
family drama

Adopted Woman Decides To Dis-Invite Her Adoptive Parents After Reconnecting With Birth Parents| Thumbnail Text - Photograph - AITA for not inviting my adoptive parents to my wedding AINEITE TON | (30F) am getting married to my fiancé in May. I was adopted when I was a baby and my adoptive parents (50s) did their best to raise me and support me through college. We always had a good relationship and I obviously love them.

Adopted Woman Decides To Dis-Invite Her Adoptive Parents After Reconnecting With Birth Parents

Shady move
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Soon-To-Be Grandmother Is Shamed For Not Having A Nursery In The House| Thumbnail text - Forehead - AITA for refusing to turn my son's room into a nursery for my grandson? My daughter Avery (24) and her husband Tom (29) are expecting their first baby together, They're both very excited and been getting so many things done in a short time. Because they've been busy lately we haven't seen them in 2 months.

Soon-To-Be Grandmother Is Shamed For Not Having A Nursery In The House

She still has young kids herself to think about
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Emotionally Distant Parents Told Son His Whole Life That He Needed To Move Out ASAP| Thumbnail Text - Green - AITA for not moving back home with my parents? My (18M) parents planned on being a child free couple, but because of religious beliefs they kept me even if I was an unwanted pregnancy. I always knew that I would be expected to move out as soon as I reached 18 years old.

Emotionally Distant Parents Told Son His Whole Life That He Needed To Move Out ASAP

Now they come crawling back
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Woman Is Humiliated After Her Boyfriend And His Family Walk In On Her Dancing Half Naked| Thumbnail text - AITA for dancing half naked in my living room leading to my bf and his family seeing me? I (21F) was told by my bf, "Nate" (26M) that i'd get the house to myself for the weekend. So it's Sunday and I put on 'what a feeling by One Direction' and it's super loud, i'm only wearing lingerie (the Victoria's kind so lacy af. which I regret sm looking back ugh).

Woman Is Humiliated After Her Boyfriend And His Family Walk In On Her Dancing Half Naked

Dancing Half Naked Woman Caught By Boyfriend's Family
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Overbearing MIL Demands Key To Sons House - Gets A Surprise Instead| Thumbnail Text - Dress - AITA for giving my MIL a fake copy of my house key and "exposing" her on Christmas dinner? I wanna preface this by saying that I f34 married my husband m37 a year ago. His mom is snoopy and annoying af

Overbearing MIL Demands Key To Sons House - Gets A Surprise Instead

Fake keys real problems
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Overbearing Mom Demands Her Son Spend NYE With The Family Instead of His New Boyfriend| Thumbnail Text - Sleeve - AITA for wanting to go out New Years Eve? So I have this dilemma and I need to know if I'm in anyway the as hole so I can change my plans accordingly. So a couple of weeks ago the guy I've been seeing (22M) and I (21M) went to the Christmas

Overbearing Mom Demands Her Son Spend NYE With The Family Instead of His New Boyfriend

Let the man live
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Terminally Ill Aunt Only Gives Inheritance To Niece And No One Else| Thumbnail Text - Purple - AITA for leaving my niece an inheritance but not my nephew? I was diagnosed with a terminal illness a few months ago. It's not a matter of if, but when, and the best estimate is that I have in the neighborhood of 1-2 years. I'm dealing with it. I've had a good life and no regrets.

