
People Reveal The Pettiest Reasons They've Been Ghosted By A Friend| thumbnail text - studmuffin99999 · 7h I said, "I dont like tiktok and the app doesnt make any sense". And then I was blocked 11 Reply Share

People Reveal The Pettiest Reasons They've Been Ghosted By A Friend

texts to ex tweets | thumbnail text -  America's Next Top, PhD ... @Megan_bragerMy ex texted me tonight. I think this whole JLo situation is airborne 5:05 AM · Jul 27, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone

A Toxic Batch Of Tweets About Texting The Notorious Ex

People Reveal The Breakups That Left Them Totally Baffled | thumbnail text - hi-i-am-new-here · 4d Someone broke up with me in the middle of a lake on a paddle board. "I don't think it's working right now". Why would you wait until you're in the middle of the lake on a two person paddle board.

People Reveal The Brutal Breakups That Left Them Totally Baffled

Cringey nicknames | thumbnail text - Human body - Astrospidertangerine · 9h My ex called me bear... I loved it at the time obviously now I cringe and gag knowing he has my name and a bear tattooed on him (maybe he removed it I hope he did lol)

Cringiest Nicknames People Called Their Exes

People Show The Things They Can't Get Rid Of From Their Exes On TikTok| Thumbnail text - M9 199 This mug that says He was a romantic. "Farm Sweet Farm" on it.

People Show The Things They Can't Get Rid Of From Their Exes On TikTok

People Admit The Mistakes They Are Guilty Of Making In Past Relationships| thumbnail text - rok37m4n • 1d Faking my orgasm just to make him feel good. Now he thinks his the best and won't try anything new. G Reply 4 750 ...

People Admit The Mistakes They Are Guilty Of Making In Past Relationships

Almost Embarrassingly Petty Reasons People Refused To Date Someone| thumbnail text - - DanHero91 · 2h Was at her place and said we'd order pizza. She literally went to the kitchen and came back saying she put the order in. Didn't ask what toppings I wanted, any sides, nothing. G Reply 4 140

Almost Embarrassingly Petty Reasons People Refused To Date Someone

What To Get After Being Dumped Over Text By A Grade A Dweeb| thumbnail text - luna Personal Massager Roll over image to zoom in, Woman shocked on phone

What To Order After Being Dumped Over Text By A Grade A Dweeb

Spooky Memes For Anyone Who Gets Consistently Ghosted Like It's Their Job| thumbnail text - seda @sedrizzle after responding immediately to a man who had been ghosting me.

Spooky Memes For Anyone Who Gets Consistently Ghosted Like It's Their Job

Redditors Describe The Dumbest Reason They've Ever Been Dumped| thumbnail text - breatheinthesilence 2 years ago I liked to be the big spoon and he told me I was questioning his manhood. 6.0k Give Award Share Report Save

Redditors Describe The Dumbest Reason They've Ever Been Dumped

Redditors Reveal The Dumbest Reason They Dumped Someone| - xtombstone 3 years ago I had a really bad day at school & she refused to play 8- ball with me & I was fed up with it. 2 Share ...

Redditors Reveal The Dumbest Reason They Dumped Someone

people reveal reasons why they had to dump someone because of their crazy family | thumbnail text - "Ex’s mom heavily recruited me to join her cult where you bow down — literally prostrate like head to the floor kind of thing — to a “guru” and donate $$ money monthly to fund this guru’s lavish lifestyle. Even my ex knew she was nuts but wasn’t willing to stand up to her."

People Reveal Why They Dumped Someone Because Of Their Crazy Family

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail Text -  Dear Graham, Thanks for promising a night of wild passion, then delivering 2 mediocre minutes and running to the bathroom to puke afterwards because you were so hungover. I could have stayed home and watched tv. Ugh, Barb TO THE GUYS I'VE Kinda DATED

Funny, Brutal Breakup Letters Women Wrote To Their 'Disappointing Exes' (January 28, 2021)

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail - Text - Dear Mark, When you offered to look after my puppy so I could attend an important lunch, I thought you might be the one. When I came home early to find you passed out drunk and the puppy covered your vomit, was less convinced. in TO THE Ann GUYS I'VE Kada DATED, Oh Sweet Kyle, I never cringed more than the night you told me that I didn't have to pee after sex because I was on birth control. WHAT?! TO THE GU

Funny, Brutal Breakup Letters Women Wrote To Their 'Disappointing Exes' (January 21, 2021)

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters Text - Dear John, So you can put your tongue in 3 different parts of my body, but you can't share a straw with me? Ok, that makes sense. Samantha TO THE GUYS I'VE Kinda DATED, Hi Wez, Everytime you tried to kiss me in the back of the movie theater, I turned my head and you started making out with my ear. I had to be on antibiotics for an ear infection the whole month after that. TO THE Take a hi

Funny, Brutal Breakup Letters Women Wrote To Their 'Disappointing Exes' (January 14, 2021)

funny letters of disappointment from women to the guys they've dated | thumbnail includes two letters - Text - Dear Jay, Thank you for being my first one night stand in a new town. Wish I knew you worked in my new office before we slept together though. From, The new girl TO THE GUYS I'VE Kinda DATED Cory, Though we slept together for over a year, we never made it official. I couldn't predict where this was going but between the constant FaceTime calls you made all July and the jealousy you expr

Funny, Brutal Breakup Letters Women Wrote To Their 'Disappointing Exes' (January 7, 2021)