funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

women tweets funny tweets women - 8210693

20 Women That Made Us Laugh On Twitter Last Week (April 22, 2019)

the best tweets from parents last week

15 Funniest Parenting Tweets Of The Week (April 12, 2019)

British tweet about the weather

Just 22 Of The Funniest British Tweets We Have Read on #VeryBritishProblems

wholesome parenting memes and tweets about having kids

Fun And Wholesome Parenting And Family Mini Dump (15 Tweets)

funny tweets about the relationship between husband and wife

Funniest Relationship Tweets We Scrolled Past This Week

funny life hacks

15 Absolutely Terrible, But Amusing, Life Hacks To Achieving A Life Of Breeziness And Happiness

people who don't watch game of thrones

16 Tweets By The Only 16 People In The World Not Watching "Game Of Thrones"

the difference between your 20s and 30s

The Difference Between Being In Your 20's And 30's Is As Different As Night And Day (22 Tweets)

Game of Thrones funny tweets - 8157701

We Totally Laughed At These Tweets About The New GoT Episode So Maybe You Will Too

relatable jokes about people's names

Here's Something Every Single Person Can Relate To, Terrible Jokes People Make About Their Names (14 Tweets)

Elizabeth Holmes documentary twitter reactions

Twitter Is Sharing Their Thoughts On The Elizabeth Holmes Theranos Documentary "The Inventor" (24 Tweets)

tweets and memes about relationships and being married

Funniest Relationship Tweets We Scrolled Past This Week

twitter's reactions to the first picture of a black hole

Scientists Reveal First Image of a 'Supermassive' Black Hole And People On Twitter Are Responding

12 flavors of gummy bears

Man's Science Thread Of The "12 Flavors" Of Gummi Bears Is Going Viral And We're Along For The Ride (32 Tweets)

Tweets from The Dad that dad would totally approve of

16 Things All Dads Love To Say. Every Time.

roasting little kids for being bad at hide and seek

When This Woman Asked People To Roast Toddlers For Their Poor Hide & Seek Skills, Twitter Joined In