
Dads That Are Masters Of Roasting Themselves On Twitter| thumbnail text - Dadman Walking @dadmann_walking it snowed today. time for my kids to spend 56 minutes getting ready to go out to play in it for 17.6 seconds 6:47 PM · Jan 3, 2022 · Twitter Web App

Dads That Are Masters Of Roasting Themselves On Twitter

funniest dad tweets of the week | Thumbnail text - James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn @XplodingUnicorn Parenting is praising your 5-year-old like they won a Nobel Prize because they woke up in the middle of the night and got 100 percent of their puke in the toilet. 5:10 PM · May 29, 2021 · Twitter for Android 111 Retweets 11 Quote Tweets 4,412 Likes

Funniest Tweets From Dads Who Nailed Parenting This Week

12 Year Old Gets Bullied At School And Blames Mom For Letting Her Wear Tacky Outfit| Thumbnail Text - Facial expression - AITA for not making my daughter change her outfit before school? This morning my daughter (12/F) dressed for school in an objectively hideous outfit- clashing patterns and colors, she legitimately looked like a clown.

12 Year Old Gets Bullied At School And Blames Mom For Letting Her Wear Tacky Outfit

Parenting Tweets That Had Us Entering 2022 With A Laugh| thumbnail text - MumlnBits @MumlnBits so turns out my kids still expect to be fed in 2022 10:44 PM · Jan 1, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

Parenting Tweets That Had Us Entering 2022 With A Laugh

Homophobic Mother Used To Shame Gay Daughter - Now Wants Her To Play Music At Her Wedding To A Woman| Thumbnail Text - Gesture - AITA for refusing to play my music at my mother's wedding? I (F18) was outed as a lesbian to my mom and dad when I was 15. After this, my dad reacted in a completely negative way- he called me slurs, threatened to kick me out and more.

Homophobic Mother Used To Shame Gay Daughter - Now Wants Her To Play Music At Her Wedding To A Woman

mom comics | thumbnail text - TRUE STORY: This happened to me while I was teaching Z oom Yoga Recently that is breastmilk spraying out of my shirt @momlife_comics 800

Artist Mom Draws Funny Comics Depicting Relatable Parenting Woes

Funniest Parenting Tweets We Chuckled At This Year| thumbnail text - meghan @deloisivete ... I want those snacks that have 2 eyes and a scary mouth -my 3 yo, describing pretzels 4:18 PM · 10/5/21 · Twitter Web App 193 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 1,047 Likes

Funniest Parenting Tweets We Chuckled At This Year

The Best Dad Jokes That Blessed Twitter In 2021| thumbnail text - woman

The Best Dad Jokes That Blessed Twitter In 2021

entitled parent post | thumbnail text - r/entitledparents · Posted by u/MortalWombay 2 days ago 2 Entitled Dad stole my money M Obligatory I'm on mobile. Apologies for formatting, etc... This happened about two decades ago and I still remember it as one of the most unfair things that my dad did to me. I have since vowed never to act this way to my own kids.

Unhinged Dad Throws Temper Tantrum, Destroys Property Upon Discovering Son Lied About His Grades

Mother Accused Of 'Stifling Her Twins Individualities" By Dressing Them In Blue And Green| Thumbnail Text - Jaw - AITA for exclusively dressing my twin sons in color coded shirts? I have a set of identical twin boys 1.5years old. My husband andI are both forgetful and having a new baby is tiring, I was scared of getting them mixed up.

Mother Accused Of 'Stifling Her Twins Individualities" By Dressing Them In Blue And Green

10 Surprising Songs Our Dads Love To Jam To| Thumbnail Text - Hat - SHANIA TWAIN net men MAN! I FEEL LIKE A WOMAN! Candyman

10 Surprising Songs Our Dads Love To Jam To

Man Gets Cold Feet After IFV Treatments With Wife - Wants To Leave It All| Thumbnail Text - Organism - r/relationship_advice O Me (31M) and my wife (36F) having a baby and every inch of my body is wanting to walk out

Man Gets Cold Feet After IVF Treatments With Wife - Wants To Leave It All

funny posts seen on moms facebook groups | thumbnail text - Posted by u/Inked_Chick 1 year ago A whole new level of jealously right there ANONYMOUS POST Can you post? Im losing my shit and need to know if I'm trippin! So my husband has a 6 yo daughter with his ex who happens to look like a mini version of the ex. We get the kid ever other weekend and my husband is always telling her how cute she is or how beautiful or pretty! Or commenting under pictures saying "my beautiful girl" or whatever! I

Weird And Messed Up Posts Seen On Facebook Groups For Moms

People reveal how they originally thought babies were made| Thumbnail text - BabyRage1908 14 days ago I thought girls would just shit out babies 1 Reply Share

The Ridiculous Ways People Thought Babies Were Made

aita post | thumbnail text - AITA I didn't go to see my ex at the hospital I and my ex divorced 5 months ago because she came out as lesbian. I didn't want the baby when she came out to me because I felt it would be awkward for us to coparent and I didn't want any contact with her. However, she wanted to keep the baby so I accepted her decision and didn't talk about it anymore.

Woman Has Miscarriage, Ex Sends Flowers Instead Of Visiting Her At Hospital Because She Cheated On Him

nice girl post | thumbnail text -  "Ethical" non-monogamy is stupid and never married no kids" is not a flex. P'Il just go ahead and assume I'm more mature than you if you share that.

Internet Roasts Single Mother's Aggressively Entitled Dating Bio