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The Bluntest Bumble Tweets Of The Week (December 14, 2022)

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Hot Twitter Thread: Generic Hinge Bios For The Basic Mortals

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Wise 'OkCupid' Tweets That Made Us Believe We Are Getting Love Advice Straight From Cupid Himself (December 14, 2022)

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The Hottest Hinge Tweets Of The Week (December 14, 2022)

‘There Was Not a Second Date’ : Most Bizarre Red Flags on First Dates That Made People Run For The Hills

‘There Was Not a Second Date’ : Most Bizarre Red Flags on First Dates That Made People Run For The Hills

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The Wildest Tinder Conversations Of The Week (December 12, 2022)

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The Most Accurate Dating App Tweets Of The Week (December 8, 2022)

18 Best Memes: Mostly About the Single Bachelorette Life

18 Best Memes: Mostly About the Single Bachelorette Life

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The Hottest Hinge Tweets Of The Week (December 7, 2022)

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The Bluntest Bumble Tweets Of The Week (December 7, 2022)

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The Wildest Tinder Conversations Of The Week (December 5, 2022)

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The Most Accurate Dating App Tweets Of The Week (December 1, 2022)

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Funniest Fresh Memes From This Week for Romantically Ambitious Ladies Who Always Make the First Move (November 30, 2022)

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The Hottest Hinge Tweets Of The Week (November 30, 2022)

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The Bluntest Bumble Tweets Of The Week (November 30, 2022)

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Top Dating App Tweets Of The Week (November 24, 2022)