funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

jimmy fallon funny tweets hashtag game ruin a movie title by changing one word: tweet by sabrih21 Finding Nemo's Body #RuinAMovieWithOneWord

People Did a Very Good Job When Asked By Jimmy Fallon To #RuinAMovieWithOneWord

funniest women tweets | tweet by _CakeBawse been 6 months since joined gym and no progress going there person tomorrow see 's really going on.

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (January 20, 2020)

funny tweets worst interview lol interview twitter | tweet by so_bad_ass went an interview really hungover interviewer came meet and show room, she held out her hand guiding way my hungover state stood up and held her hand! Both us were too embarrassed let go so walked interview room hand hand.

Twitter Thread Of Users Revealing Their Worst Interview

funniest parenting tweets of the week | tweet by mommajessiec 's amazing humans can learn something new everyday example, every Tuesday my husband learns our son has soccer practice at 6

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (January 19th, 2020)

funny tweets about being in your 20's | tweet by MattTheBrand my favorite thing about being my twenties is constantly not living up my potential

Funny Tweets About Being In Your Twenties That Are, Unfortunately, Way Too Relatable

Funny relationship tweets | tweet by robfromonline crazy before dating apps only way meet someone bump headfirst into them while carrying huge stack important papers

Funniest Relationship Tweets We Scrolled Past This Week

women edits ex's out of photos | tweet by hexappeal 10 will edit ex out photo serious inquiries only. side by side photo one shows a couple with a dog on a blanket in a park the second is the same photo with the man missing.

Woman On Twitter Edits People’s Toxic Exes Out Of Photos

funny Baby yoda problems | tweet by spideycmc baby yoda from the mandalorian raising a short hand in the air: when the bartender keeps ignoring you

Funny "Baby Yoda Problems" Which Are Like Your Problems, Only Cuter (16 Tweets)

tweets time scary wtf anxiety accurate truth hurts sadness pain | tweet by mrRuimy Matt Damon is actually two years older than Robin Williams they both starred together Gus Van Sant's GOOD WILL HUNTING.

Tweets About The Concept Of Time (25 Panic-Induced Tweets)

funniest women tweets | tweet by lilireinhart Had dream world ending but really upset forgot my skincare at home as fleeing my house take shelter. So my priorities seem be same so far this year

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (January 13, 2020)

Funniest relationship tweets | tweet by thedad calls wife 1 day into her 2 week business trip do like soup

Funniest Relationship Tweets We Scrolled Past This Week

tweets about maghen and harry's decision to leave the royal family | tweet by Saeed Jones theferocity want Brexit give fucking Brexit Meghan Thee Markle

People Have Plenty of Jokes About Meghan And Harry's 'Megxit'

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Innocent Trip To Mexico Results In Jail-time And Stolen Passport (Twitter Thread)

funniest women tweets of the week | tweet by HireMelmFunny Baby Yoda implies existence Sporty Yoda, Scary Yoda, Ginger Yoda, and Posh Yoda

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (January 6th, 2020)

disney disney+ sexy tweets twitter lol funny scenes | QUESTION discussion is horniest/sexiest thing on Disney+ photo from the movie george of the jungle

Twitter Users Discuss The Sexiest Scene On Disney+

Funniest parenting tweets | tweet by SnarkyMommy78 's 5:47pm on Jan 1st and feel like l've already parented an entire year.

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (January 5th, 2020)