
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

A Spicy Assortment of Sizzling Memes for Couples Whose Love Language Is Displaying Devotion

A Spicy Assortment of Sizzling Memes for Couples Whose Love Language Is Displaying Devotion

21 Memes for Single Gals in Their ‘Hot Girl Era’

21 Memes for Single Gals in Their ‘Hot Girl Era’

'The Soulmate Scaries': Hundreds of Reddit Users Rally To Emotionally Support 28 Year Old Woman Having A Premature Midlife Crisis

'The Soulmate Scaries': Hundreds of Reddit Users Rally To Emotionally Support 28 Year Old Woman Having A Premature Midlife Crisis

a collection of 21 memes making jokes about dating with and just having anxiety | Thumbnail is two memes side by side, the left is a picture of Lisa from The Simpsons with tears in her eyes and her hands held out, the text says 'him: babe it was a JOKE i'm kidding me: you know i'm SENSITIVE', the second meme is a picture of Blossom from the Powerpuff Girls sitting on a couch crying silently, with text that says 'me after noticing the slightest change in how someone talks to me'

21 Witty Memes for Anxious Ladies in the Dating Scene

20 screenshots from Reddit thread about boyfriend who doesn't show up to his own party | Thumbnail includes party picture 'he's cheating on you'

Girlfriend 'Cancels' Flaky Boyfriend's 30th Birthday Bash and His Mom Starts Fiery Verbal Confrontation

22 memes for the single girls left on the shelf | Thumbnail includes lindsay lohan and kate moss 'all my friends are engaged and having babies and i'm out here like'

22 Amusing Memes for the Last Single Ladies Standing in Their Girl Gang

'She gave birth to me and left': Woman Discovers Aunt’s Secret Affair After She Crosses Paths With Her Love Child at Work, Family Tension Ensues

'She gave birth to me and left': Woman Discovers Aunt’s Secret Affair After She Crosses Paths With Her Love Child at Work, Family Tension Ensues

25 Clever Memes for Witty Women With a Flourishing Esteem (June 7, 2023)

25 Clever Memes for Witty Women With a Flourishing Esteem (June 7, 2023)

34 Timeless Couple's Memes Celebrating Eternal Love and Connection

34 Witty Couple's Memes Celebrating Eternal Love and Genuine Connection

'Red Flag Alert': Single Pringles Navigating Dating Dos And Don'ts Compare Relationship Dealbreakers

'Red Flag Alert': Single Pringles Navigating Dating Dos And Don'ts Compare Relationship Dealbreakers

20 images from reddit where someone asked people to give pieces of advice that they learned from their first relationship | Thumbnail is an image of a man with a woman in bed, with a different woman yelling at them in the foreground, implying that she caught her partner cheating, he has a shocked expression, overlaid with white text outlined in black that says, 'Sometimes the words 'I love you' don't actually mean much'

‘You Are Not Their Parent’: 19 Users Spill the Beans on Lessons They Learned From Their First Relationship

35 saucy and spicy memes that feature animated characters from shows like Spongebob, Powerpuff girls, Disney movies, and more | Thumbnail has two memes, on the left is an image of Bubbles from the Power Puff girls with the text 'When he says he needs a break and some water before he can f k again', she is saying 'Mercy is for the weak!', on the right is a meme featuring Jesse from Toy Story looking out of it with the text 'When he do what he said he was gone do in them messages'

35 Spicy Cartoon Memes Showing That Animation Isn’t Just for Kids

20+ memes for saucy couples | Thumbnail includes patrick from spongebob 'when you're tryna be sy taking your panties off and he's not even paying attention'

20+ Heart Racing Memes for Secretly Saucy Couples Who Like to Get Down and Dirty

23 Snarky Marriage Memes That Scream 'I told you so'

23 Snarky Marriage Memes That Scream 'I told you so'

'I got the ick': 20 Juicy and Cringeworthy Dating Confessions Overheard on the Internet

'I got the ick': 20 Juicy and Cringeworthy Dating Confessions Overheard on the Internet

'Soft parenting a man': Vulnerable Women Discuss Their Defining 'Never Again' Moments in Previous Long-Term Relationships (Reddit Thread)

'Soft parenting a man': Vulnerable Women Discuss Their Defining 'Never Again' Moments in Previous Long-Term Relationships (Reddit Thread)