
family drama

Woman 'Loses' Passport to Skip Family Disneyland Trip for a Dream Solo Staycation

Woman 'Loses' Passport to Skip Family Disneyland Trip for a Dream Solo Staycation

Your primary concern should always be your family. Having said that, it is perfectly normal to at times place your personal needs and pleasure ahead of those of around you. The story below is an account of a frustrated sister. This summer marks the original poster's (OP) graduation. Her parents sent her an invitation to Disneyland as a graduation present. Since her parents had never given her preference over her older sister, who is now married and has a family, OP was surprised by her fortunat…
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Husband consistently condescends SAHM after an agreed upon arrangement, mother in law takes his side

SAHM is Fed Up with Husband's Condescending Comments about the Difficulty of Housework, Her MIL Feeds the Fire: ‘He wasn't like this when I had a full-time job’

Welcome back to another episode of husbands assuming being a full-time mother is easy. Spoiler alert: it's not.
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‘Never speak to me again’: Daughter Runs Away From Home to Her Mother’s Best Friend’s House, Mother Cuts Contact

‘Never speak to me again’: Daughter Runs Away From Home to Her Mother’s Best Friend’s House, Mother Cuts Contact

Welcome back internet lovers. We all love hearing about neighborhood dramas , and dramatic stories between people. When it’s our own life, we don’t want any of it, but we love to watch from afar. It’s not easy to merge families. Divorced parents with kids from different marriages can get complicated, especially when both children are teenage girls. In this Reddit piece, the original poster (OP) shares that her step-daughter has been bullying her biological daughter. This causes a huge blow out,…
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‘You’re ungrateful’: Woman Is Gifted Sister-in-law’s Wedding Dress to Wear at Her Upcoming Wedding, She Refuses to Wear It, Causing Potential Breakup

‘You’re ungrateful’: Woman Is Gifted Sister-in-law’s Wedding Dress to Wear at Her Upcoming Wedding, She Refuses to Wear It, Causing Potential Breakup

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. When you’re given a gift, it’s customary to receive it with care and tact. Big smiles, hugs, and a warm thanks will make anyone feel appreciated when they give a gift. But the problem comes down to whether or not the person wants that particular gift. In this Reddit story, the original poster (OP) has been determined since childhood to wear her mother’s wedding dress at her wedding. In an uncomfortable reveal, her sister-in-law surprises her with the gift of h…
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Husband Accuses Wife of Financial Infidelity After Discovering Her Secret Wealth in Separate Bank Account

Husband Accuses Wife of Financial Infidelity After Discovering Her Secret Wealth in Separate Bank Account

Marriage requires continuous work and is founded on friendship, commitment, and trust. Nevertheless, how would you react if your partner suddenly accused you of financial infidelity after you withdrew money from your private savings account to make an expensive purchase? This story tells an account of a woman who is confused. The original poster (OP) was wed to her spouse for over ten years. Early in the relationship, the couple decided to set up separate bank accounts for pleasure, and a singl…
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Husband's Girl Best Friend Relentlessly Gives His Wife, Mother-to-be, Unsolicited Pregnancy Advice

Husband's Girl Best Friend Insists On Hosting His Wife's Baby Shower, Among Other Unsolicited Advice and Comments About Her Pregnancy

Girl best friends can be great for our partners—until they go all Baby-Zilla for your baby shower.
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Woman Evicts Her Sister-in-law After Children Destroy Her Prized Artwork, the Whole Family Gets Involved

Woman Evicts Her Sister-in-law After Children Destroy Her Prized Artwork, the Whole Family Gets Involved

Hey there, internet women of the galaxy. Some of us choose not to have kids , actually increasingly so. People are having less children globally, and are having children later in their life. Due to a myriad of economic, cultural, and social elements, people are just not striving for being parents in the way they used to be. The whole mid-century white picket fence idea has been blown out the window for many decades now. So as a couple that doesn’t have children , how is it to be around other pe…
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After Woman Slaves Away Making Her Family Dinner, She Walks in to Find They Didn’t Save Any Food For Her, She Threatens to Leave Her Husband

After Woman Slaves Away Making Her Family Dinner, She Walks in to Find They Didn’t Save Any Food For Her, She Threatens to Leave Her Husband

Hey there internet queens and kings. Don’t you hate it when you selflessly do something for someone else just to find that they didn’t consider all the hard work you put into it? It’s never a comfortable feeling to have your efforts unnoticed, especially when it results in you going to bed hungry. In this Reddit story, this woman has been cooking and cleaning all day. Her husband messages her that he wants tacos for dinner, so she preps a salad, side dishes, and makes the tacos. It’s not even s…
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Jealous sister and step mother are telling bride-to-be she is selfish for choosing best friend to be MOH instead of sister

