
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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Funniest Crazy Girlfriend Memes for Saucy Queens Who Save Screenshots for Their Arguments

‘She laughed in my face while I was in an incredibly vulnerable state’ : Husband takes petty revenge worth €15,000 on ex wife after toxic MIL finds his divorce funny

‘She laughed in my face while I was in an incredibly vulnerable state’ : Husband takes petty revenge worth €15,000 on ex wife after toxic MIL finds his divorce funny

relationship advice relationship funny-dating dating memes funny memes Memes funny-couples dating relationship memes dating advice - 19717637

The Best Romantically Ambitious Memes of the Week for Funny Ladies Unafraid to Flirt First (March 15, 2023)

15 screenshots from a Reddit thread about a woman who refused to come pick up her husband on a night out | Thumbnail includes a pink background with a screenshot of text on top 'AITA for not going out to drive my husband home when he got too drunk? This happened several days ago and he's still put out over it, so I don't know how to feel. My husband went out with a few friends of his friends, which he does just fine all the time. It was late, and I worked the next day, so I laid down.'

'So much for through thick and thin' : Wife Rejects Husbands Request to Come Pick Him up After He’s Been Abandoned on a Night Out With Friends in the Middle of Nowhere

20 wholesome memes about love | Thumbnail includes a picture of Pikatchu with a surprised face and a screenshot of a text 'Me: I have a lot of mental illnesses, dating me might get difficult. Partner: It's okay, I love you just how you are :) Me: *shows symptoms* Partner: *still loves me* Me: Dez @desuhhhrae Don't worry ur secret is safe with me... and my bf 11:38 PM - 2/17/19 Twitter for iPhone 3,456 Retweets 9,730 Likes 27'

20 Weekly Wholesome Love Memes to Prove That True Love Will Always Prevail (March 15, 2023)

20 tweets about situationships and dating | Thumbnail includes a pink background with a screenshot of a tweet on top 'riyanka @NAOMIPINK If u in a situationship end it now so u healed by the summer babes, ho wisdom 2:49 PM Mar 12, 2023 12.7K Views'

This Week’s Top 20 Tweets About Situationships and Other Dating Disasters (March 15, 2023)

21 Witty Relationship Memes of the Week for the Sweet and Spicy Crowd (March 14, 2023)

21 Witty Relationship Memes of the Week for the Sweet and Spicy Crowd (March 14, 2023)

7 dates in 7 days | thumbnail text -

Woman Goes On 7 Dates In 7 Days, Lives To Tell The Wild Tale

 AITA: 'Being a third wheel in your own house sucks': Entitled roommate insists that her boyfriend can sleep over as much as he wants, claiming her friend should just get over it

AITA: 'Being a third wheel in your own house sucks': Entitled roommate insists that her boyfriend can sleep over as much as he wants, claiming her friend should just get over it

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The Funniest Fresh Dating Memes of the Week for When You Crave All the Attention in the Relationship (March 14, 2023)

A Dose of Wholesome Memes That Every Girl Going Through A Breakup Needs To Read | Thumbnail includes "Let go. Let go and don't dare look back"

A Dose of Wholesome Memes That Every Girl Going Through A Breakup Needs To Read

15 crazy girlfriend memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a woman crying and a picture of Spongebob 'When he keeps telling you to stop being crazy but you don't know how when you're beginning to realize that you're actually wrong in an argument.'

15 Crazy GF Memes for Girlfriends Who Stir the Pot & Cause Drama When There Isn't Enough Attention Coming Their Way

He texted "not coming home tonight. sorry baby. you're not as fun as she is." We've been dating for 3 yrs. | "The absolute disrespect… I’m agog at it. How does someone do this to the person they’ve been with for three years? Guaranteed the excuses and apologies will come the next morning. He will first blame the alcohol and then blame her for making their relationship difficult to maintain due to her choice to go to school. I just hope she sees through it and dumps his toxic a$$."

The Dangers of Dating a Man-Child: Boyfriend Allegedly Cheats because His Girlfriend Preferred Studying over Partying

Memes For The Girls Who Are "Picky" With Who They Date | Thumbnail includes "It's Over" Him: "Why?"

All The Memes For The Girls Who Are Very "Picky" With Who They Date

15 Confidence Boosting Memes About Dating That Will Make You Shout 'Girl Power' | Thumbnail includes 'I'm the choice, never the backup plan'

15 Confidence Boosting Memes About Dating That Will Make You Shout 'Girl Power'

19 screenshots of Hinge conversations and prompts | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a Hinge conversation and a screenshot of a Hinge prompt ' I matched with someone on Hinge who works for Tesla so l could ask what working for Elon is like, and loool I'll have to answer: Working for Tesla is absolutely wonderful both before and after the perceived Twitter disaster.'

This Week's Top Screenshots From Unhinged Users of the Hinge App (March 13, 2023)