she never had a job before the divorce and never completed h…
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Woman Sets Aside Money for Her In-Laws Healthcare, In-Laws Assume They Can Use the Money for Their Wedding Instead ‘We didn't feel it was the same at all’

Entitled In-Laws Want to Use Woman's Funds She Set Aside for Their Son's Health Condition, for Their Dream Wedding: ‘He called us selfish’

Assuming family will dish out $10,000 for your dream wedding under certain pretenses is beyond me.
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'And with that, our friendship has ended': Groom Shuns Decade-Long Friend from Wedding to Please Fiancé, Only to Beg for Help Later

'And with that, our friendship has ended': Groom Shuns Decade-Long Friend from Wedding to Please Fiancé, Only to Beg for Help Later

Friendships are like love relationships in that they require constant work. Their demands are devotion, mutual respect, and a steadfast desire to cling to what you two have. The story below is an account of a confused friend. John has known the original poster (OP) for more than a decade. When they were both in their mid-twenties, they crossed paths at work and have remained in contact ever since. But although everything was going well at first, after John announced his engagement and decided n…
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Woman 'Invited' to Wedding, Only to Find Out That She Is Expected to Spend the Whole Time Babysitting for Free

Woman 'Invited' to Wedding, Only to Find Out That She Is Expected to Spend the Whole Time Babysitting for Free

She volunt-told her to babysit!
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