
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

'They won't last': Wedding Photographers Recall Matrimony Moments When They Predicted Divorce and Were Proven Right

'They won't last': Wedding Photographers Recall Matrimony Moments When They Predicted Divorce and Were Proven Right

A Spicy Selection of 29 Relationship Memes for Freshly Budding Love (June 13, 2023)

A Spicy Selection of 29 Relationship Memes for Freshly Budding Love (June 13, 2023)

20 memes for relatable situations on dating apps | Thumbnail includes family guy and supermarket sign 'when you download dating apps again for the 3428th time'

20 Witty Memes Highlighting the Relatable Realities of Divas on Dating Apps

32 Discombobulated Memes About What It's Like to Date Someone With ADHD

32 Discombobulated Memes About What It's Like to Date Someone With ADHD

20 screenshots for girls who are dating detectives at heart | Thumbnail includes man in files and girl smiling 'them what are you talking about i never said that'

20 Wholesome Memes to Empower Dating Detective Damsels on the Case

'You'll be in the kitchen with mom': Boyfriend Stunned as Girlfriend Rejects Outdated Gender Stereotypes, Choosing Self-Respect Over Making a Good First Impression

'You'll be in the kitchen with mom': Boyfriend Stunned as Girlfriend Rejects Outdated Gender Stereotypes, Choosing Self-Respect Over Making a Good First Impression

36 Vintage Fine Art Memes That Perfectly Capture the Pain of Poorly Phrased Pickup Lines

36 Vintage Fine Art Memes That Perfectly Capture the Pain of Poorly Phrased Pickup Lines

A Saucy Reddit Thread Filled With Spicy Superpowers People Wish They Possessed in the Bedroom

A Saucy Reddit Thread Filled With Spicy Superpowers People Wish They Possessed in the Bedroom

27 tinder message screenshots with puns as pickuplines | Thumbnail includes tinder screenshots 'to borrow a line from geri, emma, mel, victoria and mel'

27 Pun-Tastic Pick-up Lines for Flirty Fun on Tinder

'I'm not going to chase you': Absent Father Appears After 7 Tears, Only to Disappoint Daughter Again by Missing Dinner and Blaming Ex-wife for Lack of Reminder

'I'm not going to chase you': Absent Father Appears After 7 Years, Only to Disappoint Daughter Again by Missing Dinner and Blaming Ex-wife for Lack of Reminder

Wife Secretly Messes with Husband's Music Algorithm When He Annoys Her, Sparks Amusing Conversation Among Other Married Pranksters: Reddit Thread

Wife Secretly Messes with Husband's Music Algorithm When He Annoys Her, Sparks Amusing Conversation Among Other Married Pranksters: Reddit Thread

Reddit story about husband who insists on shopping for groceries at food banks regardless of his 200k yearly income, the wife thinks it's wrong and needs space | Thumbnail is a picture of a fully stocked fridge with various fruits and vegetables like bananas, pears, peaches, broccoli, and kale, with a sheer text box and text with a black outline and light peach color that says, 'I'd lose all respect for my husband if I found out he was okay with stealing food from poor people'

‘Think about others for a change': Wife Hesitant to Take Food From Those in Need While Husband Is Determined to Shop Frugally, Despite His 200K Income

listicle with 20 images taken from a reddit article of men stating various benefits of getting married | Thumbnail includes a picture of a couple kissing on their wedding day, with a sheer text box with peach colored text with a black outline that says, "It's team us vs anything or anyone"

21 Ridiculously Wholesome (And Practical) Reasons Men Have for Why Marriage Is the Best

22 Most Wholesome Hubby Memes of the Week (June 11, 2023)

22 Most Wholesome Hubby Memes of the Week (June 11, 2023)

24 Shy Memes That Capture the Experience of Dating an Introvert

24 Shy Memes That Capture the Experience of Dating an Introvert

22 Wholesome Clingy Couple's Memes for Co-dependent Partners In Crime (June 10, 2023)

22 Wholesome Clingy Couple's Memes for Co-dependent Partners In Crime (June 10, 2023)