
reddit thread

Man Records His Wife Arguing Without Her Consent, She Retaliates By Throwing His Phone Out the Window

Man Records His Wife Arguing Without Her Consent, She Retaliates By Throwing His Phone Out the Window

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. Arguments will always take place in a marriage, but what separates a healthy marriage from an unhealthy one is how the couple argues. There are certain things partners should never say to each other. Partners should never name call, gaslight, or become violent. Raising one’s voice is understandable, but screaming isn’t. It’s a common coping mechanism to deflect one’s wrongdoings in an argument and not take responsibility where it’s due. In this…
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Woman Ruins Her Sister’s Wedding, Parents Accuse Bride of Being ‘Golden Child’ and Expect Her to Pay for Sister’s Therapy

Woman Ruins Her Sister’s Wedding, Parents Accuse Bride of Being ‘Golden Child’ and Expect Her to Pay for Sister’s Therapy

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. Entitlement seems to be a personality trait at this point. Growing up with jealousy and envy towards a sibling is never a good feeling, but ultimately the person needs to be mature and handle their own life instead of focusing on someone else’s. Being the ‘golden child’ isn’t always better; the black sheep may get more leniency for being unseen or unnoticed. In this Reddit thread, the original poster (OP) is a woman whose wedding was ruined by…
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Husband Secretly Cancels Finances From Wife Behind Her Back After Overspending on Takeout, She Accuses Him of Starving Her Despite Fridge Full of Food

Husband Secretly Cancels Finances From Wife Behind Her Back After Overspending on Takeout, She Accuses Him of Starving Her Despite Fridge Full of Food

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. Money and finances are surprisingly a huge reason couples break up. More and more people nowadays are deciding on keeping separate bank accounts from their spouses, while still maintaining a shared one. It’s surprising to think that one could get married and not have any idea about their partner’s spending habits, but it happens. Being frugal has become an increasingly important skillset in the modern era. In this Reddit thread, the husband is…
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Woman Refuses to Allow Entitled Cousin Use Her Wedding Reception as A Gender Reveal for Her Baby, Sparking a Heated Dispute and Family Divide

Entitled Cousin Asks Bride-To-Be If She Can Use Her Upcoming Wedding as a Gender Reveal for Her Baby, Bride Puts Her Foot Down and Sparks A Family Divide

"She starts going off about how perfect it would be to have a ‘big moment’ where everyone finds out the gender during my reception, and how I should ‘totally do a balloon release or confetti pop for her.’"
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Entitled Cousin Demands Woman to Sell Her A Repurposed Vintage Wedding Gown Despite Passing On It At the Thrift Store, Leading to An Emotional Family Feud

Woman Refuses To Sell Entitled Cousin a Vintage Wedding Dress She Repurposed for a Cosplay After Cousin Passes on It at the Thrift Store, Resulting in a Family Divide

Finders keepers... you know the rest.
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Woman Advises Parents Not to Include Her Step-Daughter in Their Will As She is Set to Inherit a Fortune from Other Grandparents, Husband Accuses Her of Favoritism

Woman Advises Parents Not to Include Her Step-Daughter in Their Will As She is Set to Inherit a Fortune from Other Grandparents, Husband Accuses Her of Favoritism

It's not like her kids were included in his parents' will, either.
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Woman Demands That Neighbors Buy Special Treats for Her Children, Driving Neighbors to Give Up and Go 'Lights Off' for Halloween This Years

Woman Demands That Neighbors Buy Special Treats for Her Children, Driving Neighbors to Give Up and Go 'Lights Off' for Halloween This Years

When trick-or-treating becomes a chore...
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Man Accused of Favoritism by Daughter for Giving Son a Down Payment on a House, Despite Spending a Fortune On Her Recovery Years Earlier

Man Accused of Favoritism by Daughter for Giving Son a Down Payment on a House, Despite Spending a Fortune On Her Recovery Years Earlier

Fair isn't always equal.
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Coworker Banned From Man’s Desk After Catching Him Napping in His Office Chair, Causing HR Stir

