
family drama

14 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a wife and a husband who merged their families together but now don't have enough rooms in their house for all their kids | Thumbnail includes a picture of a family sitting on a couch 'Maybe your daughter should go live with her dad, then we'll have space for our new baby'

Wife Proposes Husband’s Daughters Share a Room, Husband Suggests Her Daughter Lives With Her Dad... In Another Country

This marriage is off to a rocky start
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14 screenshots from a Reddit post about an entitled stepson that expected his stepmom to pass on family heirloom even though he was rude to her for years | Thumbnail includes a picture of a couple hugging and showing off an engagement ring 'Don't give him the ring, he'll just pawn it off'

'He wouldn't stop insulting me' : Stepson Loses It When Stepmom Denies Him Her Family Heirloom Engagement Ring After He Mistreated Her for Years

Why would he want her family heirloom when he made 0 effort to make her feel like family???
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16 screenshots from a Reddit post about an entitled mother in law who pressured her daughter in law to let her stay with her and her husband once their newborn baby arrives, despite the daughter in law not wanting it | Thumbnail includes a picture of a woman looking back at another woman standing with a man 'Your way is wrong and sad, this is how we do it in America...'

'You're risking their marriage' : Entitled Karen MIL with Superiority Complex Pressures DIL to Let Her Move In to Help with Upcoming Baby, Despite DIL's Repeated Objections for Alone Time

If there's one thing we can't stand it's people who believe they're entitled to anything and everything in this damn world. We're not really sure how all these Karens out here have such a high superiority complex but it's time we call them out and stand up for ourselves! Or, at least, for strangers on Reddit. Today we're bringing you a story about an entitled MIL who just won't take no for an answer. Imagine this, you're about to welcome your first-ever baby into the world and your MIL won't st…
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12 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a father who bought his daughter a pet bunny and expected his ex-wife to be okay with their daughter bringing the bunny to her house even though her other son is allergic | Thumbnail includes a picture of a girl cuddling a pet bunny on a sofa 'You're using the bunny to drive a wedge between us!'

Ex-husband Uses Pet Bunny to Drive a Wedge Between Daughter and Ex-wife

Divorce is petty af
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28 screenshots from a Reddit post about a trans woman that came out as trans to her entire family without giving her close family a heads up | Thumbnail includes a trans flag and a screenshot of text on top 'Every year around March, the whole family holds a sort of Spring banquet. Due to their separation my uncle and her wife arrived, well, separately. My uncles wife arrived first with the kids. Not long after my uncle showed up. She was wearing a full face of makeup, and a dress.'

AITA : Husband of 42 Years Comes Out as Trans to Entire Family Without Warning Wife and Kids, Emotional Turmoil Ensues

Imagine going through this emotional rollercoaster
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AITA: ‘I Trashed My Parents House as Revenge': Entitled Messy Man-Child Intentionally Trashes Parents House Following Vacation Girlfriend/Family Drama

AITA: ‘I Trashed My Parents House as Revenge': Entitled Messy Man-Child Intentionally Trashes Parents House Following Vacation Girlfriend/Family Drama

Some situations don't warrant the reactions they are given, and in this case, a young man trashed his parent's house in response to them telling him he wasn't allowed to sleep in the same room as his girlfriend on a family vacation that they were paying for, in their home, that they owned and purchased themselves . This child in question is 19 years old, and should probably know better. Also, he should have just been grateful his girlfriend was allowed to come at all. Our parents certainly woul…
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18 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a wife that has been projecting her insecurities on her newborn baby by telling her she will get her a nose job because she took after her father's Middle Eastern genes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man holding a baby and a screenshot of text '• Don't worry, I'll get you a nose job as soon as you're old enough. • I wish you had gotten more of my features. My family is beautiful and all the women are timeless. Your dads family, not so much.'

AITA : 'I'll get you a nose job ASAP' : Wife Projects Personal Insecurities on Newborn Daughter, Promises to Get Her Plastic Surgery Because She Inherited Her Dad’s Middle Eastern Genes, Family Drama Ensues

Talk about mommy issues
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15 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a bride and groom that god mad at their sister in law for going into labor during their wedding | Thumbnail includes a picture of a wedding ceremony and a screenshot of text 'It was supposed to be OUR special day!' My wedding was days ago. My brother attended but his wife didn't. She was nearing her due date to give birth and she didn't come. The wedding was going well. Til my brother recieved a call from his mil telling him that sil was in labor.'

