
mother in law

Husband consistently condescends SAHM after an agreed upon arrangement, mother in law takes his side

SAHM is Fed Up with Husband's Condescending Comments about the Difficulty of Housework, Her MIL Feeds the Fire: ‘He wasn't like this when I had a full-time job’

Welcome back to another episode of husbands assuming being a full-time mother is easy. Spoiler alert: it's not.
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Woman claps back at controlling and entitled mother in law, husband expects her to apologize for standing her ground

‘My MIL called me snotty and a brat’: Woman stands up to controlling mother-in-law after she berates her, woman's husband expects his wife to apologize

You've heard of the Karen. Meet the Karen mother-in-law, or the mother of all Karens.
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'I'm out': Wife Refuses to Help Parent Stepson After Learning of His Relationship With Her Overbearing Mother-In-Law

'I'm out': Wife Refuses to Help Parent Stepson After Learning of His Relationship With Her Overbearing Mother-In-Law

As much as I get along with my mother-in-law, and I honestly do get along with her, I will never agree to have her living in my home. It is simply a recipe for disaster, both for the relationship between the two women and for the relationship of the couple themselves. This is why it is actually not that surprising that the woman in this Reddit story has reached a breaking point because of her MIL (mother-in-law). For some reason, MIL has started living with OP (original poster), her husband, an…
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‘Unbelievable…’: Wife Keeps Family Dinner a Secret, Leaving Husband Stranded at Home

‘Unbelievable…’: Wife Keeps Family Dinner a Secret, Leaving Husband Stranded at Home

Your priorities should be centered around your family. In addition to the individuals you are biologically related to, your family may also include your close friends and the families you marry into when tying the knot. Having said that, what would you do if your partner abandoned you after publicly and repeatedly displaying disrespect towards you? The story below is an account of a frustrated husband. The original poster (OP) moved across the state recently to accommodate her wife's new job. T…
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family drama bride micromanager entitlement drama wedding couples mother in law entitled reddit thread Reddit karen dating entitled people - 35638277

'Taking her along to the appointment would have resulted in tears, confusion, and not finding a dress': Entitled Mother-in-law Stops Speaking to Bride After Not Being Invited Wedding Dress Shopping

who's in the wrong?
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Man Demands Future MIL Pay for Lost Items After She Misplaces His Valuables and Calls Him ‘Careless’

Man Demands Future MIL Pay for Lost Items After She Misplaces His Valuables and Calls Him ‘Careless’

It is crucial for you and those around you to feel responsible for your actions. Having said that, how would you react if your future mother-in-law misplaced something that you had explicitly told her to keep an eye out for you? In the event that the item disappeared, would you take responsibility for it or would you hold her or her careless actions accountable? The story below is an account of a frustrated boyfriend. The original poster (OP) had gone on vacation with his girlfriend's family. S…
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Wife Confronts MIL Over Years of Mistreatment Towards Husband, Igniting Intense Family Discussion on Favoritism

Wife Confronts MIL Over Years of Mistreatment Towards Husband, Igniting Intense Family Discussion on Favoritism

The love a mother can give is unmatched. The idea that there is someone out there who will reach across the sky to guarantee your well-being has tremendous allure. Still, how would you respond if your mother-in-law disapproved of your partner? Would you try to make up for it if he noticed the disparities between you and your siblings, or would you just accept things the way they are? The story below is an account of a frustrated wife. For over a decade, the original poster (OP) has been married…
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Expectant Live-in Daughter-In-Law Receives an Ultimatum from Her Mother-In-Law: ‘Help around the house, or leave!’

Expectant Live-in Daughter-In-Law Receives an Ultimatum from Her Mother-In-Law: ‘Help around the house, or leave!’

Above all, family comes first. That being said, how would you react, though, if you thought your family was taking advantage of your kindness? Would you be willing to offend them by setting firm boundaries, or would you prefer to remain silent in an effort to maintain harmony? The mother-in-law who is frustrated is described in the story below. Since they are unable to afford a house of their own, the original poster (OP) is currently providing housing for her son and his expectant fiancé. They…
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 Controlling Mother Tampers with Son’s Wedding, Son Refuses to Confront Mother, Causing Bride to Call Off Engagement

Controlling Mother Tampers with Son’s Wedding, Son Refuses to Confront Mother, Causing Bride to Call Off Engagement