Coworker Banned From Man’s Desk After Catching Him Napping in His Office Chair, Causing HR Stir

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. There are certain things in life that we feel possessive about, and rightfully so. Someone touching our phone may feel like a violation worthy of the guillotine, and someone sitting at our work desk may make us feel like we’re going insane. Our belongings and our spaces should never be intruded upon, no matter how much audacity someone has. In this Reddit thread, the original poster (OP) is a man who lives his stuff, his privacy, and wants people to respect hi…
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‘Keep holding a grudge’: A 16-year-old Childhood Prank Isn’t Forgotten in Adulthood When a Woman Refuses to Help Her Cousin’s Livelihood, Causing Family Tensions

‘Keep holding a grudge’: A 16-year-old Childhood Prank Isn’t Forgotten in Adulthood When a Woman Refuses to Help Her Cousin’s Livelihood, Causing Family Tensions

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. As children, sometimes we just don’t know any better. I truly believe some children are just born to be naughtier and more mischievous than others. Regardless of how much a parent may try to reel their kid in, make them behave, and teach them lessons, the kid may rebel anyway. In this Reddit thread, the original poster (OP) is a woman whose daughter has a 16-year-old grudge against her cousin, and OP supports it. The cousin let the daughter’s c…
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‘You’re all losers’: Woman Abruptly Breaks Up With Fiancé After He Demands His Unemployed Family Move in With Them On Her Dime

‘You’re all losers’: Woman Abruptly Breaks Up With Fiancé After He Demands His Unemployed Family Move in With Them On Her Dime

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. We often do a lot for our partners and loved ones. From lauding them for their accomplishments, assuaging them through emotional times, or just comforting them when they need us. We all have our boundaries though, and even through a willingness to unconditionally love and support our partners, we have to b e obstinate when our boundaries are crossed. In this Reddit thread, it centers around an engaged couple. The original poster (OP) is a woman…
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Pregnant Woman Demands Man Give Up His Window Seat for Her, He Refuses, Sparking Tensions Throughout the Entire Plane

Pregnant Woman Demands Man Give Up His Window Seat for Her, He Refuses, Sparking Tensions Throughout the Entire Plane

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. We’re all the main character in the movie of our life. The world revolves around us , and our comforts, our wants, our needs. Why would a stranger’s needs surpass our own? Why should we sacrifice our comforts and wants for the sake of someone else? We all have our boundaries regarding this, and that’s exactly what this Reddit thread is about. In this Reddit piece, the original poster (OP) is a man who’s booked a window seat on a flight due to his height. It’s…
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Entitled Sister-In-Law Demands She Be a Part of Woman's Wedding Party, Despite Them Having a Poor Relationship and Fiancé Takes Sister's Side

Bride-To-Be Refuses To Indulge Spiteful Sister-In-Law’s Wishes To Join Her Bridal Party, Fiancé Attempts to Guilt Trip Her So She Cracks: ‘She’s just a harsh critic’

"He stormed off, and I shouted that I didn't know I was engaged to a child who threw a tantrum when he didn't get what he wanted."
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Woman Refuses to Back Down When Boyfriend and Estranged Family Believe They're Entitled to the $600k She Won On a Lottery Ticket

Woman Wins $600K From Lottery Ticket, Stands Her Ground When Boyfriend and Estranged Family Believe They're Entitled to Her Winnings

Seems the lottery ticket took the trash people out of her life.
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Man Takes Sister’s Side After She Snoops Through His Girlfriend’s Work Laptop and Posts Confidential Documents On TikTok, Leading to Break Up

Man Takes Sister’s Side After She Snoops Through His Girlfriend’s Work Laptop and Posts Confidential Documents On TikTok, Leading to Break Up

She thought she was Nancy Drew.
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Woman Stands Her Ground When Ex-Husband’s New Beau Demands That She Change Her Surname: ‘You need to move on’

Woman Stands Her Ground When Ex-Husband’s New Beau Demands That She Change Her Surname: ‘You need to move on’

What's in a name?
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