men vs women

Men vs women - the age old question, competition, and ultimate rivalry. Who is better? Who is superior? The answer is subjective and will never be answered, because everyone is special, unique, and better at something. That doesn't mean you can't laugh at people trying to prove it one way or the other though.

Man believes woman get pleasure from a pap smear | thumbnail text -  SheRatesDogs @SheRatesDogs surely men don't think we. enjoy pap smears I mean it's not as awkward as the gyno Why's that haha What's the difference You don't have a metal contraption shoved up your vagina and people shoving things up there for tests and shit That's what I was expecting but didn't know for sure Yeah happens yearly Yea, that can get awkward especially if they hit a spot that makes you awkwardly moan once Imao Tha

Insanely Naive Man Believes Women Actually Enjoy Getting A Pap Smear

Women memes for women only because men just don't get it | thumbnail text - #girlproblems when you think your pad isn't in the right place so you just the most annoying struggle girls go through with sun glasses

Women's Memes That Strike A Feminine Nerve

Teen Reports Teacher For Ordering Her To 'Control Her Period'| thumbnail photo - AITA for reporting my teacher and potentially getting him fired? My (16f) school requires us to keep our cameras on during the entire class. If we need to use the restroom we are supposed to privately message our teacher and ask to leave. I have absolutely no issue with these rules as I understand that online teaching is hard and you have to make sure everyone is attentive during classes.

Teacher Reported For Ordering Teen Girl To 'Control Her Period' During Zoom Class

Men Reveal How They Really Feel About Taking Male Birth Control| Thumbnail text - Organism - Yes, I hate the feeling of having to ask my female partners if they're on birth control and stuff. And I hate that I can only do a condom about it. I really hope for something like birth control for men. So far, no concern, if it kills me, best believe I died having some good sex. SAT THU FRI MON SUE MON SUN SA WED THU

Men Reveal How They Really Feel About Taking Male Birth Control

Girly things guys wish they could do | thumbnail text - Font - Randomdudenotsuspic · 12h Definitely girls sleepovers, I really like the ongoing vibe that is depicted in a girl sleepover, nothing sexual, just doing some dumb shit with your gals. But besides being a "girly" thing that I would totally do, also not being considered a creep just bc of that. C'mon Karen I just want to do dumb shit and paint some nails while having a revitalizer mask on my face

'Girly' Things Guys Wish Were More Universally Acceptable For Them To Do

womens memes which men will never relate to | thumbnail text - me getting two bottles of wine at the store and telling myself one is for tonight and one is for tomorrow night Me at 6am applying makeup half awake & half dead trying to cover up how tired I am

A Fresh Batch Of Women's Memes Which Men Will Never Relate To

In Viral TikTok Women Expose Things That Prove The Bar Is Way Too Low For Men| thumbnail text - when he owns more than one pillow TikTok @ pierogigirl when he puts the seat down after peeing TikTok @ pierogigirl

In Viral TikTok Women Expose Things Which Prove The Bar Is Way Too Low For Men

toxic male behavior | thumbnail text - cottonthread · 7h Male Men that won't do certain things because they're so deathly afraid it will make them less of a man. Wearing a certain colour, eating or drinking something or letting your 7yr old daughter paint your nails is not going to make your testicles fall off.

Toxic Male Behavior Some Men Simply Do Not Understand

funniest women tweets we came across this week | thumbnail text - Dana Donnelly @danadonnelly 40 year old man: i am the smartest, most complex person who has ever lived also 40 year old man: this is my girlfriend. she is 19. we actually get along really well 5:34 PM · Aug 16, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 3,385 Retweets 233 Quote Tweets 60.7K Likes

The Funniest 'Women Roasting Men' Tweets We Saw This Week

Funniest Women Roasting Men Tweets From This Week That Are Savage AF | thumbnail text - gen ö @genmnz ... guys ask u "why would i lie to u" and be lying to u LOL cmon 1:25 AM · Aug 8, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 11.1K Retweets 696 Quote Tweets 57.3K Likes

Funniest Women Roasting Men Tweets From This Week That Are Savage AF

Funniest 'Women Roasting Men' Tweets We Saw This Week | thumbnail text - Sliz ... @slizagna woman: aw he's so cute me: thanks he's a rescue my boyfriend: stop telling people that 11:20 PM · Jul 24, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 33.1K Retweets 1,859 Quote Tweets 416.7K Likes

Funniest 'Women Roasting Men' Tweets We Saw This Week

reddit thread about benefits of being male | thumbnail text - We can pee standing up.

The Best Advantages That Come With Being Male

Gender Double Standards That People Can Barely Believe Still Hold In 2021| thumbnail text - king063 · 11m Threatening your daughter's boyfriend. This is a double standard, but it's also just a Hollywood trope that some dads think they're supposed to do and it's incredibly creepy.

Gender Double Standards That People Can Barely Believe Still Hold In 2021

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail text - Dear Chris, I'm still traumatized over finding your fathers' nudes under the wood paneling in your sock drawer. I knew something was off about you and I'm glad I trusted my instincts to find out what it was. Family gatherings must be interesting, or erotic? Good luck with that, Jermaine TO THE GUYS I'VE Kinda DATED Adam, I appreciate your concern but you didn't have to ask me if I needed to "potty" before we

Sassy Letters Of Closure Women Wrote To The Disappointing Men They Dated

what type of guy you attract based on horoscope | thumbnail text - Capricorn You will appreciate his serious maturity at times and he's good in bed, but his constant need to be the smarter one in the relationship will infuriate you. He's smart, but not smart enough to know that being right isn't always right. He's handsome physically, but lacking emotionally.

The Type Of Guy You'll Attract Based On Your Horoscope

funny and relatable women vs. men memes || thumbnail includes two memes Text - How men get out of the friendzone. How women get out of the friendzone.

Relatable Women vs. Men Memes