

funniest parenting tweets of the week - thumbnail | Text - LizerReal My 5yo named her new kitten Penis. Penis is female.

Funniest Parenting Tweets

The funny parents of Twitter
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funniest parenting tweets of the week | thumbnail Text - Professional Worrier @pro_worrier_ My 4yo is irate that she's not in our family pictures that were taken in 2012.. She was born in 2016

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week

The funny parents of Twitter
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creepy stuffed animals with human teeth - thumbnail includes three pictures of stuffed animals with human teeth

Stuffed Toys With Human Teeth Are Creepy AF

And parents buy these for their kids?
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funniest parenting tweets of the week - thumbnail | James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn @XplodingUnicorn 6-year-old: Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Me: This better be important. 6: Do ghosts fart?

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (October 4, 2020)

Twitter's funniest parents
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funniest parenting tweets of the week - thumbnail | Text - Rhyming Mama @sarabellab123 Just when I thought we had turned a corner on this clusterfuck of a year, my daughter brought a recorder home from school.

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (September 27, 2020)

The funny parents of Twitter
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funniest parenting tweets of the week - thumbnail | Text - mark @TheCatWhisprer Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me between 2 and 50 times and you're my 5yo getting out of bed at night.

Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (September 20, 2020)

The funny parents of Twitter
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incredibly talented Japanese mom creates works of art in kid's food - thumbnail includes two pics of food

Japanese Mom Creates Works Of Art In Food For Her Kids

Food that's too good to eat
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Parenting hacks by physics professor  Robert A.McNees on how to get your kids to love reading

Ways Parents Tricked Their Young Children Into Loving Reading

Reverse psychology at its best
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stories from teachers of stupid reasons kids were tattletales | pretzel90210 2.4k points 9 hours ago "He said bad word standing right next him and didn't hear anything Well can read his mind."

Teachers of Reddit Reveal Stupid Reasons Children Were Tattletales

Kids, eh?
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cheezburger users responses to most expensive things children ruined by mistake - cover pic story about kid driving dads tractor into lagoon costing him $50,000

Cheezburger Users Reveal 'Most Expensive Things Their Children Ruined By Mistake'

The most costly of mistakes
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pictures of kids failing at playing hide and seek - cover pic kids hiding with legs sticking out

Kids Who Didn't Quite Understand Hide And Seek

Kids aren't always the smartest
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photos of Bella Hadid as a kid and now

How Famous Models Looked As Kids

Looks really do change over time
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pictures of rich kids showing off their wealth on Instagram - boy sitting in pile of money and couple eating pizza on a nice car

Rich Kids Of Instagram Show Off Their (Parents) Wealth

The kids like me and you, but awful
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ecard about the constant battle between going to bed to catch up on sleep or staying awake to get alone time | Parenting is constant battle between going bed catch up on some sleep or staying awake finally get some alone time. somee cards

Ecards To Remind You Of The Joys Of Parenting

Or not so joyous...
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woman lookalike dolls children disabilities photos facebook inspiring heartwarming creative alone kids | woman sitting beside a sewing machine drawing on a toy and child holding a doll with spots on its body matching the human child

Woman Creates Inspiring Custom Lookalike Dolls For Kids With Disabilities

Making sure no child feels alone
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kids think outside box parent fails funny pictures kids these days | thumbnail text - “I told her, ’Your butt needs to stay in your room.’ Just went to check on her and found this. Her butt is in her room...”

Kids Who Tried To Outsmart Their Parents By Thinking Outside The Box

They definitely don't lack creativity
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