
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

14 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a boyfriend that messed with his girlfriend's birth control, leading to her getting pregnant | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of text and a quote in a purple box  '...he admitted to messing with my birth control and now I don't know what to do' because I know that I had been taking my birth control daily. So eventually I go to the doctors with my boyfriend. Thinking I had t they tal etc. The me I'm felt like end of ke I knew told you n't think would a'

'I didn't think it would actually work' : Evil Boyfriend Microwaves Girlfriend’s Birth Control Pills, Compromising Their Efficiency and Confesses to It Only [After] She Gets Pregnant

The Funniest And Most Relatable Memes For Girls Who Use Dating Apps | Thumbnail includes 'You look a lot different than your tinder profile'

The Funniest And Most Relatable Memes For Girls Who Use Dating Apps

"I don't want to be naive and say that each kiss should spark fireworks." | I recently went on a first date with a guy I've known for a few months. He's sweet, totally nice, and made a point to make me as comfortable as possible. In short - he did nothing wrong at ALL. But when we were making out... It just did not feel right. I felt nothing at all, actually. It was super weird and I wanted it to be over ASAP. I've never had a makeout feel so awkward before.

It's In His Kiss: Reddit Users Weigh in Whether a Bad Kiss a Deal Breaker

Amusing Memes For Couples In Long Term Relationships | Thumbnail includes "Do all men think towels"

A Bunch of Amusing Memes That Only Couples In Long Term Relationships Will Understand

20 screenshots from a Reddit post where a mother asks reddit if she did the right thing for not punishing her 7-year-old daughter for having more than one fake boyfriend | Thumbnail includes a purple and orange gradient background and a screenshot of text 'AITA for not punishing my 7 yo daughter for her play-relationships? My husband and I have a 7 year old daughter together, Layla. A few months ago, Layla got a "boyfriend", Lucas. They are both 7, so it's obviously not a real'

AITA : 'I'm not raising a cheater' : Unhinged Husband Pressures Wife to Punish 7-Year-Old Daughter for Having More Than 1 Play Boyfriends, Insists She Needs a Lesson in Faithfulness

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Sassiest Memes for Cranky Ladies Who Have More Attitude Than Any Man Can Handle (March 11, 2023)

20+ Funny Couples Therapy Tweets for the Crowd in Counseling

20+ Funny Couples Therapy Tweets for the Crowd in Counseling

13 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a wife on medical leave that asked her husband to help with cooking and he said she's the one that should be doing it because she's staying at home 'AITA for not wanting to make dinner every night? I (40f) had jaw surgery in November, and have had my jaw wired shut ever since. I'm mostly surviving on Ensure, blenderized soups, smoothies, and baby food. It's been tough. During this time, I have continued to make my child's breakfast'

Jaw Wired Shut: Husband Snaps at Wife When She Asks for Help With Cooking and Treats Her Medical Leave Like a Vacation

33 wholesome love memes about people who love coming home to their significant others | Thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a fist up to her face and a picture of a couple hugging on the couch 'Coming home to find out your S.O. already has dinner made "i need a hug" the hug:'

30+ Wholesome Love Memes for Couples Who Love Coming Home to Each Other After a Long Day

left - Wheel - girls will be like "Lord, if he isn't right for me, give me a sign" and then still see him after getting this @tinder_on_da_rock STOP 19 EVENCE EXIT SCH | right - Cartoon - me when I try to make someone feel better about their dating life X @tinder_on_da_rock

Love, Laughter, and Dating Disasters: 23 Relatable Memes for Women Who Just Can't Catch a Break

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Wildest Tinder Screenshots of the Week That'll Make You Lose Faith in Dating Apps Forever

20 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a soon to be bride asking whether she's being mean for refusing to invite her sister-in-law to her wedding because she excludes and is always rude to her | Thumbnail includes a picture of a wedding party running in the middle of the street and a screenshot of text on top 'AITA for refusing to invite my fiancé's sister to our wedding?'

AITA : Woman Seeks Advice on Dealing With Disrespectful Sister-In-Law, Quickly Discovers Her Fiancé Is the Root of the Problem

20 screenshots of a Reddit post about a wife to be complaining about the fact that her fiancé won't let her have a private room in their 3 bedroom house | Thumbnail includes a purple and green background and a screenshot of text on top 'AITA for wanting my own room? When discussing the use for one of the spare rooms in our soon to be house, I mentioned wanting to turn it into a bedroom for myself when I want to be alone. My fiancé was confused and said he wanted to use the spare room for an at'

AITA : ‘What’s Mine Is Mine, What’s Yours Is Also Mine’ : Entitled Husband Claims 2/3 Bedrooms for Personal Office & Gym, Offers to “Share” Last One With Wife, Leaving Her With 0 Personal Space

25 tiktok screenshots with wild and toxic stories about dating | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man's cut off body in a red shirt and a close up picture of an African American man with dreadlocks and a blue shirt 'Me staring at her over sized Shirt tryna figure out if she just like wearing oversized shirts or it's one of her exs (I'm also not mentally stable): I dated a blind girl. She broke up with me. Guess who's back with a different voice.'

25 Wildest Dating Screenshots From Toxic TikTok Users (No Sound)

13 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a best friend that outed her cheater best friend to the wife that her friend was having an affair with 'My best friend was hooking up with a married man so I told his wife I screenshot all our texts. She would send me videos of them fucking together, their text convos, their "dates", all the gifts he bought her, videos of him bad mouthing his wife, and so much more.'

Best Friend Outs Homewrecker Bestie to Man’s Wife By Sending Her All the Dirty Details and Screenshots of the Affair

Crazy Cat Lady Accidentally Sends a Cringy Baby Talk Video to Her Crush Instead of Her Mom, Embarrassment Ensues

Crazy Cat Lady Accidentally Sends a Cringy Baby Talk Video to Her Crush Instead of Her Mom, Embarrassment Ensues