
dad jokes

Funniest dad tweets of the week | thumbnail Text - Richard Dean @dad_on_my_feet If parenting has taught me anything, it's that you only give your toddler as much juice as you'd like to see on the floor 5:59 PM · Dec 28, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 179 Retweets 8 Quote Tweets 1.2K Likes

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (December 29, 2020)

The funny dads of Twitter
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funniest parenting tweets of the week - thumbnail | Text - Henpecked Hal @HenpeckedHal My 4 year old said he was carsick so I dumped the groceries from a plastic bag & passed it back to him with instructions to "throw up inside it." I heard him throw up & looked back to see that he'd put the bag on over his head like a helmet, so the puke fell right out the bottom. 3:37 PM Dec 17, 2020 - Twitter for iPhone 61 Retweets 6 Quote Tweets 880 Likes

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (December 22, 2020)

The funny dads of Twitter
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funniest dad tweets of the week | Thumbnail Text - Simon Holland @simoncholland I never understood how the little drummer boy's parents could just send him outside alone at night to play his drum until my daughter brought a recorder home from school. 1:49 AM Dec 9, 2020 Twitter for iPhone 228 Retweets 24 Quote Tweets 2.7K Likes

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (December 15, 2020)

The funny dads of Twitter
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funniest dad tweets of the week | Thumbnail Text - Richard Dean @dad_on_my_feet Our daughter asked me what "cremation" means so I told her and she responded that it "sounds delicious" so apparently I'm raising a sweet golden-haired Hannibal Lecter 4:46 PM Dec 1, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 62 Retweets 5 Quote Tweets 731 Likes

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (December 8, 2020)

The funny dads of Twitter
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funniest dad tweets of the week | Text - Dadman Walking @dadmann_walking hell hath no fury like a toddler who loses the chance to push a button of any kind. 11:36 PM · Nov 24, 2020 - Twitter Web App 193 Retweets 14 Quote Tweets 1.5K Likes >

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (December 1, 2020)

The funny dads of Twitter
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funniest dad tweets of the week | Thumbnail Text - WTFDAD @daddydoubts I just sneezed and my kid shouted from his bedroom "bless you dad!" which is adorable. You know what else is adorable? GOING THE FUCK TO SLEEP 4:03 AM Nov 19, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 147 Retweets 17 Quote Tweets 1.7K Likes >

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (November 24, 2020)

The funny dads of Twitter
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funniest dad tweets of the week | thumbnail Text - Richard Dean @dad_on_my_feet 50% of parenting a toddler is deciding if the object they're about to break is worth getting up off the couch 7:41 PM Oct 27, 2020 · Twitter Web App 163 Retweets 15 Quote Tweets 969 Likes >

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (November 3, 2020)

The funny dads of Twitter
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funniest dad tweets of the week | Text - Dad on my Feet @dad_on_my_feet 000 My kid left a car light on overnight so this morning my battery was dead, which reminded me the importance of life-lessons like jump- starting an engine, keeping an emergency kit handy, and above all else, proper use of birth control

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week

The funny dads of Twitter
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funniest dad tweets of the week - Text - bacon popsiclestein @Gupton68 If I learned just one thing as a parent, it's that by the 3rd kid they can be juggling samurai swords and hand grenades and you won't care as long as they're doing it quietly

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (October 20, 2020)

The funny dads of Twitter
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funniest dad tweets of the week | Text - Rodney Lacroix @RodLacroix What I say: Be ready, we are leaving in five minutes. What the child hears: Get undressed. Start finger painting. Lose at least one shoe.

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week (October 13, 2020)

The funny dads of Twitter
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funniest dad tweets of the week - Text - Simon Holland @simoncholland Why would I pay for a haunted house when I can wake up to my kid silently standing by my bed at 5 AM.

Funniest Dad Tweets Of The Week

The funny dads of Twitter
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funny dad jokes to make your eyes roll | thumbnail Text - Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes Ladies, if he can't appreciate your fruit jokes, you need... .. to let that mango.

A New Batch Of Eye-Rolling Punny Dad Jokes

Dads, eh?
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funny tweets from father of four daughters - cover photo conversation between father and four year old | James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn @XplodingUnicorn did just catch doing? 6-year-old: Jumping on bed Why is bad? 6: Because were looking. 9:03 PM Jun 18, 2020 Twitter Android

Father Of Four Daughters Tweets Their Funny Conversations

Kids these days, eh?
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perfect dad joke template hilarious memes pictures funny | Congrats flat earth movie just nominated an award Golden Globes. Which one? | Whoever invented knock knock joke should get an award don't know no bell prize? like Okay, fine actually pretty good.

Someone Created The 'Perfect Dad-Joke' Template

And the results are hilarious
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dad jokes instagram funny memes hilarious | Dad Jokes @Dadsaysjokes My girlfriend wants choose between her and my career as reporter. I have some breaking news her.

Cringy Dad Jokes For The Corny Joke Lovers

Groan-inducing humor
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Dad Jokes Instagram Account Is Back With More Eye-Rolling Crackers

So bad, but so good
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