

People Unveil Which Completely Un-Sexual Professions Constantly Get Sexualized| thumbnail text - hazemm • 13h Anything that requires a uniform. G Reply

People Unveil Which Completely Un-Sexual Professions Constantly Get Sexualized

Where did these storylines come from?
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Funny tweets about turnoff jobs | thumbnail text  -  trashyflashy @trashyflashyxo Replying to @Puff_lya "entrepreneur". Usually its just shorthand for "I sink my generational wealth into bad ideas that don't help anybody, not even me!" 8:22 PM · Apr 11, 2021 · Twitter for Android

Women Reveal Jobs Which Are Total Turnoffs In Potential Partners

Never have I ever dated a mortician
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People Reveal What Caused Them To Quit Their Job On The Very First Day| thumbnail text - imagisnarf2 · 6h 2 Awards It was a waitress gig for a local restaurant. I finished my first day, then was told that training would continue for six weeks. While I was in training, all of the tips I got had to be given to my trainer. I was being paid less than $2 an hour. I called the next day and said it wasn't gonna work out. G Reply 1 5.1k 3 ...

People Reveal What Caused Them To Quit Their Job On The Very First Day

When you know you know
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People Reveal Why Women Live Longer Than Men| Thumbnail text - abolish_gender · 6d I know people (rightfully) like to hate on HR, but if a company brags about "not having an HR department to deal with," expect them to be very disorganized at a minimum. G Reply 4 2.2k 3

People Expose Major Red Flags That Pop Up During Job Interviews

Pay attention to the flags
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People Tweet The Coolest Perks They Got Due To Their Parent's Occupation| thumbnail text -Aaron Wudrick D O @awudrick Replying to @causalinf My mom was a librarian. So I never had to pay any late fees for overdue books. 8:55 PM · 5/15/21 · Twitter for Android 5 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 192 Likes

People Tweet The Coolest Perks They Got Due To Their Parent's Occupation

Some perks are more clutch than others
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Jobs so bad women quit in the first week | thumbnail text - VagabondDreamGirl · 12h Day 1 at Albertsons and I think day 3 at McDonalds. So I apply for a job, I tell them my availability, they hire me...and then completely ignore my availability. As soon as I hit a conflict I stopped coming in. Week 2 at a car wash because I was there 60 hours but got paid for like 25. Apparently they clocked us out whenever there was downtime.

Work Conditions So Unbearable That Women Quit Within The First Two Weeks

Some jobs just aren't worth it
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people recall their worst day on the job that made them want to quit on the spot | thumbnail text - HCkc1n · 1d 9 3 2 A My brother and I owned a restaurant together for 7 years. One night a lady came up to pay her bill, my brother was helping her while I was standing next to him making small talk as we did with all our regulars. Out of the blue she says she is so sorry and then before she could cover her mouth fully projectile vomited through her fingers into my brothers mouth and on his face.

People Recall Their Worst Day At Work That Made Them Want To Quit On The Spot

The days that make you want to quit
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People Expose Some Jobs That Are Clearly Over-Romanticized| thumbnail text - Thisisthe_place · 14h Librarian. "Oh, you get to sit around and read in a nice quiet environment all day" HA. Hahahahaha...yeah, no. It's like working in a kindergarten class for psychopaths.

People Expose Some Jobs That Are Clearly Over-Romanticized

Only exciting in the movies
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memes you'll relate to if you hate your job more than life itself | thumbnail text - Companies: Our employees are just fine. Employees: Actual footage of me making friends at work... 1599 Isn't it nice we hate the same things?

Memes For People Whose Boss Is The Worst Thing That Ever Happened To Them

Not everyone loves their job
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jobs that would be turnoffs on the first dates | thumbnail text - niro_  · 9h 'Entrepreneur' because if it was actually working for them, they'd just tell you about the business. The term 'entrepreneur' is so general and just sounds suspicious to me... And also bankers. And parking wardens.

People Discuss Jobs That Would Be Turnoffs On The First Date

Attraction works in mysterious ways
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People Disclose What Made Them Quit Their Jobs On The Spot| thumbnail text - Sarcastic_Bard · 21h 2 Awards Once as a teenager at a new job I got my hand smacked by the owner the first day because I was writing with my left hand. Walked out. G Reply t 22.5k 3 ...

People Disclose What Made Them Quit Their Jobs On The Spot

When you know, you know
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The Non-Tropey Jobs Rom-Com Ladies Should Have Actually Had | thumbnail image of kristen wiig text - kristen wiig - Bridesmaids I don't buy any version of Kristen Wiig as a baker. Her character in Bridesmaids is more like,  I dunno, a grocery store clerk?  She would totally make snide comments under her breath as she rang people up. If she HAS to  have a creative side then let  her do the window displays!  Everyone's happy!

The Non-Tropey Jobs Rom-Com Ladies Should Have Actually Had

Here's what would have made more sense for these women
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relatable memes about quitting your job and napping full time | thumbnail text -Ill get that to you by EOD When people ask how I handle this job... IM DEAD INSIDE.

Memes For Anyone Who Is Ready To Quit Their Job And Nap Full-Time Instead

I love my job, I love my job
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memes for anyone who cries at the thought of goin into work | thumbnail text - me trying to figure out how long i can stay in the restroom at work without getting fired A = r C= 2nn 1 + cos e cos - = 2 cot - = csc 0 + cot 0 2 1+ cos 0 cot - =+ 2 1- cos 0 V= aPh sin 0 cot 1- cos 6 土 O IN me at a job interview claiming working under also me I can work under pressure pressure

Memes For Anyone Who Dreads Going Into Work And Actually Doing Their Job

So basically these are for everyone, ever
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kids describe their parents jobs in funny twitter thread | thumbnail Text - Household Government @LadyBugAssassin My friend's daughter was asked by her teacher what does her mother do for a living. Miss thing said move papers around and talk on the phone. My friend is a judge. 9 11:03 PM Oct 19, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 14.8K Retweets 678 Quote Tweets 130.5K Likes >

Kids Describing Their Parent's Jobs: Funny Twitter Thread

Kids say the darndest things
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redditor obscure job reaction share weird wonderful funny | Separate--Earth 1.6k points 6 hours ago make coupons on back receipts know Mexican place coupon on back Kroger receipt welcome.

People Explain Their Obscure And Weird Jobs

The weird and wonderful jobs out there
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