When you do eventually tie the knot, you not only marry the man but also his entire family. That being said, how would you respond if your future mother-in-law tried to interfere in your marriage by deciding whether or not you should adopt your spouse's last name? The story below is an account of a frustrated bride. Recently, the original poster (OP) and her now-fiancé announced their engagement. Things were going great at first, but as soon as the future mother-in-law got involved, things quic…
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‘He went behind my back’: Bride who wants to keep her maiden name narrowly escapes toxic marriage after fiancé tries tricking her into taking his last name, wedding cancelled

‘He went behind my back’: Bride who wants to keep her maiden name narrowly escapes toxic marriage after fiancé tries tricking her into taking his last name, wedding cancelled

“Marrying him would most likely end in a divorce certificate being drawn up and signed for the ex-Mr. and Mrs. Smith…”
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‘Your ex is in every picture!’: Woman’s Mother-in-Law Makes Scrapbook Birthday Present Prominently Featuring Husband’s Ex Girlfriend

‘Your ex is in every picture!’: Woman’s Mother-in-Law Makes Scrapbook Birthday Present Prominently Featuring Husband’s Ex Girlfriend

In our most vulnerable moments , it can be really easy to sink down to the point that we Google our partner’s ex just to compare ourselves. It’s silly, really. That person is an ex for a reason, and you partner is actively choosing to be with you now, so there isn’t any reason to worry. But when the insecurities are insecuring and the ego is wheezing like a dis-inflated balloon, we might begin to tell ourselves otherwise. Throw in a mean-spirited mother-in-law who seems to favor your partner’s…
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‘Get a real job’: Mother-in-law Demands Son and His Family Move in to Support Her, Dispute Arises With Daughter-in-law Over Finances

‘Get a real job’: Mother-in-law Demands Son and His Family Move in to Support Her, Dispute Arises With Daughter-in-law Over Finances

Welcome back women and men of the internet. The lawless actions of mother-in-laws can be shockingly immature. From high demands, to scathing, unnecessary comments, their behavior is timelessly unadulterated chaos. Moving in with your mother-in-law is also no walk in the park. You have your own family to take care of , your children, and the relationship with your husband to upkeep. Of course, when you’re raising small children your love life might take the backseat, but what’s more of a vibe-ki…
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‘You’re uneducated’: Woman Kicks Out Mother-in-law After MIL Tells Her Her Son Isn’t Getting a ‘Real Dinner,’ Leading to Family Dispute

‘You’re uneducated’: Woman Kicks Out Mother-in-law After MIL Tells Her Her Son Isn’t Getting a ‘Real Dinner,’ Leading to Family Dispute

Getting along with family isn’t easy. At least when it’s your own family, you can show them the dark sides of you that you usually have to hide from other people. When you’re with other families, it’s the time to feign propriety with proper poise and politeness. Now, this feeling is especially exacerbated when it comes to your partner’s family. Albeit, while the first few years of being a couple, the pressure to impress feels immense, this weariness about impressions fades away quickly once you…
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Man Secretly Withdraws Thousands of Dollars from Wife’s Account to Assist Parents in Need, Wife Finds Out and Freezes His Access to the Account

Man Secretly Withdraws Thousands of Dollars from Wife’s Account to Assist Parents in Need, Wife Finds Out and Freezes His Access to the Account

Being single offers you the flexibility to do as you like. However, once you tie the knot, you and your spouse become one, which means you must honor their wants and needs. The story that follows is an account of a dissatisfied wife. The original poster (OP) and her partner were married more than ten years ago. The husband was injured in a tragic car accident a few years ago, which made it impossible for him to return to work. Therefore, from being a cozy dual-income household, they are current…
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MIL's Meddling Leads to DIL's Dramatic Exit from Family Function, With Baby in Arms

MIL's Meddling Leads to DIL's Dramatic Exit from Family Function, With Baby in Arms

Mothers-in-law can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy. The daughter-in-law who is frustrated is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) had recently given birth to her first child. The mother-in-law of the OP has tried to exert authority over both her son and the newest member of the family. OP had assumed she could take this in stride and with grace, but ever since becoming a mother, she has entirely lost tolerance and empathy for her behavior. After that, OP and her part…
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‘Your mother can't live with us’: Wife Refuses to Let MIL With No Retirement Plan Move In With Her Family, Husband Is Forced to Choose a Side

‘Your mother can't live with us’: Wife Refuses to Let MIL With No Retirement Plan Move In With Her Family, Husband Is Forced to Choose a Side

We all have (or had) parents, that is simply a fact. We all also have extremely different relationships with our parents, those of which affect other relationships we have in our lives, whether romantic or otherwise. Even for people who have a good and strong relationship with their parents, it can create quite a tense situation when another loved one joins the equation. The husband in this Reddit story has a strong relationship with his mother, which unfortunately badly affects his relationshi…
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