
The Struggle is Real: 20+ Memes for Married Parents | Thumbnail includes meme 'when my husband tells me'

The Struggle is Real: 20+ Memes for Married Parents

24 marriage and parenting memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man smiling while driving a car and a picture of the same man but with a moustache and now crying 'Me thinking a road trip with kids will be fun @dad.wilder Ten minutes into the road trip Me Milk Wench @semisocialbird Tbh having your kid look exactly like your husband is like doing most of the work on a group project and he still gets the higher grade'

24 Marriage Memes for Couples Who Cope With Parenting by Sending Each Other Relatable Memes

'He's a deadbeat dad': Mooching husband shames wife and moves out as punishment for taking a weekend to herself after she slaves over 4 children and a full time job without his help

'He's a deadbeat dad': Mooching husband moves out and shames his wife as punishment for spending a weekend with her friends, even though she balances a full time job and parenting without his help

'I popped out two big babies, what’s your stomach’s excuse?': Woman gets savage revenge on rude dude at clothing store after he calls her fat in front of an assemblage of customers

'I popped out two big babies, what’s your stomach’s excuse?': Woman gets savage revenge on rude dude at clothing store after he calls her fat in front of an assemblage of customers

13 screenshots from a Reddit post about a late wife that left a collection of dresses to her sister instead of her husband because she knew he would remarry and she didn't want him to pass off her things to his new wife and kids | Thumbnail includes a picture of a rack of dresses 'AITA for telling my late sister's husband that his daughter is not getting any of my sister's dresses? After my niece was born she asked me if I would keep her dresses (she'

AITA : Late wife leaves precious dress collection to sister, anticipating husband would remarry and give the dresses to his next wife and kids, years later he proves her right

28 screenshots from a Reddit post about a trans woman that came out as trans to her entire family without giving her close family a heads up | Thumbnail includes a trans flag and a screenshot of text on top 'Every year around March, the whole family holds a sort of Spring banquet. Due to their separation my uncle and her wife arrived, well, separately. My uncles wife arrived first with the kids. Not long after my uncle showed up. She was wearing a full face of makeup, and a dress.'

AITA : Husband of 42 Years Comes Out as Trans to Entire Family Without Warning Wife and Kids, Emotional Turmoil Ensues

AITA: 'Definitely a double life': Gaslighting husband takes 3 week vacations with his ‘dear friend’, wife gets left behind and Redditors speculate an affair

AITA: 'Someone has a second family': Gaslighting husband takes 3 week vacations with his ‘dear friend’, wife gets left behind and Redditors speculate an affair

23 Memes That Will Amuse Married Couples With and Without Kids

23 Memes That Will Amuse Married Couples With and Without Kids

22 screenshots from a Reddit thread about an entitled husband that started saying he can't trust his wife because she was 15 minutes late to the pool with towels | Thumbnail includes a background picture of a deep blue pool and a screenshot of text 'AITA telling my wife I can't trust her after she didn't text me about towels I got the kids in the pool, and called her. She was still at work, and said her car was blocked in and she was finding the person who blocked her in. Her coworkers were'

Entitled husband claims wife can't be trusted after she's 15 minutes late to deliver towels for him & the kids, even though she dropped everything at work and it was his responsibility in the first place

'I talked to HR, and they fired her': Employee accuses coworker of cheating on her husband, attempts to break up her marriage, gets fired instead

'I talked to HR, and they fired her': Employee accuses coworker of cheating on her husband, attempts to break up her marriage, gets fired instead

20+ Best Tweets of the Week for Merry Married Couples

20+ Best Tweets of the Week for Merry Married Couples

Memes Only Husbands and Wives Will Understand | Thumbnail includes beyonce jayz and kim kardashian

15 Memes That Only Husbands And Wives Will Understand

18 screenshots from a Reddit thread about outdated gender stereotypes and a husband who doesn't support his wife pursuing education | Thumbnail includes a pink and yellow gradient background and three screenshots from the Reddit post 'My wife intended to graduate high school the year we got married but life got in the way. My dad had given me an investor relations type of role at his company so we were traveling a lot and then after that our kids needed our attentions. So my wife ended'

Husband From Idaho Belittles His Wife's Accomplishment Of Passing GED Test Because He's Scared The Babymaking Machine Will Get Educated

14 funny memes about dating as a single mother | Thumbnail includes a picture of a woman thinking and then a picture of a man standing behind a red-headed woman. Thumbnail also includes a picture of Rachel and Monica from Friends wearing outdated outfits 'I hate online dating. I wish guys just approached me. Hi. Ugh. When you finally get a night out and you realize your entire wardrobe went out of style while you were busy raising babies'

15 Very Accurate Memes For Single Mothers Getting Back Into The Dating Scene

21 funny memes about people that don't want to have kids | Thumbnail includes a picture of a yellow sign and a picture of two grey pitbulls wearing onesies and cuddling 'Coleague: hey wanna see pictures of my kids? Me: 0 INTEREST Mom: how many kids do you want? Me: just two'

21 Best Memes For Childfree Millennials That Intentionally Choose Not To Have Kids

‘Looks Like Your Wife Has a New Husband’ : Clueless Dude Babysits Kids While His Spouse Cheats on Him, Even Asks for Standard Babysitting Fee

‘Looks Like Your Wife Has a New Husband’ : Clueless Dude Babysits Kids While His Spouse Cheats on Him, Even Asks for Standard Babysitting Fee