Bride-to-be Chooses New Best Friend to be Her MOH Instead of Jealous sister, Who Will Not Go to Her Bachelorette Party as a Result: ‘I knew you'd get married before me’

Jealousy can run deep between two sisters, especially when one is used to getting her way.
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'He can't be kept hidden forever!': Wife Bans Paternal Grandparents From Meeting Newborn, Stirring Intense Family Debate

'He can't be kept hidden forever!': Wife Bans Paternal Grandparents From Meeting Newborn, Stirring Intense Family Debate

The welcoming of a new baby into the family is a joyous occasion. It does, however, include specific modifications made by family members to better suit the expectant parents. The story below tells the tale of the frustrated husband. The original poster (OP) and his spouse had recently welcomed a baby boy into the family. Together, they decided that they would not introduce the baby to the family during the first month of his life. However, what OP failed to realize is that the rules only apply…
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After Uninviting Sister From Wedding, Brother Still Expects Her to Pay for His Honeymoon, Sister Refuses: 'No invite, no gift'

After Uninviting Sister From Wedding, Brother Still Expects Her to Pay for His Honeymoon, Sister Refuses: 'No invite, no gift'

When someone gets married, they should only be surrounded by the people who make them happy, and that should be a non-negotiable rule – If one does not make you feel good, one is not invited to your wedding. Even if that means that certain family members are going to be excluded from your wedding day, I believe it is a small sacrifice to make for your special day. That being said, if you do end up uninviting people from your wedding, you cannot expect them to buy you a wedding gift. No invite –…
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Woman Forced to Attend Sister's Wedding to Her Cheating Ex-Fiancé or Risks Losing Her Parents' Financial Support

Woman Forced to Attend Sister's Wedding to Her Cheating Ex-Fiancé or Risks Losing Her Parents' Financial Support

Your priorities should always be centered around your family. How would you react if your family betrayed your trust and gave the impression that your happiness and well-being were not important? The sister who is frustrated is described in the story below. The original poster (OP) was engaged to a guy named Mike. After five years of dating and three months of engagement, OP broke up with Mike after learning that he had been having an affair with another woman. Two years later, as OP adjusts to…
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Mother Uses Her Daughter's College Fund for Her Own Second Degree, Daughter Takes Her to Court

Mother Uses Her Daughter's College Fund for Her Own Second Degree, Daughter Takes Her to Court

Paying for college is no small feat. While people of generations passed were able to pay for their university fees by working part-time, this sort of thing is simply not feasible anymore. Most college graduates end up borrowing money and later contend with student loans to pay back. If you don’t want to end up with payment plans hanging over your head well into adulthood, there’s a few options that mostly. Lucky, studious, and talented folks may get some assistance from scholarships and grants.…
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After Letting Her Daughter Go to Bed Hungry, Woman Bans Mother-in-law From Babysitting Again

After Letting Her Daughter Go to Bed Hungry, Woman Bans Mother-in-law From Babysitting Again

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. No one likes to feel like their toes are being stepped on in any way, but especially when it comes to their parenting. You know yourself, and you know your kids. You’ve formulated the perfect orchestra of your kid’s wants and needs to properly assist with their rearing based on them. It’s taken time, effort, and proper parenting, and you and your little one have your own rituals, and understandings. When someone tries to interfere, things can go haywire. This…
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‘You don’t support me’: Conservative Woman Excludes Her Brother’s Husband From Her Wedding, He Refuses to Help With the Planning, Leading to Family Dispute

‘You don’t support me’: Conservative Woman Excludes Her Brother’s Husband From Her Wedding, He Refuses to Help With the Planning, Leading to Family Dispute

Welcome back internet lovers. It seems like everyone these days is canceling family members , not including them, and uninviting them to their weddings. The wedding day seems to stand as a ubiquitous symbol of power, control, and relationships. When someone chooses not to come to one’s wedding, it causes an unbelievably large stir. And it’s the same the other way around, when someone isn’t invited to a wedding they originally thought they’d be invited to, it’s a strong message about how they se…
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UPDATE: Parents Skip Daughter's Wedding for Son's Football Game, Sparking Accusations of Favoritism and Fiery Debate

UPDATE: Parents Skip Daughter's Wedding for Son's Football Game, Sparking Accusations of Favoritism and Fiery Debate

Within the family, favoritism is not unheard of. But when does someone have to stand up, declare that they can no longer tolerate their parents' disregard, and make an effort to break free from their authority? Below is an update to a story that was published just over a week ago. The original poster (OP) recently got married to the love of her life in a private ceremony that was seen by all of her friends and relatives. Her parents caused a stir in the family and the community at large by pref…
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