
family drama

Wedding Guests Stunned as Maid of Honor Speech Professes Love for the Bride, Leading to Gossip at the Wedding

Wedding Guests Stunned as Maid of Honor Speech Professes Love for the Bride, Leading to Gossip at the Wedding

We’ve all seen the movies where there’s a dramatic ‘I object!’ right before a couple gets married. Usually it’s a male character, the good guy, who the audience is rooting for over the acknowledged groom, but it isn’t always. Real life isn’t always like the movies; sometimes things happen that you can’t believe you’re seeing with your own eyes. The person who may object to the wedding, or at least reveal some deep secret about the couple, isn’t always the second man in question. This brings us…
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Woman Adopts Her Friend’s Kid, Only to Be Accused By Ignorant Sister-in-law for Raising an ‘Affair Baby,’ Sparking Family Dispute

Woman Adopts Her Friend’s Kid, Only to Be Accused By Ignorant Sister-in-law for Raising an ‘Affair Baby,’ Sparking Family Dispute

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. It’s perfectly normal to adopt, and in fact, it’s even good for the world. Sadly, there are tons of unwanted babies in the world, so adopting one that needs a home is an important action that helps children globally. And although it’s normal, as well as good for the world, some people still have a hard time adjusting to the idea that being non blood related is okay. Some people are stuck in an archaic religious mentality, or too attached to tra…
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wedding weddings marriage ceremony reception mother mom mother-of-the-bride mob bride brides married late story family reddit

Entitled Mom is 45 Minutes Late to Her Daughter's Wedding, Blames the Bride for 'Not Holding Up the Ceremony' When She Misses Everything

"2 means 2"
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Father Financially Cuts Daughter Off After Years of Feeling Used: 'You only call me when you need something'

Father Financially Cuts Daughter Off After Years of Feeling Used: 'You only call me when you need something'

Welcome, moms and pops of the internet. Kids are expensive. When they're babies, it feels like every penny goes towards diapers, babysitters, and food. As they grow, they start needing more and more food (while also getting pickier and picker). They start growing rapidly, necessitating a constant flow of new shoes and clothes that will fit them comfortably. Then, money goes into school, school supplies, hobbies, toys, trips, extracurricular activities, and now in the 2020s, subscriptions to Net…
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Couple Faces Financial Ruin After Pregnant Wife Loses It on Landlord Trying to Do Them a Favor, Causing Rift in Marriage

Couple Faces Financial Ruin After Pregnant Wife Loses It on Landlord Trying to Do Them a Favor, Causing Rift in Marriage

Welcome back internet enthusiasts. These days, rent prices have skyrocketed to amounts impossible to fund without a job as a doctor or lawyer. In the 80s, the economy was booming, to the point that every person off the street could just start their own business, afford to buy a house with a simple income, and even save to buy a boat. Nowadays, even with two household incomes, it’s difficult to stay afloat, afford simple groceries or a night out, and forget about saving money. This brings us to…
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Man Cuts Bio Children Out of His Will After Finding Out They’ve Been Hiding Their Mother’s Affair, Favoritism Issue Arises When He Gives It All to His Step-son

Man Cuts Bio Children Out of His Will After Finding Out They’ve Been Hiding Their Mother’s Affair, Favoritism Issue Arises When He Gives It All to His Step-son

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. The topic of infidelity has been around since the beginning of time. Although it’s portrayed many different purposes, intentions, and affects, it’s corporeal, yet painful conclusion in a relationship can be the terminator of any seemingly healthy relationship. Not only is it hurtful to feel betrayed by your partner in such an intimate way, but it doesn’t start and stop at the physical, and proves its disrespect to be more than didactic. This br…
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Sister Refuses to Buy $300 Bridesmaid Dress That Doesn’t Fit, Bride Accuses Her of Sabotaging Her Wedding, Setting off a Furious Family Argument

Sister Refuses to Buy $300 Bridesmaid Dress That Doesn’t Fit, Bride Accuses Her of Sabotaging Her Wedding, Setting off a Furious Family Argument

Weddings commemorate the joining of two people in the holy bond of matrimony. As bridesmaids, it is our responsibility to ease the bride's transition in the days leading up to the wedding. But would you, without a doubt, submit to every whim and desire thrust upon you to please the bride? The story below is an account of a frustrated sister. The original poster (OP) and her sister had never had a close relationship. So, when her sister asked her to be a bridesmaid at her wedding, she was taken…
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Wife Sabotages Husband's Affair After Mistress Publicly Insults Her Parenting Skills and Calls Her Child 'Dumb', Leading to an Explosive Breakup

Wife Sabotages Husband's Affair After Mistress Publicly Insults Her Parenting Skills and Calls Her Child 'Dumb', Leading to an Explosive Breakup

Friendship, honesty, and trust are essential for a happy marriage since without them, the union would not survive the test of time. The following story tells the tale of a cunning wife. It was just recently disclosed to the original poster (OP) that her husband had been engaging in extramarital affairs. But before filing for divorce, OP reasoned that it would be best to settle her affairs, so she held off on disclosing her husband's infidelity. That's why she found a job, acquired full ownershi…
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Family Feud Erupts as Woman Challenges Aunt's Body-Shaming Comments, Sparking a Bitter Argument and a Family Feud

