

Woman Exposes the Most Outrageously Red Flag Voicemail from a Man and Goes Viral on TikTok

Woman Exposes the Most Outrageously Red Flag Voicemail from a Man and Goes Viral on TikTok

We've found where all the audacity has gone, and it's with this guy leaving the most delusional narcissistic voicemail ever.
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"Rue... When was this?": TikTokers are Hilariously Putting the Mosts Ridiculous Things on Their Nails to Reenact this Dramatic 'Euphoria' Scene

"Rue... When was this?": TikTokers are Hilariously Putting the Mosts Ridiculous Things on Their Nails to Reenact this Dramatic 'Euphoria' Scene

Maddy's epic nails stole the scene, and now TikTokers are taking it one step further by taping things like crawfish heads or joints to their nails.
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People Expose Absurd Things Their Exes Have Asked Them To Change| thumbnail text - tooterfish80 · 11h My former spouse asked me to move my period because it fell on his three day weekend and he refused to have sex with me when I was "broken" so that was a real bummer for him. I suggested that he ask one of the other guys to swap with him but he wouldn't even ask and I suspect it's because he knew noone liked him enough.

People Expose Absurd Things Their Exes Have Asked Them To Change

We would change it if we could, bro.
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karen moments reddit funny customer service wtf retail absurd | Ultimosome22 1.2k points 8 months ago needed leave gym because made her son feel like only fat people go gym

People Reveal Their Worst 'Karen' Encounters

No one likes a Karen...
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pictures of women whose makeup is next-level bad - thumbnail includes three pictures of women with bad makeup

Makeup Looks Which Are So Bad, They're Painful

Awful makeup fails
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nasa woman receptionist fail

NASA Woman Claps Back At Dude Assuming She's Just The Receptionist

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complaints stupid people lol ridiculous funny facepalm wtf

Nineteen Absurd Complaints From Customers

Unfortunately, If you've ever worked in hospitality you'd know that, yes, these are entirely plausible.
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pictures of people showering with oranges - cover pic man in shower holding two oranges and a glass and a couple in shower holding an orange

People Love Showering With Oranges And I'm Confused

No grapefruits allowed
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cheezcake users Karen encounters facebook wtf retail memes customer service user submitted | Jesseleigh McAleer working retail Karen told she wanted jump over counter and claw my eyes out" because told her joke. Cant even remember joke anymore. But sure as hell remember her. Like Reply 1d

Cheezcake User Responses To Most Personal 'Karen' Encounters

Who's the Karen in your life?
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funny food men tweets cooking twitter lol wtf yikes disaster cringe | tweet by Natalie Hess @hess_natalie Replying cottoncandaddy once asked my bf open jar spaghetti sauce and turned around he pouring into boiling pasta water

Foodisasters: Men And Cooking Don't Always Go Hand-In-Hand

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tweets gender products wtf funny lol why weird twitter men woman | tweet by themouseyouknow unnecessarily gendered products, a thread: the 2 genders man and apricot. FOR YOU shampoo for men, FOR YOU shampoo apricot

Ridiculous Unnecessary Gendered Products ( A Thread)

Why do women need their own pink glue sticks?
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wtf tiktok soy sauce balls testicle challenge why viral video | tweet by Gizmodo TikTok teens are dipping their balls soy sauce and lighting their houses on fire pic of soy sauce being poured into a bowl

TikTok Users Dipping Balls In Soy Sauce Leaves People Dumbfounded

Did we really read that correctly?
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tweets time scary wtf anxiety accurate truth hurts sadness pain | tweet by mrRuimy Matt Damon is actually two years older than Robin Williams they both starred together Gus Van Sant's GOOD WILL HUNTING.

Tweets About The Concept Of Time (25 Panic-Induced Tweets)

"Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'... into the future."
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poptart flavors funny wtf lol | shrek poptarts Baked with Real Fruit Frosted Swamp 12 TOASTER PASTRIES. LIMITED EDITION POp tarts Just Crust toaster pastries 8 CRUSTY PASTRIES

Delicious And Fairly Unique Poptart Flavors To Explore

Poptarts were THE snack when you were running late to school (which is always).
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askreddit mall santas kids weird wtf creepy gross disturbing funny lol | Mall Santas Reddit is most disturbing, heart-wrenching or weirdest thing child has asked.  wife. He 6.

Mall Santas Of Reddit Reveal Request From Kids

"Mall Santas of Reddit, what is the most disturbing, heart-wrenching or weirdest thing a child has asked you for?"
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facts history wtf crazy | pic of taika waititi as hitler in the movie jojo rabbit and caption that says Hitler and Mussolini were both nominated Nobel peace Prizes

What On Earth: Twenty Historical Facts

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