mental health

mental health twitter thread | thumbnail text -  Rectangle - megan ... @chismosavirus if i don't buy a little treat (coffee, tea, boba, or small snack) for myself every day i will literally die 12:24 AM · Dec 12, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

People Celebrate The Positive Effect That Little Treats Have On Their Mental Health (Twitter Thread)

Funniest tweets about mental breakdowns on Twitter this week | thumbnail text -

Funniest 'Mental Breakdown' Tweets We Saw This Week

gyno appointment tweets | thumbnail text - its ya sloppy bitch annie @merpinjellybean ... Scheduling a Pap smear on my birthday in the hopes that the doctor says, "Pappy birthday!" 9 (a girl can dream ) 6:12 PM · Aug 23, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

15 Pap Smear Tweets That Made Us Want To Cancel Our Gyno Appointments

Funny tweets avout lifehacks | thumbnail text - ultan @ultB1 Life hack: when you're cutting a pizza at home always make one of the slices really small in case anybody asks you for a slice 12:32 AM · Apr 10, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

People Reveal The Funniest Lifehacks Which Changed Their Lives For The Better

people reveal the worst thing their therapist ever said to them | thumbnail text - lightfootjr 4 days ago My mom saw a shrink the year my brother almost died from a lung infection, she had had a miscarriage, and her husband lost his leg in an accident (all within about 4 months' time). The shrink asked, "Have you considered that maybe God hates you?"

People Reveal The Worst Thing Their Therapist Ever Said To Them

Low budget mental health tips | thumbnail text - Telltale2020 · 3h I think it was John Mulaney who said this, but: If you think everyone hates you, you need sleep. If you think you hate everyone, you need food. Took this advice and I nap and eat more and I don't feel as paranoid/stressed.

Low-Budget Mental Health Tips For Women Too Broke For Therapy

Funny tweets about skincare routines | thumbnail text - Poosh @pooshdotcom ... POOSH If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my 12- step skincare routine. Vitamin C АНА/ВНА SPF AVA Hyaluronic Acid Micellar Retinol

Sparkling Skin Care Routines Are Guaranteed To Revamp Our Lives, According To Twitter

Funny tweets about mental breakdowns | thumbnail text - @charrbell Having a mental breakdown spots a mirror:

People Celebrate The Majestic Ability To Still Look Hot In The Midst Of A Mental Breakdown

Funny tweets about mental breakdowns | thumbnail text - Merve ... @merveebgln mental breakdown my depressioR my brain my anxiety

'Mental Breakdown' Tweets Which Just Might Restore Our Sanity

Relatable tweets about social anxiety | thumbnail text - danielle tcholakian @danielleiat Imagining how my social anxiety verging on paranoia would've dealt with attending a dinner party where the host opened with "one of you will betray me" 5:11 PM · Apr 4, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

Relatable Tweets About Crippling Social Anxiety For The Solitude Seekers Of The World

funny memes about mental health for anyone who can't afford therapy | thumbnail text - Anxiety and me then: Anxiety and me now: shutte sh Elnur shutterstock shutters  Me Also me My mental health

Funny Mental Health Memes For Anyone Who Can't Afford Therapy

Funny tweets about feelings people have on Sundays | thumbnail text - Estados Unidos America929 Chasing my vitamins with an edible is peak Sunday Scaries behavior 3:51 AM Mar 15, 2021 Twitter Web App

Relatable Tweets About The Sundays 'Feels' We All Experience Weekly

hitting the quarter life crisis | thumbnail text - Quarter life crisis haircut made me look even more like my mom hhhhhh

The Infamous Quarter Life Crisis Captured Perfectly In Tweets

Tweet about therapy | thumbnail text -  My therapist just said "You have access to a particular niche of people that I simply do not know about" when I brought up Twitter.

Funniest Therapy Tweets Of The Week (March 3, 2021)

funny tweets about all the things men would rather do than go to therapy | Adam Nayman @brofromanother 000 Paul Men will literally not let themselves get attached anything they can't walk out thirty seconds flat if they feel heat around corner instead going therapy | corie johnson @corietjohnson 000 men will literally create an online college based network interact socially will one day be adapted into film starring jesse eisenberg instead going therapy

Funny Tweets About All The Things Men Do To Avoid Therapy

Twitter Thread listing Negative Health Effects Caused By Lack Of Sleep - cover image tweet listing reasons why sleep is bad | aiko @1chigoko consistently sleeping less than 6-7 hrs wrecks immune system doubles risk cancer sleep is key factor determining if will develop Alzheimer's improper sleep even week will disrupt sleep enough could be classified as pre-diabetic 10:22 AM Jun 24, 2020 Twitter iPhone >

Twitter Thread On The Negative Health Effects Caused By Lack Of Sleep