Terminally Ill Aunt Only Gives Inheritance To Niece And No One Else

Sensitive Family Matters
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26 Year Old Sister Refuses To Adopt Teen Sister After Mom Dies| Thumbnail Text - AITA refusing take custody my 16 Y.O sister after mom died 26 and have 15 y.o sister who's boarding high school. Our single mom passed away 3 years ago

26 Year Old Sister Refuses To Adopt Teen Sister After Mom Dies

Where is she supposed to go?
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Woman With Severe Migraines Is Treated Horribly By Mom And Step-Dad For Missing Thanksgiving| Thumbnail Text - Food - AITA for refusing to speak to my mother since thanksgiving So I, 23F, haven't spoken to my mom, 45F, since Thanksgiving because of her new husband, 37M. Both me and my mother have a migraine condition that literally puts us out of commission until it's gone. I'm talking not even able to drink water because I'll throw it up, moving to a different position in bed is sometimes too

Woman With Severe Migraines Is Treated Horribly By Mom And Step-Dad For Missing Thanksgiving

She slept through the turkey, what's the big deal?
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Insensitive Man Lashes Out At Wife For "Endangering" Their Kids By Helping A Young Special Needs Girl| Thumbnail Text - Water - AITA for yelling at my wife for potentially endangering our kids? Yesterday a little girl (7) with heavy special needs ran away from her school and ended up in my backyard. My wife is a SAHM to our 3 kids (6f, 3f, 6mo m) and was home with our younger 2 and she eventually saw the little girl in our backyard. It was pouring and the wind was very strong

Insensitive Man Lashes Out At Wife For "Endangering" Their Kids By Helping A Young Special Needs Girl

The only real danger is this man's ideals
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Babysitter Tell Bosses (The Parents) Honestly About Why She's Really Quitting Them| Thumbnail Text - Font - AITA for telling my former boss why I quit | (f17) used to babysit for Daniel (6) and Katie (4) from 5- 9 every Monday-Wednesday for $25 an hour. Daniel's and Katie's parents are good friends with my parents. While the pay was great, this job was very hard. Both kids are very babied and neither of them are fully potty trained, they can't get dressed by themselves, they fight all the time,

Babysitter Tell Bosses (The Parents) Honestly About Why She's Really Quitting Them

The truth hurts
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Father Finally Spills The Truth To Adult Son About His Mother Having An Affair| Thumbnail Text - cheating AITA for telling the truth about his mom

Father Finally Spills The Truth To Adult Son About His Mother Having An Affair

Cheater, cheater pumpkin eater
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Little Brother Freaks Out After Big Brother Asks Him To Be Sperm Donor| Thumbnail Text - Organism - AITA for not wanting my fiancee (30M) to donate his sperm so his brother and his wife can have a child? My (27F) fiancée (30M) was asked by his brother (37M) and wife (35F) to donate his sperm so that they could have a child. For comprehension purposed l'll call them F, BIL and SIL.

Little Brother Freaks Out After Big Brother Asks Him To Be Sperm Donor

Family drama with a twist
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Pompous FIL Turns Salty After DIL Over-Salts His Meal With A Vengeance| Thumbnail Text - Water resources - AITA for purposely ruining my FIL's favorite meal? Fil (66) and I (32f) usually get along well. There is just one thing that we can't see eye to eye on. I'm a chef and usually cook for my in laws when we have them over. MIL is always very appreciative but FIL has this annoying habit where he ALWAYS adds heaps of salt without tasting the food first. I was cooking my husband came up with a wh

Pompous FIL Turns Salty After DIL Over-Salts His Meal With A Vengeance

FIL claims he can see flavor
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Father Favors Step Son Over Bio Daughter - She Gives Final Ultimatum| Thumbnail Text - Hat - AITA for telling my dad that if he choses to attend my step-brother's graduation then he better forget about me? I'm an only child and my (18F) parents divorced when I was 8, my dad remarried when I was 12 and for a while everything was fine, but after a few years of living there with them I started to notice that my dad preferred my step-brother (13 now)

Father Favors Step-Son Over Bio Daughter - She Gives Final Ultimatum

High School Grad Vs. Elementary School Grad
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Toxic Parents Blatantly Show Favoritism By paying For One Child's College| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Just-a-Big-Brother 6 hours ago 2 5 S 4 AITA for exposing my parents' favoritism

Toxic Parents Blatantly Show Favoritism By paying For One Child's College

The Brother Has It All
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