funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

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15 Hilarious Tweets From Exhausted Parents In The Midst Of Dinner Time Drama

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21 Tweets Made Out Of Absolute Nightmares For You To Enjoy

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16 Of The Best Twitter Reactions To Whole Tristan Thompson And Jordyn Woods Scandal

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"Dad, I Put Oil In My Car And Now It's Making Weird Noises"; A Thread

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15 Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (February 17, 2019)

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Twitter Users Are Sharing How They're Currently Surviving During This 'National Emergency' (24 Tweets)

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25 Twitter Users That Have Figured Out This Thing We Call "Life"

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People Are Sharing Weird Food Habits And You'll Need a Theraphy After Reading Those Tweets

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A 4-Year-Old Explains 'Fart Cannons' On His Mom's Morning Radio Show

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Twitter Users Share The 'Highest' Thing They've Ever Done And It May Just Be The Best Thing You'll Ever Read (10 Tweets)

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When a Blogger Challenges Women To Ask Their Crush To Go On a Valentine Date With Them

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20 Tweets For All The Single People On Valentine's Day

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The Differences Between Mom And Dad Summed Up In One Hilarious Twitter Thread

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Funniest Relationship Tweets We Scrolled Past This Week

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People Share The Pettiest Reasons For Swiping Left On Dating Apps


20 Women That Made Us Laugh On Twitter Last Week (February 11, 2019)