Family Feud Erupts as Woman Challenges Aunt's Body-Shaming Comments, Sparking a Bitter Argument and a Family Feud

You should always put your family members' wants and comfort first, and you should be prepared to go above and beyond to ensure their comfort and needs are met. The original poster (OP) and her aunt had never gotten along. Her aunt had teased her about her weight when she was a little child. Having said that, during OP's 18th birthday celebration, things drastically deteriorated. OP was nervous and undecided about inviting her aunt to take part in the celebrations. But after giving it some thou…
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Woman Purposely Schedules Her Destination Wedding on the Same Day as Her Sister’s Wedding, Splitting the Family as They Decide Which Sibling to Support

Woman Purposely Schedules Her Destination Wedding on the Same Day as Her Sister’s Wedding, Splitting the Family as They Decide Which Sibling to Support

I am not sure if I should be proud of this or not, but my sisters are my best friends. I love my actual friends, but no one knows me as well as my two sisters, and I truly cherish them more than anyone else in my life. I cannot imagine what I would do if one of them decided to get married on the same day as I do, and I cannot understand what would drive someone to do that to their sibling. Why would you want to split up your entire family when as they decide which wedding to attend? Why ruin yo…
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Husband Insists That His Female Friend Sleep Over When Wife is Out of Town, She Puts Her Foot Down

Husband Insists That His Female Friend Sleep Over When Wife is Out of Town, She Puts Her Foot Down

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. In any relationship , it’s important to respect each other’s feelings. If one partner is deeply uncomfortable with something, even if you don’t see the harm in it, it’s crucial to do everything in your power to try and understand their perspective and do what will make them feel comfortable. This is especially true when it comes to other people, and your partner’s relationships to other people. This brings us to the Reddit thread. It’s a story…
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Married Woman Blames Lover for Shattering Her Marriage as Husband Find Out About Infidelity and Demands a Divorce

Married Woman Blames Lover for Shattering Her Marriage as Husband Find Out About Infidelity and Demands a Divorce

The union of two people in the holy tie of matrimony is celebrated at a wedding. On this day, the partners promise to support one another in good times and bad, in health and sickness. The story below tells the story of the frustrated young man. The original poster (OP) has been seeing a married, much older woman for a while now. The woman tricked him into thinking that she and her husband were getting a divorce soon. But OP was shocked to learn that none of this was true and that she had been…
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Biological Son Feels Abandoned as Parents Favor Adopted Siblings, His Concerns Are Overlooked and Labeled as Spoiled and Entitled

Biological Son Feels Abandoned as Parents Favor Adopted Siblings, His Concerns Are Overlooked and Labeled as Spoiled and Entitled

Family bonds are complex and ever-changing. Parents go above and beyond to ensure that their children are happy. However, occasionally, when one child requires a little more love and attention than the others, it is easy to get caught up in his or her problems and forget about the needs of the rest of the family. The story below is an account of a frustrated son. The original poster (OP) recounts his personal experience of growing up with well-intentioned parents. The original poster, the sole…
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Father-In-Law's Displeasure Over News of Another Baby Girl Provokes Expectant Mother, Leading to Intense Family Showdown

Father-In-Law's Displeasure Over News of Another Baby Girl Provokes Expectant Mother, Leading to Intense Family Showdown

Children are a blessing. Months pass while expectant parents anxiously await the birth of their unborn child, and when that day finally comes, it is the most memorable day of their lives. The story below is an account of a frustrated daughter-in-law. The original poster (OP) recently learned that she and her husband are expecting a third daughter. So, overcome with joy, they decided to announce the gender of the baby to the family. To their surprise, however, instead of receiving an outpouring…
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Woman Leaves Husband After He Expects Her to Be a Mother When They Agreed on Having No Children

Woman Leaves Husband After He Expects Her to Be a Mother When They Agreed on Having No Children

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. When it comes to having children, it’s everyone’s individual prerogative whether they want to or not. No one can force them against their will, or decide for them. As a society, people like to put women in a box as being ‘maternal,’ expecting that due to their gender, they will automatically want to be a mother. This is so far from true. In this particular Reddit piece, the couple decides before marriage that they don’t want children . The husb…
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Entitled Woman Shows Up Unannounced to Sister’s House With Her 3 Young Children, Expecting Spontaneous Babysitting, Sister Refuses, Leading to Mother Getting Involved

Entitled Woman Shows Up Unannounced to Sister’s House With Her 3 Young Children, Expecting Spontaneous Babysitting, Sister Refuses, Leading to Mother Getting Involved

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. When it comes to family, there should of course be a certain level of blind compassion and giving, but also a healthy level of boundaries. How does one balance the two? Family is family, so you may feel obligated to ignore your wants and needs for the sake of family, but where’s the line? If you feel disrespected or taken advantage of, it’s time to make your boundaries clear. This brings us to the Reddit piece. A woman is pleasantly enjoying he…
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