AITA : 'This day was supposed to be about us' : Bride and Groom Fume When SIL Goes Into Labor During Their Wedding

How could the baby have the audacity to be born on such a special day ???
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15 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a step mom that married a widowed father and adopted his kids and then gradually started erasing the children's mother's memories | Thumbnail includes a pink gradient background with a screenshot of text 'It's too late to compromise' We have new birth certificates ever since the adoption and her name is in the place of mother. Found that out when I gave my mom's name in school one day and had to bring in my birth certificate'

AITA : 'It's too late now' : Step Monster Adopts Three Children, Erases Memories of Their Real Mother as Father Stands By and Lets Her; Years Later, They Propose Family Therapy

Why do kids always get caught in the crossfire
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I hate house chores and I would rather buy homemaking gadgets and hire staff no matter the cost than have to do chores myself. I told my bf's mom all this and it caused an argument that eventually ruined dinner and in extension our visit.

AITA: ‘Pass a Wifey Test or We Can’t Get Married.’: Girlfriend Called Difficult for Refusing to Participate in Boyfriend’s Family Tradition of the Housewife Test

Toss him in the wilderness with a hunting knife, see if he passes the hubby test
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‘She laughed in my face while I was in an incredibly vulnerable state’ : Husband takes petty revenge worth €15,000 on ex wife after toxic MIL finds his divorce funny

‘She laughed in my face while I was in an incredibly vulnerable state’ : Husband takes petty revenge worth €15,000 on ex wife after toxic MIL finds his divorce funny

Divorce is one of the toughest things to endure, and some rude family members adopt the mission of making it as miserable as humanely possible for you. Sometimes those family members are your own, while at other times, they are your spouses. This man was together with his wife for 4 years, married for 1.5 of them. After a falling out, his wife's mother convinced her to ‘evict’ him from their shared apartment in France, where they were residing. Toxic, much? She didn't even give him a warning, w…
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15 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a woman who refused to come pick up her husband on a night out | Thumbnail includes a pink background with a screenshot of text on top 'AITA for not going out to drive my husband home when he got too drunk? This happened several days ago and he's still put out over it, so I don't know how to feel. My husband went out with a few friends of his friends, which he does just fine all the time. It was late, and I worked the next day, so I laid down.'

'So much for through thick and thin' : Wife Rejects Husbands Request to Come Pick Him up After He’s Been Abandoned on a Night Out With Friends in the Middle of Nowhere

Marriage is a beautiful thing. Everything from the vows to the ceremony, the flowers, the dress, the… wait, what were we talking about again? Oh yeah, how couples oftentimes forget the promises they made to each other on their wedding day. We hate to break it to you, but the ‘for better or for worse’ part doesn't just stop once the honeymoon phase is over. Why promise to love and to cherish someone if when it comes down to it, you won't be coming through? This brings us to today's Reddit story.…
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Funniest Memes for People Who Are Not Dramatic, but Just Increasingly Deep Feelers Who Are in Love With Gossip

Funniest Memes for People Who Are Not Dramatic, but Just Increasingly Deep Feelers Who Are in Love With Gossip

People who know how to live
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bathroom, bathroom humor, couple video, family, family video, couples, relationship, goals, clean, toilet, dirty, shower, makeup, couple goals, relationship goals

Tub and Toilet Debate: TikTokers Answer How Each Family Member Has Gross Habits That Screw Up Bathroom Cleanliness

It's the hair in the shower that did it for me…
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Spineless Uncle Steals Family Heirloom From Nephew For Insufferable Wife| thumbnail text - Posted by u/Vincerevelmori69 9 hours ago 36 3 5 AITA for having my (25F) uncle (56M) arrested?

Spineless Uncle Steals Family Heirloom From Nephew For Insufferable Wife

Some people are just broken
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Selfish Man Shames Pregnant Wife For Being 'Lazy' For Being Pregnant| Thumbnail Text - Organism - AITA for getting upset with my husband after he told me nothing will change while I am pregnant? So me (26f) and my husband (28m), who l'll call "Jake" for this story, have been together for 5 years and married for 3. We have recently started trying for a baby as we both felt like that was the next step in our life together...

Selfish Man Shames Pregnant Wife For Being 'Lazy' For Being Pregnant

The audacity is next level
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