
Iconic Valentine's Day Tweets We Can Finally Laugh At| thumbnail text - Jawbreaker @sixfootcandy HUSBAND: I got the dog heart shaped cookies for Valentine's Day. ME: *through a mouthful of cookies* The dog? 9:16 PM · Feb 14, 2019 ♡ 1.3K

Funniest Valentine's Day Tweets We Can Finally Laugh At

Anal BF Puts A Tracking Device In His Valentine's Gift For His GF| thumbnail text - Posted by u/tellornottell3 3 hours ago 2 4 23 S 4 AITA for wanting to tell my brother's fiancée about the tracking app he secretly installed in the new phone he bought for her?

Controlling BF Puts A Tracking Device In His GF's Valentine's Day Gift

Men Reveal The Number One Reason For Arguments Between Them And Their SO| thumbnail text - Somesh98 · 5h She says she is not hungry and then proceeds to devour my burger. But it's all good.

Men Reveal The Number One Reason For Arguments Between Them And Their SO

Best Marriage Tweets From This Week (Feb 11, 2022) | thumbnail text - Dan Regan @Social_Mime My dog sets an impossible bar for how I should greet my wife when she comes home. 2:32 PM · Feb 6, 2022 · Twitter for Android

Best Marriage Tweets From This Week (Feb 11, 2022)

Delusional Husband Yells At Postpartum Wife For 'Not Pulling Her Weight' On Chores| Thumbnail Text - Joint - AITA for telling my wife one month postpartum she needs to pull her weight? So my wife (28) and me (31 M) welcomed our first kiddo into the world a month ago! I make enough to provide so she quit her job during her pregnancy to stay at home. I only got a couple of weeks off after she gave birth so I do understand

Delusional Husband Yells At Postpartum Wife For 'Not Pulling Her Weight' On Chores

divorce lawyers share evil ways spouses tried screwing over the other | thumbnail Text - The divorce lawyer my mother in law had to fight had a case so vicious that they wanted everything split right down the middle, up to the block of cheese in the fridge. And she won that case. I can only imagine how long it took to split everything in the house.

Divorce Lawyers Expose Evil Ways Spouses Tried Screwing Over Their Ex

Story of Woman who got Engaged To Random Man Who Told Her To Find A BF On Twitter - cover pic | twitter conversation bad Katie @KatieKatCubs Asked married guys at work where meet single guys. Here's they came up with 1. Strip club 2. Any bar, anywhere at 1:30am

Woman Engaged To Random Man Who Told Her To Find A BF On Twitter

Misogynistic Man Labels GF His 'Trophy Wife'  And Allows Friends To Make Sexist/Racist Jokes About Her| Thumbnail Text - Face - AITA for calling my academic girlfriend a trophy wife as a joke? My gf of 5 years, Clara (25F), and I (26M) both attend the same university. I'm finishing up my STEM BSc and she's in the 3rd year of studying for a doctorate

Misogynistic Man Labels GF His 'Trophy Wife' And Allows Friends To Make Sexist/Racist Jokes About Her

Delusional Boyfriend Feels 'Emasculated" Because GF Wouldn't Let Him Fight A Mugger| Thumbnail Text - Gesture - AITB for not letting my boyfriend be the hero while we were getting mugged at knife point? My BF is a big hero fanatic and does everything in his power to be like one. It's really endearing and it's one of the many things I love about him. But this mindset he has is why we are fighting right now.

Delusional Boyfriend Feels 'Emasculated' Because GF Wouldn't Let Him Fight A Mugger

10 Interesting Facts About The Adult Film Industry| thumbnail text - 9. Countries with the easiest access to hard-core have the lowest sex-crime porn rates in the world.

10 Interesting Facts About The Adult Film Industry

Controlling Husband Throws Away Wife's Diet Food And Demands She Cancel Gym Membership| Thumbnail Text - Plant - AITA for yelling at my husband for throwing out all of my diet food? 1(29F) struggled with weight my entire life, I weighed over 200 when I graduated high school and it went up during college

Controlling Husband Throws Away Wife's Diet Food And Demands She Cancel Gym Membership

Most Unexpected Couple of 2021: Channing Tatum And Zoë Kravitz| Thumbnail Text - Glasses - COE OR ZHANNING?

Most Unexpected Couple of 2021: Channing Tatum And Zoë Kravitz

Movie Couples That Just Needed Some Therapy To Survive| Thumbnail Text - Person

Movie Couples That Just Needed Some Therapy To Survive

people reveal the most awkward things someone said to them just after having sex | thumbnail text - collegit 1 day ago I hooked up with this girl in undergrad. Immediately after we finished, she rolled off top, put her head on my chest, and said "I'd give you an 8/10. What would you rate me?"

People Reveal The Most Awkward Thing Someone Said To Them Right After Having Sex

Overbearing Mom Demands Her Son Spend NYE With The Family Instead of His New Boyfriend| Thumbnail Text - Sleeve - AITA for wanting to go out New Years Eve? So I have this dilemma and I need to know if I'm in anyway the as hole so I can change my plans accordingly. So a couple of weeks ago the guy I've been seeing (22M) and I (21M) went to the Christmas

Overbearing Mom Demands Her Son Spend NYE With The Family Instead of His New Boyfriend

TV Actors Who Ended Up Marrying Their Co-Stars| Thumbnail Text - Hair

TV Actors Who Ended Up Marrying Their Co-Stars