
people tweet about the stupid, recurring arguments they have with their spouses | thumbnail text - Rebecca Johnson ... DEFENSE OF BLA LIFE @rjohnson83 Replying to @rabiasquared Husband likes to hit snooze for a solid hour. I like sleeping for the entire hour and not being woken up 6 times (every 10 mins) during it and just setting the alarm for the correct time, not an hour early. He "can't wake up that fast". That's the 15 year (and counting) fight. 5:10 AM Jan 9, 2020 · Twitter for Android 502

People Tweet About The Stupid, Recurring Arguments They Have With Their Spouse

marriage memes which burst the bubble of marital bliss | thumbnail text - Wife: Don't be too rough with the kids Husband: Ok Also Husband: XSHOT When my wife tries to come in the kitchen while l'm cooking

Marriage Memes Which Burst The Bubble Of Marital Bliss

Marriage Tweets That Are Nothing If Not Spot On| thumbnail text -

Marriage Tweets That Are Nothing If Not Spot On

Scheming Husband Secretly Sells His Wife's Sandwiches At Work So He Can Buy Fast Food Instead| Thumbnail Text - Food - My F33 husband M37 works at an advertising company. We're struggling a bit financially because we're saving up to purchase a new aprtment. He is used to eating fast food and it was costly. He had no problem spending

Scheming Husband Secretly Sells His Wife's Sandwiches At Work So He Can Buy Fast Food Instead

Woman Chastised For a bringing Her Own Food To Her In-Laws Since They Never Accommodate For Her| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/No_Sense_2820 · 20h 7 AITA for bringing my own food on a family dinner at my in laws house? Not the A-hole

Woman Chastised For Bringing Her Own Food To Her In-Laws Since They Never Accommodate For Her

husband makes wife choose his surgery over best friend's wedding and receives backlash | thumbnail text - Posted by u/username46799 7 days ago 7 O 3 6 3 16 AITA For making my wife choose between me and her best friend? Not the A-hole I M36 am preparing for my upcoming surgery at the end of may. I have respiratory condition that I have been suffering from and my wife has been very supportive and accomedating of all my needs. She has endured so much byall my needs. She has endured so much by shoul

Man Makes Wife Chose His Surgery Over Her Best Friend's Wedding, Receives Backlash

Woman Gets Called Bridezilla By Groom's Friend After Their DJ Forgot Their Wedding Playlist| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/Low_Point_7253 · 10h AITA for calling the bride a bridezilla???

Woman Gets Called Bridezilla By Groom's Friend After Their DJ Forgot Their Wedding Playlist

Funny Marriage Tweets That Highlight Exactly How Real You Can Become With Your Partner| thumbnail text - James Breakwell, Exploding Uni... @XplodingUnicorn Wife: You smell like bacon. Me: Thanks. Wife: It wasn't a compliment. Me: There's literally only one way to take that. 10:01 PM · Nov 26, 2021 2.1K Û Share this Tweet

Funny Marriage Tweets That Highlight Exactly How Real You Can Become With Your Partner

Delusional Husband Tells His Wife She Needs To Clean His Toilet Mess Because It’s ‘Her Work’| thumbnail text - r/AmltheAsshole u/Supreme-Ad3099 • 14h 3 3 2 3 e 1 1 AITA for refusing to brush the toilet for my pregnant SiL after my husband called it "my work"?

Delusional Husband Tells His Wife She Needs To Clean His Toilet Mess Because It’s ‘Her Work’

aita thread about toxic relationship | thumbnail text -  AITA. For not taking my husband to the hospital after he lied to me? Me F28 and my husband M26 have been married for 4 months. I returned to work right after we got back from our honeymoon. My husband thinks I went too soon and wanted to extend our honeymoon or plans for a summer trip for us but since we have to pay rent, electricity, and Internet, we needed to earn a living. I work at a restaurant right across the street. My husband would

Manipulative Husband Fakes Injuries For Attention, Fuming When Wife Doesn't Take Real Injury Seriously

Woman gives husband ultimatum after not setting appropriate boundaries with woman at work | thumbnail Text - Posted by u/coworkerthrowaway999 2 days ago 8 7 98 E 14 AITA for telling my husband he is either married to me or his co-worker? Not the A-hole My (37f) husband (40m) has been working at his company for 10 years as a maintenance supervisor. About a year ago they hired Tabitha* to work in their accounting department. Since the day she first started working there, she has had an infatuation

Wife Gives Husband Ultimatum Because His 'Work Wife' Constantly Messages After Hours

Wuss of Man Blames Wife For "Emasculating Him" At Hardware Store| Thumbnail Text - Font - AITA For telling my husband that he emasculates himself? I was raised by my single father. He raised me to be totally self serving, to be my own 'handy man'. I needed to buy a new line trimmer. I was busy with the kids and my husband said he would go pick it up for me...

Wuss of A Man Blames Wife For "Emasculating Him" At Hardware Store

memes about marriage which can be appreciated in a couple | thumbnail text - Do you look at your man like this? No cause l'm to Busy looking at him Like this jimmy fallon O @jimmyfallon When I want pizza, I ask my wife, "What should we eat?" and say no to everything until she says, "What about pizza?" That way, it wasn't my idea.

Marriage Memes For Anyone Thinking Of Tying The Knot

brother accuses sister-in-law of cheating because she starts wearing makeup, husband goes insane | thumbnail Font - Posted by u/throwaway47757954325 5 days ago 3 8 8 2 67 285 3 78 79 AITA for calling my brother an "insecure, testicle grabbing, chauvinist man-baby" over his comments about my wife's makeup? Not the A-hole That's the actual quote. I'm still pissed as hell but maybe I went too far here. My brother and I are both late 30s. We get along fine most of the time, but my brother doesn't do

Guy Accuses His Brother's Wife Of Cheating Because She Started Wearing Makeup

funny tweets from husbands who think they're funny | thumbnail text - The Dad BriefsTM @SladeWentworth ... Can you please stop breathing like that? -A marriage story 2:01 AM Jan 31, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 184 Retweets 11 Quote Tweets 1,083 Likes

Tweets From Husbands Who Think They're Funny

Jealous Woman Bullies Friend's Fiancé Because She Is Constantly Getting Hit On| thumbnail text - Posted by u/throwawayhusband264 3 hours ago AITA for telling my wife to stop being so jealous of my friends fiance?

Jealous Woman Bullies Friend's Fiancé Because She Is Constantly Getting Hit On