
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

Memes that describe the feelings of single ladies

12 Memes For All The Single Ladies Who Are Very, Very, Single

20 funny and relatable memes about girls being players | Thumbnail includes a picture of Kim Kardashian stuck in a crowd of people and a screenshot of a tweet 'When all four of your boyfriends are at the same bar. LIFE HACK: Date a guy with money All of them cheat but it's better to get your heart broken in Paris than somewhere in the hood.'

20 'Left On Read' Memes For The Savage Girls That Outplay Players

31 wholesome love memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of an animated person melting and another person holding them. Thumbnail also includes a cartoon drawing of lungs and other organs 'When she's a fucking mess but you love and take care of her anyway How my body feels after talking to you'

30+ Wholesome Love Memes For People In Super Supportive Relationships

love single society singles memes relatable relationships broken heart valentines day valentine girlfriend dating boyfriend couples alone

Relatable Unromantic Memes for Blasé Singles Who Don't Have a Date for Valentine's Day

dudes prove that girls like dogs more when he slides into the DMs of his crush with a photo of his cute corgi canine and immediately gets attention

Bros Hilariously Analyze Friend's Failed DMs with a Girl, Get Him Back in the Game By Sending a Picture of His Dog and Now He Has a Date

20+ Funniest Memes/Tweets of the Week for the Single Pringles Stuck on Dating Apps (February 12, 2023)

20+ Funniest Memes/Tweets of the Week for the Single Pringles Stuck on Dating Apps (February 12, 2023)

Left thumbnail reads - IT TOOK YOU 10 MINUTES TO GET HOME GOOGLE MAPS SAYS IT TAKES 8. WHO IS SHE?! | Right thumbnail reads - When you finally meet your online girlfriend. -Ahh, i see you're a man as well

Hilarious Memes About the Ups and Downs of Relationships in the Age of Digital

14 empowering self-love memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a girl wearing sunglasses putting on lipgloss in the mirror and a picture of Maddie from Euphoria wearing a gown 'I am so proud of i myself. idgaf about your opinion'

Empowering Self-love Memes For The Strong & Independent (February 12, 2023)

Memes Only Husbands and Wives Will Understand | Thumbnail includes beyonce jayz and kim kardashian

15 Memes That Only Husbands And Wives Will Understand

16 therapy and relationship memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a girl wearing sunglasses and eating chips 'Jazmyn Reign @im_jazmeann An ex: Hi Me: My therapist said no Me avoiding the opposite my therapist and doing of what he told me to do'

Therapeutic Memes For People Who Started Counselling After Yet Another Breakup

15 wholesome husband memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man looking into the computer as a woman stands behind him and a picture of two pigs cuddling 'I ASKED HIM IF HE LOVED ME HE SAID IF THERE WAS A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE HE WOULD PROTECT ME. HE THEN SPENT 4 HOURS EXPLAINING THE VARIOUS WEAPONRY & SHELTER HE WOULD USE IF SUCH AN INCIDENT DID OCCUR. When you both gained a few pounds but the love is strong'

15 Wholesome Hubby Memes For Wifeys That Can Honestly Say That Their Husband Is Their Bestest Friend In The World

17 wholesome memes about love and relationships | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from Tumblr and a picture of Bart and Marge in a restaurant 'I have this weird theory that some people are drawn to each other because their atoms were near each other when the universe was created and over time the same atoms keep coming back together DID YOU JUST SCIENTIFICALLY EXPLAIN SOUL MATES?! from the moment i saw her I knew this one was worth a broken heart'

15+ Wholesome Love Memes To Warm Your Hearts For Vday

19 witty marriage memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Spongebob holding Squidward's butt as he climbs and a picture of a lot of French bull dogs in a shopping cart 'My husband "helping" me around the house. Just stick to the grocery list Me: I am Wife: Nothing but what's on the list Me: [crossing fingers] I promise'

19 Witty Marriage Memes To Brighten Up Your Weekend

redditor asks men what they want for Valentine's Day, Men's responses are actually very sweet, wholesome, cute, adorable, and romantic

'This day is not just for women': Men Share What They Want for Valentine's Day and Most of It Is Actually Surprisingly Romantic and Wholesome

17 random and wild memes about dating and relationships | Thumbnail includes a someecards picture of a cartoon couple and a picture of two couples doing yoga poses in an orthodontist office 'I want to spend the rest of my life trying to get out of debt with you. someecards Nobody: Fit couples:'

Wildest Relationship Memes For Couples That Love Chaos (The Good Kind)

17 funny memes about opposites attracting | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a dog smiling and a woman and a cat staring at the camera with a cold look. Thumbnail also includes a picture of Lisa Simpson 'Me and our dog and my wife and our cat Me starring at my gf admiring her beauty. My gf: what dumbas, you wanna fight?'

16 Memes For Couples That Represent The 'Black Cat Girlfriend & Golden Retriever Boyfriend' Meme In Real Life