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The Hottest Hinge Tweets Of The Week (November 2, 2022)

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The Bluntest Bumble Tweets Of The Week (November 2, 2022)

okcupid tweets | thumbnail text - Baba Yaga @JuliaAgrippina_ Just got man block on OkCupid because he asked full body shot which responded "absolutely as soon as send one not wearing hat 4:35 AM Oct 29, 2022. Twitter iPhone

This Week's Collection Of OkCupid Tweets That Made Us Wanna Kiss Cupid Goodbye (November 2, 2022)

tinder conversations | thumbnail text - alright michelle I'm putting my life in your hands how do you feel about me going blonde for spring Your parents will disown you it's not worth it They're already disappointed in you, don't make it worse how'd you know mom is that u Sent

The Wildest Tinder Conversations Of The Week (October 31, 2022)

Funniest Love Life Memes That Remind You Why You're Still Single Yet Trying Your Best to Mingle

Funniest Love Life Memes That Remind You Why You're Still Single Yet Trying Your Best to Mingle

dating app tweets | thumbnail text -  indie @INDIEWASHERE seeing your ex on dating apps is literally the biggest jump scare ever like ill literally be screaming like im in the exorcist 8:07 PM - Oct 25, 2022. Twitter for iPhone

This Week's Collection Of Accurate Dating App Tweets (October 27, 2022)

hinge tweets | thumbnail text - Toni Plester @Tonidplester Asking big philosophical questions like "am mingers section hinge 12:31 PM Oct 25, 2022. Twitter iPhone

The Most Unhinged Hinge Tweets Of The Week (October 26, 2022)

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The Bluntest Bumble Tweets Of The Week (October 26, 2022)

okcupid tweets | thumbnail text - Frances Greenfield @Frances_G OKCupid notifying me it's rush hour on the App but Doctor Who is on so I can 100% guarantee you my target demographic are a bit preoccupied rn. 9:37 PM - Oct 23, 2022. Twitter for iPhone

This Week's Accurate OkCupid Tweets For Single People Who Are Ready To Let Cupid Into Their Hearts (October 26, 2022)

tinder conversations | thumbnail text - If you could be any tree you wanted, what tree would you be and why? Today 4:03 PM The strong silent type. Just like an oak. Solid choice. I'd be an apple tree Nice amount of shade. Can tire swing from my branches produce delicious fruits. And when it's my time to go they can use my wood to make some steak and bacon Sounds interesting Apple trees are strong but I don't know if they're strong enough to carry this conversation with you

This Week's Wildest Tinder Conversations (October 24, 2022)

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Our Favorite Dating App Tweets Of The Week (October 20th, 2022)

hinge tweets | thumbnail text - Splenda Pappy @caroline_oreo Texting two hinge matches at the same time and the squirrelly- looking one is the one replying faster 11:54 PM . Oct 14, 2022. Twitter for iPhone

The Hottest Hinge Tweets Of The Week (October 19, 2022)

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The Bluntest Bumble Tweets Of The Week (October 19, 2022)

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This Week's Collection Of OkCupid Tweets For Singles Who Are Ready To Open Their Hearts To Cupid (October 19, 2022)

tinder conversations | thumbnail text - You look like a big gorilla Today 00:30 And you look like you overcompensate for a lack of personality and brain cells by going to the gym and insulting random people. I wonder what your relationship with your parents are like? Have you ever heard them say they're proud of you? By your lack of class and respect for others, I'd have to assume not Imao

This Week's Batch Of Wild Tinder Conversations (October 17, 2022)

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This Week's Collection Of Accurate Dating App Tweets (October 13, 2022)