men vs women

Men vs women - the age old question, competition, and ultimate rivalry. Who is better? Who is superior? The answer is subjective and will never be answered, because everyone is special, unique, and better at something. That doesn't mean you can't laugh at people trying to prove it one way or the other though.

women beign accused of doing things for male attention | thumbnail text -  mjsmore33 · 1d At 17 I had to have a lumpectomy to remove a large noncancerous tumor that was pressing on a nerve causing a lot of pain. I was accused of having the surgery in an attempt to get guys to look at my boobs.

Ridiculous Things Women Are Being Accused Of Doing For Male Attention

Women on Reddit share the worst compliments they received from men they were attracted to | thumbnail text - dondavies954 1 day ago my high school crush said my mom was hotter than me& he couldn't wait for me to grow up "like that" it's been ten years, I look exactly the same

Women Reveal The Worst Compliments They Have Received From Men

Weekly Dose Of Mansplaining Tweets (April 14, 2021)| thumbnail text - That one chicc from the internet ... @PrisonCookies I think the reason men burn more calories a day than women is because of all the mansplaining they do 3:08 AM · Apr 6, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Mansplaining Experiences That Are Due A Proper Roasting

Funny reddit thread about fighting the patriarchy in subtle ways | thumbnail text - EfficientInfluence 10 hours ago I put the toilet seat down.

Women Reveal Lowkey Ways They Smash The Patriarchy On A Daily Basis

things that shold never be said to girlfriends | thmbnail text - DallasConsultant888 · 23h "your best friend is hot"

Men Discuss Things That Should Never Be Said To Girlfriends

Things women do that make men uncomfortable | thumbnail text - Mycroft_Cadburry · 3h Women who say "all men are trash."

Things Women Do That Unintentionally Make Men Uncomfortable

Worst things said to men on first dates | thumbnail text - SaigonNoseBiter · 7h She said the words 'my ex' 37 times. Yes, I counted.

The Worst Things Women Have Said To Men On Dates

things men could do that women wish they could do | thumbnail text -  Turn someone on with my forearms

14 Fun Things Men Do That Women Wish They Could Do

More Ways To Tell If A Man Actually Wants To Be Your Friend VS Just Wants To Sleep With You| thumbnail text - Ferretastic359 • 10h Also 'accidential' touch rarely happens with guys who want to be friends. And if it happens it actually does happen by accident, gets immediately addressed and laughed off Vote ...

More Ways To Tell If A Man Actually Wants To Be Your Friend VS Just Wants To Sleep With You

funny relatable memes which men won't understand | thumbnail text - parents when their son gets a girlfriend parents when their daughter gets a boyfriend D00 Happening now in my uterus

Memes For Women Which Men Simply Won't Comprehend

21 Fragrant Scents Women Wished Men Smelled Like| Thumbnail text - Outerwear - Nothing is more attractive than a man See tee o -[laughs] -[Devi sniffs] that smells really good • Did you just smell me?

Real Women Share Fragrant Scents They Wished Men Smelled Like

Female Scientist Invites Mansplainers To Gaslight Her On Twitter| thumbnail text - Dr. Héloïse Stevance (she) @Sydonahi Hi I'm a women with a PhD on supernovae and how massive stars die. Mansplain my area of expertise to me. Wrong answers only a @AcademicChatter #WomenlnSTEM 11:04 AM · Mar 23, 2021 · Twitter for Android

Female Scientist Invites Mansplainers To Gaslight Her On Twitter

funny pictures of women's problems that men will never understand | thumbnail text - "I sneezed while curling my eyelashes."

Women's Problems Men Will Never Understand

funny tweets from women sharing pictures of their side of the bed vs their BF | thumbnail text -hanny styles @hannystyles69 my side of the bed vs my bfs side of the bed ... Bed SOP My Own Ward RUTH BADER GINSBURG 12:06 AM · Feb 1, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 40.7K Retweets 10.4K Quote Tweets 649.8K Likes Rachel Ouellette @cherry_wavesss Replying to @hannystyles69 ..accurate

Funny Tweets From Women Comparing Their Side Of The Bed To Their BF's

Women Reveal Questions They've Always Wanted To Ask Men| thumbnail text - PrinCescha · 4h Has catcalling EVER worked? Seriously, scary and creepy shit aside, I always wondered how men think that catcalling would definitely get them a girl.

Women Reveal Questions They've Always Wanted To Ask Men

16 Trending Tweets Roasting Men To A Perfect Crisp| Thumbnail Text -

16 Trending Tweets Roasting Men To A Perfect Crisp