
funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters Text - Dear Jason, Giggling everytime I kiss your neck and then saying "Omg I wonder what you're gonna do now" is a huge turn off. Can you not? TO THE Anna GUYS I'VE Kinda DATED

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (November 12, 2020)

funny women roasting men tweets | thumbnail Text - Dana Donnelly @danadonly any guy who has ever tried to have sex without a condom needs to either support medicare for all or venmo every person they've rawed $500 for antibiotics just in case. ideally both though. 12:24 AM Nov 10, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 130 Retweets 6 Quote Tweets 2.2K Likes <>

Week's Best 'Women Roasting Men' Tweets (November 11, 2020)

Weekly women's funny horoscope | thumbnail Go (Scorpio) shorty - it's your birthday month! Even though it's your special tim of the year, you may also encounter assholes who are trying to mess with your birthda vibes. If their sh*tty attitudes persist, stay true, and swiftly tel them to shut the f*ck up | Libra The sun will be blocked by Neptune in Pisces, so prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions. To prevent a complete meltdown, cut down on the crap in your life. Eliminate toxic frenemies

Written In The Stars: Your Weekly Horoscope (November 9 - 15)

dating fail about guy who owned a plane but shared bedroom with two brothers | thumbnail pop art image of guy in plane Text - How about you buy me some drinks and I will tell you all about my plane? | would rather share 600 square feet brothers than give up my plane proclaimed as made me pay $100 worth of tequila downed on our date

My Dating Nightmare: Guy 'Owned Plane', But Shared A Bedroom With Two Brothers

funniest women tweets we came across this week | thumbnail Text - Rachel @femaleredhead "are you ok?" no, the sun is setting before 5pm 12:07 AM Nov 3, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 18.5K Retweets 479 Quote Tweets 57.8K Likes >

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (November 9, 2020)

pictures of men copying typical women's poses in photos | thumbnail includes two pictures of men flipping hair and posing at the gym | guy with long beard jumping out of water

Men Recreating Parodies Of Typical 'Women's' Photo Poses

bad dating stories about crazy things women found when googling their dates | thumbnail includes pop art graphic of woman at computer Text - I'm dating a sex offender?! | Turns out, the guy had THREE cases of sexual assault and battery he had been convicted of within the last five years (he was 34). When I confronted him about it via text he told me he had a crazy ex-girlfriend. Likely story.

Dating Nightmares: Craziest Things People Found After Googling Their Date

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters - Text - Dear West, Things were going great, until I got back from the bathroom and you told me you paid the check. Before I could say thank you, you said "so since I paid, are we going back to my place to hook up?" A $6 piece of cheesecake in exchange for sex? Delusional. Tina Dear Garrett, I can't believe the dealbreaker was that I couldn't bring you a rotisserie chicken on a daily basis becau

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (November 5, 2020)

funny women roasting men tweets | thumbnail Text - Rachel @femaleredhead men love getting you water after sex it's like the one little job they're good at 6:05 AM Oct 29, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 540 Retweets 93 Quote Tweets 5.8K Likes >

Week's Best 'Women Roasting Men' Tweets (November 4, 2020)

bad dating stories about guys who were rude on first dates | thumbnail pop art graphic of man and woman Text - not to be rude, but what is your cup size | A guy I was on a date with kept texting and looking at his phone. Finally, I asked him what was going on. Turns out he was arguing with his ex about taking me to a place they used to go

Dating Nightmares: Rude Things Men Have Done On First Dates

funniest women tweets we came across this week - Text -  taylor garron @taylorgarron i'm getting hotter as i'm getting older and that is because i always return the shopping cart to its proper home 7:57 PM Oct 26, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 2.4K Retweets 68 Quote Tweets 14.1K Likes

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (November 2, 2020)

pictures of funny Halloween pregnancy costumes | thumbnail includes image of woman dressed as pregnancy emoji and woman dressed as Fat Thor from Avengers: Endgame

Halloween Costumes Perfect For Pregnancy

dating fail about a guy who had diarrhea on first date on halloween | thumbnail Text - I just shit my pants | Apparently, the scariest thing about this evening was Bryce's gastrointestinal system because he sh*t his pants right in the middle of the haunted house.

My Dating Nightmare: Explosive Diarrhea Disaster On Halloween

Debate on Twitter as Tampax creates inclusive campaign for all people who bleed | thumbnail text - Tampax O @Tampax 000 TAMPAX Fact: Not all women have periods. Also a fact: Not all people with periods are women. Let's celebrate the diversity of all people who bleed! V9: @gobeeharris #mythbusting #periodtruths #transisbeautiful 2:31 AM Sep 16, 2020 · Twitter Web App 2.5K Retweets 8K Quote Tweets 13.7K Likes Buffy the misogynist slayer (cervix haver) @Opiumbrella Replying to @Tampax and @gobeehar

Twitter Debate As Tampax Celebrates ‘All People Who Bleed’, In Inclusive Period Campaign

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters - Text - Dear Jeff treated like shit nearly 4 years, so were on work trip shaved my girl spot and my back door with beard trimmer. Now laugh every time see cut hair or shaved beard. With love GUYS Stacey Kinda DATED | Joe so hard watching struggle years with PTSD and self-medication issues tour as an army ranger Afghanistan and Iraq. Then found out daughter never been military response Whoops

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (October 29, 2020)

funny women roasting men tweets from last week | thumbnail Text - tallie @talliesinyoung here is your sunday afternoon reminder that he is lying to you

Week's Best 'Women Roasting Men' Tweets (October 28, 2020)