
Woman With Severe Migraines Is Treated Horribly By Mom And Step-Dad For Missing Thanksgiving| Thumbnail Text - Food - AITA for refusing to speak to my mother since thanksgiving So I, 23F, haven't spoken to my mom, 45F, since Thanksgiving because of her new husband, 37M. Both me and my mother have a migraine condition that literally puts us out of commission until it's gone. I'm talking not even able to drink water because I'll throw it up, moving to a different position in bed is sometimes too

Woman With Severe Migraines Is Treated Horribly By Mom And Step-Dad For Missing Thanksgiving

Dad Tweets That May Fuel Your Baby Fever, Or Serve As Birth Control| thumbnail text - Simon Holland @simoncholland I never understood how the little drummer boy's parents could just send him outside alone at night to play his drum until my daughter brought a recorder home from school. 3:00 AM · Dec 6, 2021

Dad Tweets That May Fuel Your Baby Fever, Or Serve As Birth Control

Insensitive Man Lashes Out At Wife For "Endangering" Their Kids By Helping A Young Special Needs Girl| Thumbnail Text - Water - AITA for yelling at my wife for potentially endangering our kids? Yesterday a little girl (7) with heavy special needs ran away from her school and ended up in my backyard. My wife is a SAHM to our 3 kids (6f, 3f, 6mo m) and was home with our younger 2 and she eventually saw the little girl in our backyard. It was pouring and the wind was very strong

Insensitive Man Lashes Out At Wife For "Endangering" Their Kids By Helping A Young Special Needs Girl

kids being serious | thumbnail text - ElizaR @ElizaReynick Replying to @AliceTaylorM and @lifeattiffanys When my son was 3, I picked him up from pre-school one day, and he very somberly said, "What if that song is right, and life IS but a dream? Are we just in a dream right now?" Existential crisis brought on by "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" 5:09 AM · Dec 13, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

10 Times Kids Were Scary Serious

Parenting Tweets Which We Highly Identified With This Christmas Season| thumbnail text - That Mom Tho @mom_tho thoughts and prayers for my husband as our five year old looked him straight in the eyes and told him "your jokes aren't funny" 1:23 AM · Dec 6, 2021

Parenting Tweets Which We Highly Identified With This Christmas Season

Big Sister Refuses To Babysit Little Brother After Disrespectful Treatment From Parents| Thumbnail Text - Purple - AITA for refusing to babysit my brother? When I (f28) was 20 and my brother (15) was 8 I told my stepmother that I wouldn't babysit him ever again after an incident.

Big Sister Refuses To Babysit Little Brother After Disrespectful Treatment From Parents

Cruel Father Throws 19 Year Old Pregnant Daughter Out Of The House| Thumbnail Text - Sleeve - AITA [41M] for kicking my Daughter [19F] out of my house? My daughter recently told me and my wife that she's pregnant and apparently she's been hiding it for 3 months. The Boyfriend is a scumbag who I thought she left after I gave her an ultimatum to either leave him or leave my house, to which she chose the latter or at least I thought she did. She started sobbing and telling us how sorry she was and

Cruel Father Throws 19 Year Old Pregnant Daughter Out Of The House

Parenting Tweets That Provided Us With Some Serious Chuckles| thumbnail text - Kara Klenk @karaklenk My 2 yo daughter was singing "Row Row Row Your Boat" and ended it with "life is down the drain." A 99 goth toddler. 6:36 PM · Nov 27, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Parenting Tweets That Provided Us With Some Serious Chuckles

Aunt Encourages Niece To Put Shoes On By Herself - Gets Unfairly Scolded By Brother| Thumbnail Text - Joint - AITA for not helping my 3 year old niece put her shoes on? My brother stopped by with his kids and hours later as they were leaving my niece was having trouble putting on her shoes. I was watching her and then my brother all annoyed says "uh are you gonna help her?" And I said no because I like to wait a minute to see if they can figure it out, and reminded him that I used to work at a

Aunt Encourages Niece To Put Shoes On By Herself - Gets Unfairly Scolded By Brother

Dad Tweets That Have No Business Being This Funny| thumbnail text - Crockett @CrockettForReal I asked my daughter if she thought she had been in the bath long enough and she said "the water will tell me when it's time to get out" so there ya have it 10:32 PM · Nov 29, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 95 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 1,114 Likes

Dad Tweets That Have No Business Being This Funny

kids roast funny tweets | Pwynce Wyn @WynRichards My 6yo daughter just caught getting out shower looks like minion 32 9:42 PM Aug 26, 2016

18 Tweets And Memes Proving Kids Are The Ultimate Savage Roasters

Siblings Comically Recreate Classic Childhood Photos| Thumbnail Text - Faces

Siblings Comically Recreate Classic Childhood Photos

Wife Refuses To Let Her Family Have A Merry Christmas Because It's 'Pagan'| Thumbnail Text - Plant - AITA for telling my wife she ruined Christmas? I am an atheist. My wife is religious. My parents are split and I grew up with a terrible dad. I told myself that when I have a kid that I don't want to be anything like him. Christmas is one of the only holidays I care about, it's when everyone is around family and are happy. I wanted my kid to have these moments.

Wife Refuses To Let Her Family Have A Merry Christmas Because It's 'Pagan'

Parents Vent About How Their Spotify Wrapped Was Single-Handily Tarnished By Their Children’s Music Taste| thumbnail text - Kevin Power @KevPow3 My Spotify Wrapped: The Jungle Book, Frozen, and Moana soundtracks, and one Nine Inch Nails song. Bangers every one. 6:56 PM · Dec 1, 2021 ♡ 21 1, Share this Tweet

Parents Vent About How Their Spotify Wrapped Was Single-Handily Tarnished By Their Children’s Music Taste

Sneaky Husband Steals 5K From Wife's Savings For His Sister's Wedding Dress| Thumbnail Text - Coin - AITA for borrowing some money from my wife's savings account? My wife and I have joined finances but she has a savings account her grandpa set up for

Sneaky Husband Steals 5K From Wife's Savings For His Sister's Wedding Dress

Father Finally Spills The Truth To Adult Son About His Mother Having An Affair| Thumbnail Text - cheating AITA for telling the truth about his mom

Father Finally Spills The Truth To Adult Son About His Mother Having An Affair