

Hope for the Hopeless: Vanessa Hudgens Engagement Sparks a Wholesome Reddit Discussion on moving on from Long-Term Relationships | thumbnail reads -- vanessa hudgens ◆ YES. We couldn't be happier 10h

Hope for the Hopeless: Vanessa Hudgens Engagement Sparks a Wholesome Reddit Discussion About Moving On from Long-Term Relationships

Sometimes, moving on is the best way forward
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Relatable Romantic Memes for Singles Who Are Constantly Getting Ghosted

Can we at least reenact the pottery scene before you Ghost me?
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Left image reads - When you realize what guys consider "romance" on dating apps these days. Liz Lemon: "I'm going to go talk to some food about this." | Right image reads - When my married friends keep insisting on setting me up with their "single friends" Please don't throw garbage at me."

16 Hilarious Memes that Accurately Portray the Willingly Single and Picky Daters

A romantic relationship? Not at any cost.
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dms direct message talking phase dating texting relationship relationships memes fail first date love relatable single singles double texting thirsty

Funniest Relationship Memes for Saucy Singles Who Never Get Past the 'Talking' Phase

"Double texting" means you're thirsty
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Funniest Unromantic Memes for Cynical Singles Who Consistently Date Toxic Jerks

Your therapist says it's a trauma response to make jokes about your love life, but what's a girl to do when you're constantly the clown in the relationship?
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 Girls Who Are Single This Valentines Day | Thumbnail includes two pictures of pizza and kim kardashian

Honest & Funny Memes for Girls Who Are Single This Valentines Day

Valentines Day Memes for the Single Girls
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Thumbnail on right reads - When Valentine's Day is less than 2 weeks away and you don't have a date for the 28th year in a row. People on dates shouldn't be allowed out in public. | Thumbnail on left reads - Smile - This Valentines Day, get her something expensive made with mematic

20+ Witty Pre Valentine’s Day Memes That’ll Get You in the Mood for Love (or Not)

It's almost single's day so come get your laughs on!
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15 Anti-Valentine's day memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a girl layig on dirt with a tube going from one ear and to her mouth, thumbnail also includes a small dog laying in money 'Me on february 14th: I love you When you're sad about being single on Valentine's Day but then you realize how much money you're saving'

Anti-Valentine's Day Memes For Those Celebrating Solo

Can't forget to show ourselves some extra love
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20+ Best Relatable Memes Of the Week For The Single Pringles Stuck On Dating Apps (February 5, 2023)

20+ Best Relatable Memes Of the Week For The Single Pringles Stuck On Dating Apps (February 5, 2023)

Valentine's day, Shmalentine's day.
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‘Ghosted 30 Minutes Prior to First Date’ : Guy Alludes to Veiled Intentions, Woman Clarifies Wanting to Take Things Slow, Leading to Radio Silence and Tears

‘Ghosted 30 Minutes Prior to First Date’ : Guy Alludes to Veiled Intentions, Woman Clarifies Wanting to Take Things Slow, Leading to Radio Silence and Tears

Dating apps suck, what else is new? You see someone cute, swipe and match, leading to a surprisingly good connection via long stimulating conversations. You think, ‘Huh, there’s potential', only to have your hopes wildly dashed when you're inevitably breadcrumbed, stood up, or ghosted. The dating pool nowadays is full of pirhanas. People hide behind their screens, basking in obscure anonymity. Some of us have tougher skin than others, and this young woman who took to Reddit admitted that she si…
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Relatable Romantic Memes for Suspicious Singles Who Are Constantly Wading Through the Dating Shallows (January 31, 2023)

Just when I think I'm not gonna catch feelings ever again...
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20+ Best Relatable Memes Of the Week For The Single Pringles Stuck On Dating Apps (January 29, 2023)

20+ Best Relatable Memes Of the Week For The Single Pringles Stuck On Dating Apps (January 29, 2023)

The dating pool is a swamp.
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23 wholesome self-love memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Rhianna sitting on a chair in a pink puffy dress and neon green sneakers. Thumbnail also includes a picture of a woman kissing herself in the mirror 'when my masculine and feminine energies come together to form the baddest bitch that ever walked: When you finally find the person who is going to give you everything that you want in life... Me Me'

23 Self-Love Memes For People Who May Not Have Everything Together Right Now, But Are Pulling Through Anyway

With a little motivation - anything is possible (memes are the motivation in question)
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relationship memes funny single life singles singleness relatable meme love life hilarious me read boyfriend girlfriend dating relationships awkward

Relatable Romantic Memes for People Who Are Constantly Single AF (January 25, 2023)

I can't tell if I want him to text me back right away or if I want him to leave me alone.
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22 Relatable Unromantic Funnies for Cynical Singles Who Use Memes to Cope

22 Relatable Unromantic Funnies for Cynical Singles Who Use Memes to Cope

I'm the problem, it's me
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16 funny and relatable memes for girls that need to get over a guy | Thumbnail includes a picture of Spongebob sticking out his tongue and writing in a notebook with a pencil '"Hopefully we can still be friends" NAH'

16 'Get Over Him' Memes For The Girls That Need A Major Reality Check Because He's Just Not Worth Your Time

Boy, bye!
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