
15 screenshots from a Reddit thread where women replied to the question, 'If they made a movie after your ex, what would it be called?' | Thumbnail includes a picture of red movie theatre chairs and a screenshot of two comments from a Reddit post 'Not MyRealName814 14 hr. ago The Lyin' King Vote ↓ . Reply Share MonkeyGumbootEsquire 13 hr. ago I've seen that movie.'

'The Lyin King': Witty Women Of Reddit Come Up With Movie Titles Inspired By Their Exes

‘Your New Dude Can Pay’ : Man Enacts Petty Revenge on Cheating Ex Girlfriend, Refunds Entire $600 Spa Package Meant for Couples Holiday; She Audaciously Planned on Spending His Money on New Boyfriend

‘Your New Dude Can Pay’ : Man Enacts Petty Revenge on Cheating Ex Girlfriend, Refunds Entire $600 Spa Package Meant for Couples Holiday; She Audaciously Planned on Spending His Money on New Boyfriend

24 Cuffing Season Memes: Best Relatable Relationship Funnies Of The Week (February 14, 2023)

24 Cuffing Season Memes: Best Relatable Relationship Funnies Of The Week (February 14, 2023)

funniest memes for people obsessed with Valentine's Day candy

Tasty Memes for People Who Only Celebrate Valentine's Day for the Candy

Left thumbnail reads - The perfect Valentine Thunder Dungeon 199 YOU COMPLETE MEss | Right thumbnail reads - What do single people call Valentine's Day? Happy Independence Day

20+ Relatable and (mostly) Empowering Valentine’s Day Memes for the Single Pringles in the Crowd

38 funny and relatable relationship memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Elmo laying on a bed and a picture of Spongebob's grandma 'bae: put on that red thing I like me: when you spend the night at his house and you come out of the shower with your fresh face and hair not done waiting for him to compliment u'

Dumpster Truck Of Relationship Memes For Any & Every Dating Scenario (38 Memes)

Memes that describe the feelings of single ladies

12 Memes For All The Single Ladies Who Are Very, Very, Single

15+ Dumbest Reasons Boys Dramatically Broke up With the ‘Good Girl’

15+ Dumbest Reasons Boys Dramatically Broke up With the ‘Good Girl’

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Relatable Unromantic Memes for Blasé Singles Who Don't Have a Date for Valentine's Day

14 empowering self-love memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a girl wearing sunglasses putting on lipgloss in the mirror and a picture of Maddie from Euphoria wearing a gown 'I am so proud of i myself. idgaf about your opinion'

Empowering Self-love Memes For The Strong & Independent (February 12, 2023)

Hope for the Hopeless: Vanessa Hudgens Engagement Sparks a Wholesome Reddit Discussion on moving on from Long-Term Relationships | thumbnail reads -- vanessa hudgens ◆ YES. We couldn't be happier 10h

Hope for the Hopeless: Vanessa Hudgens Engagement Sparks a Wholesome Reddit Discussion About Moving On from Long-Term Relationships

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Relatable Romantic Memes for Singles Who Are Constantly Getting Ghosted

Left image reads - When you realize what guys consider "romance" on dating apps these days. Liz Lemon: "I'm going to go talk to some food about this." | Right image reads - When my married friends keep insisting on setting me up with their "single friends" Please don't throw garbage at me."

16 Hilarious Memes that Accurately Portray the Willingly Single and Picky Daters

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Funniest Relationship Memes for Saucy Singles Who Never Get Past the 'Talking' Phase

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Funniest Unromantic Memes for Cynical Singles Who Consistently Date Toxic Jerks

 Girls Who Are Single This Valentines Day | Thumbnail includes two pictures of pizza and kim kardashian

Honest & Funny Memes for Girls Who Are Single This Valentines Day