
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

The Most Relatable Rihanna Relationship Memes | Thumbnail includes Rihanna Superbowl & Chris Brown "when you finally realize why they call him asap when you finally chill with your crush and they're nothing like you imagined"

The Most Relatable Rihanna Relationship Memes on the Internet

20 wholesome self-love and self-care memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a pink powerpuff girl sleeping in bed and a picture of Lynette from Desperate housewives holding up ice cream and wine 'How I sleep knowing I do nothing wrong & make no mistakes When someone says money can't buy happiness and you show them the happiness you just bought'

Weekly Self-Care Memes For Women That Preach & Practice Self-Love (20 Images)

 Left meme reads - Find someone who looks at you the way Beast looks at Belle with her books | Right meme reads - them: "do you like to exercise?" me:

19 Entertaining Memes that Accurately Show What it’s Like to Date a Bookworm

30 wholesome husband memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Elijah Wood and a picture of a blue cartoon villain 'My husband: Where are my shoes? Me: By the door. My husband: All right, then. Keep your secrets When you win an argument against your wife and she finally admits it OK, Minion! You were right! I was... less right!'

30 Soft & Wholesome Hubby Memes (February 19, 2023)

single af dating relationships relatable memes funny love life dating

Relatable Romantic Memes for People Who Are Constantly Single AF (February 18, 2023)

18 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a husband that allowed his brother's entire family to move in with him and his wife but didn't tell her | Thumbnail includes a picture of pregnant bellies and two screenshots 'The pregnancy has been very hard. I have horrible morning sickness. It reached a really bad point where I passed out hit my head and my Dr admitted me to the hospital for a week. When I got home my husband allowed his brothers famil'

Entitled Husband Agrees To Host His Brother's Entire Family, Does Not Give Prior Notice To His Pregnant Wife But Expects Her To Be Their Personal Cleaning Lady

14 screenshots from a Reddit thread where women talked about the things they miss about being single | Thumbnail includes a background picture of hot pink sparkles and a screenshot of text on top 'My issue isn't snoring as much as the potential for the bed to be soaked in sweat. My last two exes had this problem and it really was not a nice sensation accidentally rolling into a damp body shaped patch'

'I miss my bed not being soaked in sweat': Married Women Name 14 Things They Miss About The Single Life As A Reminder That Flying Solo Is Not So Bad

21 wholesome relationship memes for girls that are treated like princess in the relationship | Thumbnail includes a picture of Lisa Simpson dressed as a princess and a picture of a hand rubbing a foot '"how does he treat you?" me: "Tell about day babygirl"'

'Princess treatment or nothing': 20+ Memes For High-Maintenance Ladies That Love To Be Treated Like Royalty Every Day Of The Week

15 screenshots from a Reddit thread where women replied to the question, 'If they made a movie after your ex, what would it be called?' | Thumbnail includes a picture of red movie theatre chairs and a screenshot of two comments from a Reddit post 'Not MyRealName814 14 hr. ago The Lyin' King Vote ↓ . Reply Share MonkeyGumbootEsquire 13 hr. ago I've seen that movie.'

'The Lyin King': Witty Women Of Reddit Come Up With Movie Titles Inspired By Their Exes

17 memes for couples that relate to the 'stay at home dad and breadwinner mom' family dynamic | Thumbnail includes a picture of a blonde girl smiling at a man and a picture of an ordinary man showing a tall women in a green dress something on a tablet 'Me as a stay at home husband telling my breadwinner wife about all chores I did today My executive level, bread winning wife Me showing her the Lego Star Wars playset I want'

17 Best Memes For Married Couples That Relate To The 'Stay At Home Dad & Breadwinner Mom' Family Dynamic

16 funny marriage memes | Thumbnail includes the Drake meme of him waving and a picture of DJ Khaled 'Advice I give to my wife that she rejects Exact same advice given by someone she doesn't know very well My wife when the dog shelter employee asks "anything else?" ANOTHER ONE'

Weekly Mrs. Memes For The Witty Wifey Committee (February 17, 2023)

15 screenshots of conversations and bios from people on Bumble | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a Bumble conversation and a Bumble bio 'Hey Ishita Today Hey! Not gonna lie, Ishita brick when I saw your name Delivered About me Bad news first: A LOT of baggage. Moderately crazy. Noticeably aging. Don't eat out. Financially irresponsible. Not into adventures or travel. Russian American, talk with an accent. Still cohabitate with an LTR person. Two partial-custody kids.'

15 Bumble Screenshots Buzzing With Cringe & Chaos

18 witty girlboss memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of Mila Kunis from the 70's show and a picture of a cat fixing a car '"Why are you single?" "When are you going to get a bf?" "Are you seeing anyone?" Me: Look, if I could run across the beach into my own arms, I would. When you're a strong independent woman that don't need no man 66767Y'

18 Girl Boss Memes For Powerful Women Who Don't Rely On Anyone Except Themselves

22 funny and relatable memes about marriage | Thumbnail includes a picture of purple word art and a picture of magnetic letters on a fridge 'When you get married and you have to share your property with your wife Sounds like COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA BUT OK Exploding Unicorn @XplodingUnicom My wife and I hit an important marriage milestone. We had a fight entirely in fridge magnets. buy MORE MILK Follow'

Marriage Memes For People Whose Marriage Has Been Through It All But Is Now Stronger Than Ever

13 screenshots of a Reddit post and comments about a man that proposed to name his futuwife (31F) are expecting a child in 12 weeks time. We don't know the sex of the baby but we've started thinking about baby names. A couple of nights ago we were suggesting names. I had a girlfriend for around 6 years before meeting my now wife.'

Ludicrous Husband Proposes To Name His Soon To Be Child After His Ex-girlfriend, Doesn't Comprehend Why On Earth His Wife Is Against The Idea

29 memes, tweets, and Tumblr posts about wholesome relationships | Thumbnail includes a picture of the world map with red circles drawn around Europe 'Handy chart showing how far I would walk just to be the one who wakes up next to you. Iceland I Ireland Norway France 500 Miles 500 More United Kingdom Sweden Germany Austria Polar Ro Imagine meeting someone who wanted to learn your past not to punish you, but to understand how you needed to be loved.'

Heartwarming Relationship Memes, Tweets, & Tumblr Posts (29 Images)