parenting fails

Cold-Hearted Dad Demands Paternity Test After Suddenly Believing His Daughter Is Not His| Thumbnail Text - Product - THE DNA TEST RESULTS ARE IN AITA for not letting my dad get a paternity test? My (16F) dad wants to get a paternity test because he's recently convinced l'm not his real daughter. My mum ran away to another country with some guy when I was 8 years old and lately my dad's sure she was cheating |on him long before that and I'm actually someone else's baby.

Cold-Hearted Dad Demands Paternity Test After Suddenly Believing His Daughter Is Not His

Woman Calls Out Her Sister For Being Emotionally Abusive To Her Claustrophobic Son| Thumbnail Text - Nose - AITA for telling my sister she's mean and cruel to her son? My (24F) nephew (5M) has always been claustrophobic. Even as a baby he hated being swaddled or cuddled too long. He'd get fussy and cry until he was put down and able to move freely.

Woman Calls Out Her Sister For Being Emotionally Abusive To Her Claustrophobic Son

Parents who have totally had enough of parenting for today | thumbnail text - "My kids went in the basement to play, about 10 minutes later, this happened." "Goat cheese and buttercream frosting look very similar when they've been stored in a Ziploc bag in your refrigerator. My kid is currently jumping off furniture"

Parents Who Have Had Enough Of Parenting For Today

Overprotective Dad Cruelly Forces Daughters Boyfriend To Sleep On The Floor| Thumbnail Text - Property - AITA for making my daughter's boyfriend sleep on the floor? My (49M) daughter (18F) and her boyfriend (19M) were going to a theme park on a saturday and she asked me if he could sleep on our house because it was closer to the park and was more practical.

Overprotective Dad Cruelly Forces Daughters Boyfriend To Sleep On The Floor

Mother Hides The Truth From Young Daughter About Restraining Order Against Father| Thumbnail Text - Font - WIBTA for telling my 7 year the reason why me and her dad divorced? My daughter F7 has been asking a lot of questions about her dad aka my ex husband. She still sees her dad via visitation that is supervised by her grandparents. She asked if he can come to her thanksgiving play Wednesday. I told her it's to soon and that he probably can't take off work. (the actual reason is I have a restra

Mother Hides The Truth From Young Daughter About Restraining Order Against Father

Parents Who Know How To Have Fun With The Most Stressful Job In The Universe| thumbnail text - Sarcastic Mommy ... @sarcasticmommy4 Not to brag, but I can make my kids angry by just saying "good morning." 3:31 PM · 11/4/21 · Twitter for iPhone 61 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 643 Likes

Parents Who Know How To Have Fun With The Most Stressful Job In The Universe

creepy and disturbing pregnancy photos from people who shouldn't be parents | thumbnail three pictures of creepy pregnancy photos

Disturbingly Creepy Pregnancy Photos From People Who Probably Shouldn't Be Parents

Here Are The Worst Names To Give a Child Currently| Thumbnail Text - Smile - TheBigDissapoint · 1d. My cousin named his first son King and his first daughter Queen. So there's that. 3.6k J Reply Share Report Save

Here Are The Worst Names To Give a Child Right Now

entitled parents get roasted online for their awful behavior | thumbnail text - aylor Lorenz O @TaylorLorenz Although horrific, I'm out of emotions to do anything but laugh at this point. My fiance and I just found out yesterday that my Imagine coming home with your future mother-in-law has made report card and ur parents do a arrangements to have her vows renewed at our destination wedding. On the same day. Two hours prior to our ceremony. At the same location. Because... wait for it.. she want

Entitled Parents Who Got Roasted Online For Their Awful Behavior

19 Dad Tweets That Sent Us Laughing Over The Edge| Thumbnail Text - Nose - NicholasG @Dad_At_Law "So lucky our kids have siblings so they'll always be there for each other," I mutter as I break up another physical fight between my daughters because they both want to be Hermione Granger for Halloween.

18 Dad Tweets That Sent Us Laughing Over The Edge

dumbest things parents posted in Facebook groups | thumbnail text - Group post by Group Member • 13m My almost 3 year old ate almost a full bottle of tums (only about 11 left - so ate about 89 tums) before we caught her. We dont know what to do. We don't know how she even got them. Should we take her to emerge? Should we call poison control? I'm freaking out a little..

Dumbest Things People Posted In Parenting Facebook Groups

funny memes of mom vs dad | Mothers pushing babies in strollers and Fathers carrying them upside down by their legs | Moms put their kids sleep Dads put their kids sleep NOW WILL GO SLEEP OR WILL PUT SLEEP

Memes Showing The Different Parenting Styles Of Moms And Dads

new dad reveals things that men have no clue about when it comes to childbirth | thumbnail text - "You might have heard of the placenta... maybe you had a hippie cousin that turned their placenta into pills. Did you know, after birthing a human, the mother gives birth to the placenta? Trust me, just keep looking at your  beautiful new baby."

New Dad Discovers Things Men Have No Clue About When It Comes To Childbirth

funny tweets from parents about homeschooling hell | thumbnail Text - Dr. Carolyn Jess-Cooke/C.J. Cooke @CJessCooke 000 Anyone struggling with homeschooling should know that, despite having a PhD in Literature and having published 12 books, I only learned what a fronted adverbial was when my 8 year old's teacher said he doesn't use enough of them in his written work. 5:15 AM Jan 13, 2021 Twitter Web App

Tweets From Parents Describing The Horrors Of Homeschooling Hell

this week's funniest parenting tweets from parents who are so over their kids | thumbnail text - MumlnBits @MumlnBits Somewhere between asking me for a banana and me giving him the banana, 4 decided he didn't like bananas anymore 11:57 PM · Aug 3, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 77 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 606 Likes

Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week Who Are So Over Their Kids Already

sarcastic tweets from parents who are so over parenting | thumbnail text - Arianna Bradford @thearibradford I love when I mention getting frustrated with my kids and someone's like "have you tried TALKING to your kids?" Omg thank you you visionary and here l've been communicating with f cking charades silly me 10:12 PM · Jun 29, 2021 · CoSchedule 85 Retweets 1 Quote Tweet 635 Likes

Funniest Parenting Tweets We Saw This Week