funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

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Welcome To The Strange World of Male bathrooms (Tweets)

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15 Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (December 16, 2018)

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#VeryBritishProblems Suggests Some Funny Translation To Phrases We Use Everyday

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20 Memes And Tweets That Are Bound To Make You Crack A Smile

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Here Are 15 Tweets By British People That Cracked Us Up This Week (December 14 , 2018)

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16 Tweets By People Who Are So Over The Christmas Shopping

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Newspaper Makes an Unfortunate Typo On Julia Roberts Headline And Twitter Replies

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13 Extremely Relatable Things That Are Worse Than A Heartbreak

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Funniest Relationship Tweets We Scrolled Past This Week (December 12th, 2018)

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18 Tweets & Memes From Students Coping With Finals Week

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If You Suffer Daily On Public Transportation, You'll Find These Tweets Hilarious

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15 Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (December 9, 2018)

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The Internet Is Have A Field Day With The New YouTube Rewind 2018 And It's Hilarious (27 Tweets And Memes)

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These Tweets Will Make Every 20-Something Say "Yup"

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Here Are 15 Tweets By British People That Cracked Us Up This Week (December 7, 2018)

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Priyanka Chopra's Wedding Veil Was 75 Feet Long And The Funny Comparisons Are In