men vs women

Men vs women - the age old question, competition, and ultimate rivalry. Who is better? Who is superior? The answer is subjective and will never be answered, because everyone is special, unique, and better at something. That doesn't mean you can't laugh at people trying to prove it one way or the other though.

AITA: 'She will realize she can do much better' : Boyfriend Calls His Girlfriend Useless When She Wouldn't Get His Keys While She Was Busy

AITA: 'She will realize she can do much better' : Boyfriend Calls His Girlfriend Useless When She Wouldn't Get His Keys While She Was Busy

Curious Men Ask Women Some Questions They Would Be Too Afraid to Ask IRL and the Results are Unexpectedly Wholesome (THREAD)

Curious Men Ask Women Some Questions They Would Be Too Afraid to Ask IRL and the Results are Unexpectedly Wholesome (THREAD)

Thumbnail on right reads - Bf: do you want anything? Me: no Bf: *brings you nothing to eat* Me: *shocked Pikachu face* | Thumbnail on left reads - When you're arguing with bae & he starts making vaild points, so you have to resort to plan b, tears

15 Funny and Witty Memes that Prove There's No Winning When Arguing with Your Woman

bumble tweets | thumbnail text - musu frm twt @twtexe bumble notifications be like today might be the day you find someone who changes your life whole time it's just fake profiles and women who don't want me 5:04 PM - Aug 23, 2022. Twitter for Android

This Week's Batch Of Blunt Bumble Tweets (August 26, 2022)

bathroom, bathroom humor, couple video, family, family video, couples, relationship, goals, clean, toilet, dirty, shower, makeup, couple goals, relationship goals

Tub and Toilet Debate: TikTokers Answer How Each Family Member Has Gross Habits That Screw Up Bathroom Cleanliness

askwomen post | thumbnail text - mynamecouldbesam 1 hr. ago Tell them love chat, but can he please wait till moved, as already buried as many exes as have room under current patio.

Women Reveal The Best Ways To Get Rid Of Creeps

askmen post | thumbnail text - Male If they don't ask anything or tell much start saying weird nonsense try make them curious either works have wonderful convo or they get weirded out+block my number without stating they're not interested anymore(Saturday)

Men Reveal Their Biggest Flaws When It Comes To Dating

askmen post | thumbnail text - Dear Women: Guys are idiots need be extremely obvious and direct with us. Also make snack us once every two years or so love until death and beyond If believe

Men Reveal Top Things Women Should Know About Them

askmen post | thumbnail text - sabrespace 4 hr. ago good hearty laugh like women just let out and not try hide with little quiet teehee. Give raucous belly laugh, maybe even good snort

Men Reveal Things They Simply Love About Women

askmen post | thumbnail text - demonardvark · 1 hr. ago you must take off your bra, swing it like a bola, screech a war cry, rush, tackle the prospective male to the ground, tie the bra around his neck, and screech I CHOOSE YOU PIKACHU in the deepest most blood curling snarl you can do. seriously just walk up and say hi. most men are going to be receptive to pretty much anything.

Men Reveal Their Preferred Ways To Be Approached By Women

askwomen post | thumbnail text - BusGo_Screech26 1 day ago think 's funny and sometimes cute. Like "yeah tap into those Neanderthal instincts and pick up heavy thing".

Women Reveal How They Feel About Men Carrying Heavy Things To Impress Them

askwomen post | thumbnail text - his history with his exes know get upset about

Women Disclose Things They Could Never Bring Themselves To Ask Men

all the lies men tell | thumbnail text - you're perfect

Happy 'Tell A Lie' Day: Here's Every Lie Men Have Ever Told Us

Funniest Women's Memes That Blessed Our Memes This Week (March 27, 2022)| thumbnail text - You ever sleep so hard.. that when you wake up... you need another nap... just from sleeping so hard...

Funniest Women's Memes That Blessed Our Feeds This Week (March 27, 2022)

askmen post | thumbnail text - No horse chicks. Nope nope nope.

Men Reveal Mistakes They Made With Women They Will Never Make Again

askmen post | thumbnail text - j_reinegade 23 hr. ago Leaving my cars driver seat position 's literally impossible my get into car before adjusting 6'2 gf is 5'1)

Men Attempt To Pinpoint The Female Equivalent Of Leaving The Toilet Seat Up