
women's weekly funny horoscope | thumbnail image of woman pointing Text - Weekly Horoscopes Because astrology is cheaper than therapy

Your Weekly Nonsense Horoscope (November 30 - December 6)

funniest women tweets we came across this week | thumbnail Text - Alyssa Limperis @alyssalimp no i'm not hungry enough for a full meal! instead i will have eight half-meals while standing up 1:41 AM Nov 25, 2020 · Twitter Web App 523 Retweets 49 Quote Tweets 10.7K Likes <>

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (November 30, 2020)

funny animation about woman looking in mirror and deciding not to get divorced | thumbnail includes two images of a woman standing in front of a mirror inspecting her body OK, so won't get divorce

Funny Animation Illustrates The Endless Choices Of A Woman

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters - Text - Dear Tom, No...I don't get turned on by you pinning me to the wall and smelling my armpits. Nor do I want to be submissive to you tickling me. Not funny, TO THE Nicole GUYS I'VE Kinda DATED Dear Matt, You bailed on our first date because of a "family emergency." Then, after you begged me for a second date, you ghosted me ON THE DATE, DURING A SUBWAY TRANSFER. Stay classy, Liz TO THE GUY

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (November 26, 2020)

funny women roasting men tweets | thumbnail Text - sherry @sherrysworld trust me bro, no woman has ever looked at your tinder profile and gone "i wish he was holding me like he's holding that fish" 5:16 PM Nov 20, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 300 Retweets 28 Quote Tweets 2.4K Likes

Week's Best 'Women Roasting Men' Tweets (November 25, 2020)

bad date story about guy who woke up hungover after one-night stand and peed in closet | After coming to grips with reality and noticing that it was in fact my wardrobe and not a toilet in which he was pissing in, he apologized and made an attempt to salvage my belongings from his mid slumber urination. TIME FOR ME TO MAKE A PEE PEE

Woman's One-Night Stand Pees In Her Closet, Ruins All Her Shoes

women's weekly funny horoscope | thumbnail Text - Taurus Dollar signs are on the horizon this week - but only if you're not shy  about it. Whether its asking for a promotion at work, or your  sugar daddy to increase your weekly allowance, people are feeling  more generous this Thanksgiving weekend.

Written In The Stars: Thanksgiving Weekly Horoscope (November 23 - 29)

funniest women tweets we came across this week | thumbnail Text - Alyssa Limperis @alyssalimp Baby carrot inventor: ok so the idea is we make tiny little carrots Investor: eh.. Baby carrot inventor: BUT we make sure they are always soaking wet Investor: you've got yourself a deal 9:09 AM Nov 16, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 1.1K Retweets 38 Quote Tweets 22.1K Likes >

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (November 23, 2020)

people reveal their naughtiest office holiday hookup stories | thumbnail includes pop art image | I'm so good Santa came twice | I like my stocking fully stuffed

Dating Nightmares: Naughtiest Office Holiday Hook Up Stories

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters - Text - Dear Matt, I had sex on a pool table with the guy I rebounded with. Then I had him sell it to you for your new house. That's what you get for hooking up with my best friend. All the best, TO THE GUYS Leanne I'VE Kinda DATED Text - Dearest Dustin, I was excited when you invited me over for a homemade dinner, but when I got to your apartment your power was shut off and you used your own c

Funny, Brutal Letters Of Disappointment From Girls To Their “Exes” (November 19, 2020)

funny women roasting men tweets | thumbnail Alyssa @iissaalyssa Shopping guy is so hard do guys like besides other girl's pictures | Ginny Hogan @ginnyhogan_ My boyfriend just accidentally sent 7 texts row he intended his friend. All 7 were about much he loves Nicholas Cage would rather have found out he cheating.

Week's Best 'Women Roasting Men' Tweets (November 18, 2020)

stories about worst dates men went on with women in NYC | thumbnail man with speech bubbles Text - I LIKE WOMEN THE SAME WAY I LIKE MY COFFEE... WITHOUT SOMEONE'S D*CK IN IT

Dating Nightmares: Guys Share Their Worst Dates With Women

weekly women's funny horoscope | thumbnail Aries The sun moves to Jupiter this week, sprinkling some extra boldness and spontaneity into your spirit. Instead of obsessing over Mr. Dashing, Dark, & Handsome, slide into those DMs

Written In The Stars: Your Weekly Horoscope (November 16 - 22)

funniest women tweets we came across this week | thumbnail Text - Karen Chee @karencheee I'm not saying my grandparents *worship* me, that would be crazy. I'm just saying they have 8 pics of me around the apartment and only 1 pic of jesus 6:34 PM Nov 9, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 153 Retweets 21 Quote Tweets 7.1K Likes

Funniest Tweets Written By Women Last Week (November 16, 2020)

Hilarious 2021 vintage calendar with sarcastic comments | thumbnail includes two images Text - what am I making for supper? why, sweetie, I'm making whatever the hell I want served with a side of eat it or starve,  Shutting up is also gluten-free. Have you tried shutting up?

Funny 2021 Vintage Pictures Calendar Filled With Sarcastic Comments

women explain their jaw-dropping mansplaining experiences on TikTok | thumbnail includes screenshots from TikTok | Share your mansplaining stories me moremensplaining patriarchy men original sound Blizzard | l was on a date with a guy who tried mansplaining the mechanics of a tampon to me.

Women Reveal Their 'Most Jaw-Dropping' Mansplaining Experiences On TikTok