
aita post | thumbnail text - AITA For no longer doing the dishes after my wife called me her "dish b!tch" My office is only a couple miles from my house so I usually go home for lunch every day. Since it is so close, I have time to do the dishes, take out the trash, switch the laundry, etc, before I go back to work. I find it's a nice use of my lunch break and helps to free up some time in the evening so I can relax more with my family.

Man Refuses To Continue Doing House Chores After Wife Referred To Him As Her Dish Slave In Front Of Friends

relatable memes about being married | thumbnail text - When my spouse says they want to tálk finances tonight: Could this whole night have been an email? Chelsea Davison @chelsea_davison Husbands are pure chaos don't wish them on anyone. Extra Large GEADE LS MARS 035P-1789

Marriage Memes Which Are All Too Relatable

Wedding Moments That Made It Achingly Obvious It Wasn't Going To Work Out| thumbnail text - MyHandleisHandle · 1y When the priest equivalent said "You may kiss the bride" she turned so that it would be a kiss on the cheek. Even as a child that set off alarm bells. They have been divorced for a long time. 1 3.1k ...

Wedding Moments That Made It Achingly Obvious It Wasn't Going To Work Out

Women Reveal Times They Were Underestimated| Thumbnail text - celesteb4 1 month ago Was invited to a weekend away with a supplier to launch their new range. My husband went with and on the 'order day' the Financial Manager of the supplier came up to my husband and asked him what he thinks about the new range and what he is considering to buy. My husband replied very dryly that he is only the plus 1 and that he must speak to me seeing that I am the one with the chequebook. 14.0k + Reply Give Awar

Women Reveal Times They Were Severely Underestimated

aita post | thumbnail text - r/AmItheAsshole · Posted by u/Angel_of_Reddit 3 hours ago 2 AITA for not waking my husband up? This is weird and seems kind of pointless. Wasn't sure what to title it. So my husband works from 8am to 8pm M-F. And I have always woken him up. After I make his breakfast, and pack his lunch. But today I didn't because I was told to come into work at 6:30. My husband doesn't like to wake up til 7. I told

Man-Child Husband Upset After Wife Doesn't Successfully Wake Him Up In Time For Work

Delusional Man Expects Ex Wife To Babysit His New Girlfriend's Son| thumbnail text - Posted by u/_Icicles_ 7 hours ago AITA for not letting my ex husbands step son stay over so him and his wife could have a, “night out"?

Delusional Man Expects Ex Wife To Babysit His New Wife's Son

quora thread about toxic marriage | thumbnail text - My husband said I "disgust" him and that I'm lazy just because I didn't feel like cooking a full meal for him at 10 pm. Should I have just cooked no matter the time?

Husband Calls Wife 'Disgusting And Lazy' For Refusing To Cook Him Dinner At Night

Woman Punishes Germophobic Husband By Making Him Change Baby's Diaper | thumbnail text - Posted by u/asiam46433 1 day ago O 11 10 S 28 4 AITA for making my (germaphopic) husband change our son's diaper? Not the A-hole My husband M27 and I f25 have a 2 months old together. He does everything almost except changing diapers He's a hardcore germaphobe so I handle the dirty part of our son's care. So my husband's been pestering me about the

Woman Punishes Germophobic Husband By Making Him Change Baby's Diaper

ruthf romance wives wife Pirate pirates love - 15256581

Five Reasons Ye Best Be Appreciatin' Yer Wife Today

Husband Moves In Roommate Without Telling Wife First| Thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole + Join u/aitaroommatesitu • 1d 1 1 91 2 1 AITA for moving in a roommate without my wife being involved? Asshole

Husband Moves In Roommate Without Telling Wife First, Gets Roasted Online

Wife Pissed At Husband After He Asks Her To Cook Him Separate Meals When She's On Diet | thumbnail text - Posted by u/maybenotenough 3 days ago AITA for asking my wife if when she cooks, she can just make normal foods for me and use smaller portions? My wife gained some weight over the past year and was already overweight, so she wanted to make change. She's also pretty short, so the amount of calories she needs to eat is a lot lower than me. I'm 6'4 and an average weight for my height.

Wife Pissed At Husband After He Asks Her To Cook Him Separate Meals When She's On Diet

relatable marriage memes | thumbnail text - Wife: *shares incredibly important information* Husband: I think I got it. But just in case. tell me the whole thing again, I wasnit listening.

Marriage Memes Which Are All Too Relatable

Wife Pretends To 'Try For A Baby' With Husband, But Secretly Gets An Abortion| Thumbnail text - Posted by u/Upset-One 6 hours ago AITA for getting angry at my SIL because of what she did?

Wife Pretends To 'Try For A Baby' With Husband, But Secretly Gets An Abortion

Toxic Husband Annoyed With Wife For Wanting Him To Come To Doctors With her| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/crapsleeper · 3h 4 AITA for telling my husband I was sick of my health being secondary to his convenience?

Toxic Husband Annoyed With Wife For Wanting Him To Come To Doctors' With her

Compulsive Liar Husband Fuming When Wife Calls Him Out In Front Of His Coworkers| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/Diana201356 • 19h 1 S 2 2 AITA for "exposing" my husband's lies? Not the A-hole

Compulsive Liar Husband Fuming When Wife Calls Him Out In Front Of His Coworkers

memes celebrating wives being superior to husbands | Pilot's wife: Where are Pilot: taking selfie from airplane | don't know much about birds but can identify husband picture. bird yelling at another bird

Memes Celebrating Wives' Superiority Over Husbands